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The story you're not told in Kashmir

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Jun 4, 2010
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United Kingdom
How a newborn crossed the bridge amid stone pelting?

Baramulla: A mother and her child were discharged fromDistrict Hospital Baramulla. The family had to cross over the bridge to their home. However, they could not cross due to heavy stone pelting on the bridge. The pelters did not heed to the pleas of the parents as well as the police.The continuous pelting posed a security threat to the child. The police formed a protective shield ring around the newborn baby and his parents and provided them safe passage on their way home.

It is pertinent to mention that in a similar incident in the past in 2010, an 11 months old infant died when they were attacked by the stone pelting miscreants in Baramulla. The parents of the newborn hailed the efforts of the police


How a newborn crossed the bridge amid stone pelting? - Scoop News Jammu Kashmir
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Ah, the "heaven on Earth" where they indulged in violent protests when someone burnt a book thousands of miles away in the US, but were happy to watch on (and even participate) when their Hindu neighbours were being murdered or driven away from their homes under threat of violence. My view on Kashmir differs from most Indians - I don't see a reason why we let them be a part of India. They are the sort of people who "belong" to Pakistan, the same mindset. of course, this excludes the Jammu valley and Ladakh, where substantial muslims stay on without any harm, next door to the valley where hundreds of Hindus were made refugees in "Hindu" India.
Ah, the "heaven on Earth" where they indulged in violent protests when someone burnt a book thousands of miles away in the US, but were happy to watch on (and even participate) when their Hindu neighbours were being murdered or driven away from their homes under threat of violence. My view on Kashmir differs from most Indians - I don't see a reason why we let them be a part of India. They are the sort of people who "belong" to Pakistan, the same mindset. of course, this excludes the Jammu valley and Ladakh, where substantial muslims stay on without any harm, next door to the valley where hundreds of Hindus were made refugees in "Hindu" India.

And yet we cannot let go of our nation's territorial integrity. We have faced stones, bullets and everything else thrown our way..we must face it again lest we besmirch our nation's honor.
THIS THREAD is going to go down the drain soon. Ah but we are evil @Abingdonboy, we are baniyas bred on greed and blood of the Muslim and the innocent. It shall be pertinent to ask though that why we have not massacred all the Kashmiris so far...must be that we have some even more sinister plan for them, being ravaging murderers and all.

Killed by an indian made bullet:




Voice of Kashmiris:


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wait till somebody post photoshop image saying indian dogs leave kashmir.

in images above i clearly see 2 dogs protecting new born child.

and you see no senior or elite member posting here, they are busy with rape threads.
Killed by an indian made bullet:




Voice of Kashmiris:



Voice of a few dissenters, NOT of the 10 million+ residents of Kashmir. Out of the 5000 or so casualties faced by the Indian armed forces- 1500 come from Kashmiri jawans and soldiers and officers.

Yes there is vicious collateral damage considering that it has been turned into a warzone. One wonders that is the Kashmiris truly do hate us and the Hurriyat has the full protection of the GOI then why don't they just vote in the Hurriyat? Show me one insurgency that has been fought without collateral damage- damage which globally runs into millions as a trend rather than the high thousands.

Anyway this the one topic that is kryptonite and neither of us can "win" Kashmir over for our respective nations over the internet- Ah Mushy used to say he had a solution- who knows perhaps it shall be Resurrected again.
Most realistic film I have seen on Kashmir. Must watch to learn how it feels to live under occupation. Ashamed to be an Indian.

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Most realistic film I have seen on Kashmir. Must watch to learn how it feels to live under occupation. Ashamed to be an Indian.

Would you like me to find out the procedure required for relinquishing your nationality? If there is a procedure as such. I would be happy to help a fellow Indian. :agree:
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seeing the way you are posting, i am also ashamed of being indian.

Hope you must be also ashamed of your true flag.
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