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The Throne Room of Mountain Gods.




Baltoro Kangri in the background:



Baltoro glacier taken by Vittorio Sella:



Broad peak taken from Baltoro by Vittorio Sella:


Birds eye view of Concordia and the adjacent areas:


The Gasherbrum-Broad Peak group seen from high on K2 to the north. (A) Gasherbrum I (B) Gasherbrum II (C) Gasherbrum III (D) Gasherbrum IV (E) Broad Peak Central (F) Broad Peak Central Foresummit (G) Broad Peak Main. The normal route on Broad Peak and the one attempted to ca. 250m from the summit this winter by Qudrat Ali, Shaheen Beg and Simone Moro, climbs the long snow slopes to the right, heading up to the gap between the Central and Main summits. [Photo] K2 Shared Summits Expedition:

Broad peak taken from Baltoro by Vittorio Sella:


Birds eye view of Concordia and the adjacent areas:


The Gasherbrum-Broad Peak group seen from high on K2 to the north. (A) Gasherbrum I (B) Gasherbrum II (C) Gasherbrum III (D) Gasherbrum IV (E) Broad Peak Central (F) Broad Peak Central Foresummit (G) Broad Peak Main. The normal route on Broad Peak and the one attempted to ca. 250m from the summit this winter by Qudrat Ali, Shaheen Beg and Simone Moro, climbs the long snow slopes to the right, heading up to the gap between the Central and Main summits. [Photo] K2 Shared Summits Expedition:


Taken from high up on K2. Chogolisa can be seen on the left:


Taken from high up on Gasherbrum IV north ridge:

(Masherbrum on the left in the background)

(Masherbrum on the right in the background)

Panoramic view from Concordia. Baltoro glacier in the foreground. Background: K2 on the left covered in clouds, Broad peak center and Gasherbrum IV on the right:

K2 above the clouds:


Taken from Gasherbrum II. K2 on the center right in the background and Broad Peak on the center left:


Taken from up the Masherbrum, Baltoro down below:


Taken from up the Gasherbrum II. Baltoro down below and Masherbrum on the left in the background:

amazing man
Amazing pics..:tup:

It is amazing to note that the highest mountain outside of the Greater Himalaya (which constitutes the Himalaya, the Karakorum and the Hindu Kush) is Mt. Aconcagua (which is only 6962 m high) in the Andes. In Pakistan alone there are more than 108 recorded peaks between 7000-8000 meters high (Leaving the five +8000 meter peaks alone). There are others which are yet to be named and measured. And then theres Concordia where no matter where you look you will see a +7000 meter peak in front of you. On top of that there are four eight thousanders looking right down on you as you stand on the largest glacier outside of the poles. This place is extreme in every way, a place of superlatives. It changes you in more ways than you can explain, at least it changed me.
darkinsky bro only add pics from Concordia please. Rakaposhi is in Hunza quite a long way west of Concordia. Also the third pic is of Hushe valley from Gondogoro-la with Laila peak in the background. Hushe is south east of Concordia. But keep adding I need help! :)
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