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The strange decision of Supreme Court of Pakistan in favor of Justice Faiz Isa


May 21, 2006
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In a detailed judgment, govt can not investigate the wealth of Judges and a judge is not accountable for the wealth of wives and children.

So no worries do whatever you do. Supreme Court provides protection to all crooks and criminals.
Good luck....one of the worst day in Pakistani history.

Detail decision in Urdu.

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Criminals support each other, when confronted by some external force. It is natural. As simple as that. :lol:
Pakistani judiciary is a danger to Pakistan, pure and simple. The institution is rotten to the core and corrupted. A few bright spots here and there, but institutionally it is “walking dead”.
There is a need for an emergency in country or even a martial law to halt everything and get this straightened out.
Damn common sense trumped by blissful ignorance!

We were building up to this day from when Musharraf lost the battle of the "Laang maarchs".
We were building up to this day from when Musharraf lost the battle of the "Laang maarchs".

Why didnt musharraf saab reform the system when he had the chance? He brought his own poodle justice dogar instead of fixing things permanently after imposing emergency. Same thing he did when he took over and promulgated LFO.

Politicians are genetically corrupt, dictators dont want reforms good luck Pakistan.
Judiciary is the single biggest source of corruption and anarchy in Pakistan.

It is high time it should be disbanded completely and restarted from scratch.
In a detailed decision, govt can not investigate the wealth of Judges and a judge is not accountable for the wealth of wives and children.

So no worries do whatever you do. Supreme Court provides protection to all crooks and criminals.
Good luck....one of the worst day in Pakistani history.

Detail decision in Urdu.

So judges are bigger then the state of the Pakistan. Government needs to change the law in an emergency setting of the parliament and instead of filing for the appeal. Current government must not be trying to gloat with this judgement and trying to show to the people where the problem lies. Problem is with the government for not introducing the correct laws and closing the loop holes so corrupts don't have a back door open to walk out. We had enough of IK lectures and passing emergency laws in the parliament can only take matter of days to shut the judges once for all.
یہ فائیز عیسی کا مسئلہ نہیں تھا اس نے تو پہلے ہی کہہ دیا تھا آج میری بیوی ہے کل آپکی ہو گی یہاں ۔ سب سمجھ گئے اس بات کو



Is this accurate description or, partisan commentary?
What is so surprising about a turkey not voting for Christmas?
Is this accurate description or, partisan commentary?
Superior judges openly vandalize the constitution of Pakistan. Nawaz family get a court date at an hour notice, but poor Pakistani has to wait till................................. Judiciary is extremely corrupt and now turns into the mafia who come forward to protect their comrades.

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