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The threat to Pakistan's nuclear stability

I wouldn't be so sure people,

current american presidential candidates seem quite willing to 'secure' pakistan's nukes if the need arises. to the guys who claim pakistan will defend its nukes till the last breath and what not, explain pakistans role in the war against terror. a war for which your citizens are paying dearly, like the suicide bomber that killed like 20 policemen this morning.

Please dont go off topic. Read before you post.

i wasn't completely off topic, a little maybe, but all these aspects are interconnected don't you think? if the current situation (i.e like the attack this morning) continues for say a couple years, or maybe even a year a lot of people are going to get disillusioned if you know what I mean, (sympathize with the militants, blame the govt. for yada yada) in this situation no one really needs to attack a nuclear installation because the west, specifically U.S and the ever paranoid Israel are not going to wait for something to go wrong and then act, they'll simply pre-empt it. if the current situation gets worse, isnt it plausible to think that a couple scientists might want to follow A.Q Khan?
i wasn't completely off topic, a little maybe, but all these aspects are interconnected don't you think? if the current situation (i.e like the attack this morning) continues for say a couple years, or maybe even a year a lot of people are going to get disillusioned if you know what I mean, (sympathize with the militants, blame the govt. for yada yada) in this situation no one really needs to attack a nuclear installation because the west, specifically U.S and the ever paranoid Israel are not going to wait for something to go wrong and then act, they'll simply pre-empt it. if the current situation gets worse, isnt it plausible to think that a couple scientists might want to follow A.Q Khan?

Its fullish to think that U.S will take pre-emptive measures. There is a strong collaboration between the U.S. and Pakistani government, what the candidates are saying, are saying without thinking and no understanding of foreign policy. You from being India should have understanding of such issue, but it seems like you tend to purposely ignore it, and follow the western hogwosh.

ps. there's some dude on here with a nazi awatar....how is that allowed?

For your information the person was banned couple of hours ago, and he was an Indian.

These are serious threats we need to take some serious steps.

We need to increase the range of our missiles. We should be capable enough to attack any Country in the world (although it should not be the intention but just for our safety so that peace can be developed like we have peace with India).

Also we are neglecting the importance of Air Craft careers for navy we should have at least 2-3.
These are serious threats we need to take some serious steps.

We need to increase the range of our missiles. We should be capable enough to attack any Country in the world (although it should not be the intention but just for our safety so that peace can be developed like we have peace with India).

Also we are neglecting the importance of Air Craft careers for navy we should have at least 2-3.

Well said.
Under no circumstances would anyone be allowed to take away our weapons. We will defend the honor and integrity of Pakistan till the very last drop of our blood.

Man you are an educated person why do you talk like that, No one is taking over our wepons. Our wepons are not in Islamabad or Pindi. This is all a media game played by the West to show that Pakistan is out of control and the terrorist will take over the arsenel.
yes we do have problems in Sawat and GOP is working on it 5 days ago Army did a fantastic job In some cites like ( Issue and metlitan), Things like these take time we cant just level the whole citi everything has to be done systematicly and we are doing it. On the other side of the globe they are worried about are arsenal than read this.

6 nuclear warheads fly over U.S. - Military - MSNBC.com
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