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The Thorn in the Garden | Terrorism in Indo-Pak relations.

Seeing the enitre past crisis,I will suggest Pakistan to work on her foreign policy seeing past Indian nature and attitude.
Pakistan's current regime has not worked on proper foreign policy to keep Indian civil regime on pressure for peace talks or for the sake of stablity,since Pakistan and India can never compromise on Kashmir issue or Siachin issue due to it's economical and geo-political importance therefore I will suggest that Pakistan must strenghthen her relationships with other neighbouring countries,especially Iran and gulf countries and decrease her border tensions with Afghanistan and must resolve TTP issue so that we can again pressurize Indians by re-deploying our major troops on Pak-Ind border,as Indian civil regime has policy in case of Pakistan to keep her in pressure.
Last but not least Pakistan must take strong notice on 'Operation deep strike' which is accepted by Indians themselves,we don't even need to give prove for this,infact Pakistan can eaisly use this reason to build pressure on international level and can make it a powerful reason to back-off from WOT.

Which just means that you have no "solutions" for Kashmir apart from the Heads I win...tails you lose ...proposal of appropriating the entire state and leaving nothing for India apart from the warm glow of having done the "right moral thing":pissed:

That of course, from India's standpoint, is far deader than the dinosaurs. You might as well make a grab for Tamil Nadu...the two are one and the same.

I often wonder why is it that pakistan keeps on making these futile thrusts for a dialogue when it has nothing to offer. Of course, its all for media and public consumption for projecting that the Kashmir issue is alive and kicking.

India of course has nothing to gain from this monologue. Time is on our side. We just need to sit cozy until the entire consequences of Pakistan's Kashmir obsession have had enough time for their full play.
I don't see any real hope of progress or change, lets be realistic, on the average you have a population of low average intelligence indoctrinated by a fanatical religion, taught from birth the idea of jihad against non muslims and other muslims with whom they disagree is normal. Then you add to that 1500 years of inbreeding that has caused a tremendous number of physical and psychological disorders.

@jaibi Commander , did I previously ask you to have the thread moved to the senior's cafe to restrict the access of " irrationals " and " little kids " ? Well , I am doing that now .
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Let me confess that my emotionally provocative response to your post was planned and deliberate. I strongly suspected that your ship was sailing under false colors. And while the flags proclaimed reason and understanding, the cargo was as always - a visceral animus towards India and inflexibility of positions coupled with a dangerous mix of delusive self justifications. I am only a bit surprised that it took so little provocation to expose the standard Pakistani thought process concealed under a thin layer of faux reasonableness and willingness to explore deeper issues.

Of course, as always, the message is standard Pak obstinacy - Give us the whole of Kashmir. Give us all we want, and we wont yield anything in return. This has been your projection in war, and the same is being advanced, couched in a language of prudence and restraint, in so called peace overtures.

It is, as India always suspected, war by other means for the goals remain as unreasonable and unyielding. A zero sum game with a handsome harvest for Pakistan, and unmitigated loss for India.

It amazes me that Pakistan can be so deluded as to imagine that goals which could not be achieved through war can now be demanded by appealing to the good sense of the opponent. How can you be so blind that you fail to appreciate that legal dispute redressal processes (The UN resolution on Kashmir) is null and void after Pakistan has employed force to achieve its objectives. The entire world, except Pakistan, recognizes that after repeated hostilities, The UN process is now meaningless - which is why the issue must be resolved bilaterally.

This of course will happen, as other posters have pointed out, only if there is give and take. Asking for unilateral concessions, while being far weaker than the other party, is a daydream only Pak is capable of conjuring.

Hilarious and childish actually , you want us to believe it , somehow ? :rofl: Irrational and emotional reply once again , one would say . You can provide " justification " for this one too in your next post and expect us to believe it , though . :lol: Actually , this is no new claim by members aimed at " self glorification " and " soothing egos " , I am seeing here . Do things , make mistakes and then attempt to rationalize the truth - its human psyche . Becomes dangerous when the others think themselves as the master of the game and underestimate the others . Admit it or not , but you were intimidated and angered by the mere content of a well balanced and fine article written by a member from a hostile country in the first place , even if afterwards you could explain it by some theory that made you " look good " didn't change the truth about your actual initial emotional response . :D Maybe , you are too obsessed with the idea of " powerful India whom all should respect and bow down to " and the anger at " Pakistan not seeing and understanding it such " and the ridiculous idea of " Only Islamabad has something to gain by talks " . Is it the usual superiority complex displayed by your lot ? . No takers on the other side of the border for that , sorry . As for the " complicating things " in the post , doesn't work here again . There is no thin layer concealing the " deeper issues " anywhere in this article , it is as clear as it can be . Pakistan is always ready to negotiate with the other side , what exact flexibility does the other side show by declaring the disputed territory as " uncompromisingly its own " and " inseparable part of the country " ? Ever seen Islamabad do the same ? Of course , there will be give and take involved , that is how it works , what misconceptions do the Indians have to think that we demand all of Kashmir without making compromises ?
I think @Aeronaut can do that or can I too? I'm not sure.

Sec, come on gtalk as well, I need to talk to you.

@jaibi Commander , did I previously ask you to have the thread moved to the senior's cafe to restrict the access of " irrationals " and " little kids " ? Well , I am doing that now .
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Well written and quite fascinating, even if some grammatical errors did annoy me a bit.

Besides that, how would you go about bringing both to the table to talk? Personally I would convince both to put Kashmir in the back and deal with it last, it would give both more breathing room with hopefully less tension.

Also, I'd like to bring up another issue. If I'm India, why do I want to see a stable Pakistan? If anything, I'm perfect happy that Pakistan is distracted with internal militancy and the Afghan issue. This allows me enough room to deal with a rising and increasingly hegemonic China. Sure Kashmir is an issue, but it's just a thorn in my side, I've held it for a long time now and I can continue to hold it and there is nothing anyone, let alone Pakistan, who can do anything about it. Even if I lose a few soldiers now and again, I can live with in. Meanwhile, I can foment civil unrest in Balochistan and split Pakistan like I helped do in 1971, only this time, I'd cripple it permanently. In the end, I'm thriving as a major world player and growing economically by leaps and bounds; meanwhile, Pakistan is stuck and can't annoy with anything more than Kashmir.

How would you go about solving this mindset?
@jaibi well I must say very well intellectually written article at the poise virtue of enlighten.
This article will only prevail when the other side is not biased, Their mentality is this In all reality the "Pakistani's" are nothing but poor Dalit Indian's who practice the Muslim faith, this is what most Indian think of us, not only that in Washington I was in a meeting with foreign delegates of Asian countries, I met this mother figure lady who was a wife of Indian major Arvind Mathur, and we were engaged in a long conversation, dude trust me when she asked me these question about Pakistan

1. In Pakistan are women allowed to drive and do they have to were veil
2. Why in Pakistan there are not many temples even when your ancestors were Hindus
3. Why are you guys are so poor and uneducated & why do you have militancy in your culture.
Just listening to her just made me realize what misconception they have about us and what they think about themselves, in front of me she was so blunt and sturdy and while in front of a white delegation she was speechless
I am not going to get into details but this is the mentality of most Indian and Most Indian they still believe Pakistan is part of Bharat.
What do you say?
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