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The Thorium Dream.

we dont do it either.i was saying we made a prototype reactor which converts thorium to u-233 to produce power "comercially viable".candu reactors are not same as a fast breeder reactor for thorium.
We have a few thousand ton of u 233 at Oakridge, our government is about to spend $300 to $400 million to get rid of it.. btw u233 can be use as a catalyst agent inside a MSTR or LFTR and I have no clue why our government is about to spend 1/2 a billion to throw away about a billions dollars worth of very rare stuff.
Blah blah blah blah blah.....

and more blah blah blah blah

I love our uranium plants for right now.

When you have the Technology ready for Thorium wake me up.

By then Solar and Wind will be producing thousands of Megawatts of Energy at the fraction of the cost of Thorium.
thorium energy is quite an effective source of power as proven by Dr.Alvin m.weinberg's Molten salt reactor experiment, thorium based energy research should be given priorities along with wind & solar energy research
To be really honest solar energy on a large scale is simply not feasible.

Do you know how many thousands of acres are required to set up large scale solar parks? We have one already in Gujarat, one in Tamil Nadu, now another one is coming up in Rajasthan. The land required is absolutely massive in size

It is a huge wastage of land, but as of now its necessary because its green energy.

As soon as technology advances enough to allow commercial ops of Thorium reactors, almost all the solar parks around the world will convert to that, not just because unlike Uranium, Thorium is cheap and very plentiful. It is a far more efficient way to produce power on a large scale that would take up an exponentially lesser amount of a valuable resource - land and would be cheap as well. Unlike Uranium, there is no threat of making bombs from used Thorium either.

India is one of the leading researchers in Thorium energy. One of the reasons is that we have more than 20% of the worlds known thorium reserves. The entire sand along Kerala beach is actually Thorium.
To be really honest solar energy on a large scale is simply not feasible.

Do you know how many thousands of acres are required to set up large scale solar parks? We have one already in Gujarat, one in Tamil Nadu, now another one is coming up in Rajasthan. The land required is absolutely massive in size
What if rooftops are used on every house in a big city.I know rooftops are used for other things too but some space can be allotted to solar panels :D
What if rooftops are used on every house in a big city.I know rooftops are used for other things too but some space can be allotted to solar panels :D
That is the ideal solution. Every structure built for other purposes should have solar panels on their top. But massive solar parks - currently required - are a massive waste of land as well.
For India it is important to pursue Thorium route.

The Uranium supply sufferers pulls and pushes of international politics
We have a few thousand ton of u 233 at Oakridge, our government is about to spend $300 to $400 million to get rid of it.. btw u233 can be use as a catalyst agent inside a MSTR or LFTR and I have no clue why our government is about to spend 1/2 a billion to throw away about a billions dollars worth of very rare stuff.
u mean U-238??what do u mean by getting rid of it??
Saurav Jha's Blog : The Thorium Question - An interview with India's nuclear czar
Of late there is renewed interest in thorium based nuclear power in other countries as well. China for instance is beginning to prioritize this as a research area, especially the investigation into molten salt reactor (MSR) technology for thorium utilization. Is there any danger of India's lead in the thorium domain eroding?

To the best of my knowledge nobody in the world has, till date, closed the thorium fuel cycle on an industrial scale. I think, our activities in the area of thorium research are more advanced towards that end than anybody else's. Our leadership in the area of scientific publications covering thorium based research establishes that.

India is also investigating Molten Salt Reactor (MSR) technology. We have molten salt loops operational at BARC.
May be China ahead of us but We haven't abandoned MSR tech.
Wish India good luck with MSR research. Its a civilian project, i hope we could work together on this.
Thanks for support. There is always a room for joint work for civilian tech especially related to energy.
u mean U-238??what do u mean by getting rid of it??
it is u 233 we got 10 tons of it and the DOE(department of energy) is going to spend $1 billion to get rid of it.
I miss quote its not a few thousand ton* its about 10 tons off u 233

start at the 6:00 minute marks where he talks about the DOE planning to get rid of u 233 at Oakridge.

The thing that make MSTR or LFTR so good is its built in safety feature and its efficiency. Solid fuel reactor use .5 to .7% of the fuel, that less than 1%, the rest is waste that need to be reprocess or store away for thousand of year. With its inefficiency solid fuel reactor is not sustainable. Thorium use in a MSTR or LFTR are very efficient, its estimated that the process is 95% efficient and
can go higher . With the combination of efficiency and the abundance of thorium MSTR or LFTR are sustainable source of power to fuel the entire planet for thousand of years if not million.

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I was just wondering what was Pakistan doing on this extremely important subject of Thorium Fuel based Molet Salt Reactors!

I found something PML-n had on their US website about it and nothing more.


Shame really when energy needs are getting unproportionally out of hand and there is no real precedent to work on it.
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