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The Slow Genocide of Palestinians Continues in Asira al-Qibliya

Möbius Curve

Dec 5, 2018
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December 13, 2018 8:17 AM

“This is the line,” Oussam Khalifa Ahmad illustrates as he takes us on a tour of his threatened land. “We are now passing into (Area) C.” Depending on where you look, some of the land has already been stolen. We can only observe for a limited amount of time. If we stay too long, we’re told that we will be attacked by the settlers, whose housing we can see not far above us.

For Palestinian landowners like Oussam, the Oslo Accords which solidified the cantonization of the West Bank, were a disaster. Tacit support or ambivalence for the Oslo peace process may be found in the urban regions, but not one villager looks kindly on the so-called agreement today. There is nothing surprising about his circumstance. His land is under threat by the Israeli courts, despite him having the proper documents. He also experiences frequent trespassing by nearby settlers who act with impunity. Oussam points up at his olive trees, burned from last Summer, to clarify exactly what that means.
View media item 17713A burnt olive tree on Oussam’s land

View media item 17714Oussam’s documents proving land ownership

This true story is one in thousands in the West Bank. We could talk about the road the villagers attempted to pave down to the main highway, construction now stalled by the Israeli government.

We could illustrate the intimidating settlements overlooking the entire village, only a half a kilometer up the hill. Or, the monthly attacks by armed settlers, the hateful graffiti, destruction of property, bodily injuries to the villagers; Israeli soldiers aiding in all of it, firing on those who would dare protect their neighbors from harm, or their property from damage.

We could talk about the direct theft of this village’s water, a common theme across the aqua-heavy West Bank. The spectacle of Israel’s control of the West Bank’s water is exhibited by allotted tanks, sitting on top of each Palestinian household, or business, throughout the occupied land. Let’s talk about the spring of water that was taken in the latest land-grab, candidly aided by the US government. We are taken to a water tank by Hakima, another villager and local landowner. The water tank is guarded by perimeters made of metal and stone, with a manned watchtower a few meters ahead.

Inside one can see the “USAID” sign. “This project is a gift from the American people to the Palestinian people…”

Last year the US government launched a “$10 million dollar project” to “improve access” to water for Palestinians. However, Hakima tells us that USAID projects such as these have a rather different effect when it comes to “improving access” to water. For example, Asira Al Qibliya received their USAID “gift” four years ago. “There was no (water tank) here four years ago,” she says, “then the USAID brought the water project here for us and built all this. Now the Israelis say they need ‘security area’ for the settlement.” She says that in addition to the US taking many more hectares of land- much of which were her own- to build this reservoir, it has enabled the settlements to expand even more. Hakima recalls that they were much better off when they used their own natural spring, which ran down to the village. Now, due to the spring’s redirection of water for settler use, the well has been dry for five years, which gave them no choice but to rely on the USAID water tower.

View media item 17715The village well is now empty

Palestinians may hear this question from many international journalists and activists from the outside- “what reason did they give for taking your land? Why did the settlers attack? Was it in response to..? Is there any legal reason they..?” Colonial governments tend to have pretexts for stealing land, or killing native populations, so the “why” turns into a triviality by default.

The name of this village is Asira Al Qibliya. The village is home to internationally infamous settler attacks. The names of the surrounding villages are Burin, Madama, Urif, Ana Bus, and Uara. They all have similar stories, and so do each of the 30,000 residents comprising of those villages.

This situation is nothing new, however one may wonder exactly how many more dunhams Israel can take before there is nothing left. Or, considering the well-documented discriminatory practices of water usage between Palestinians and settlers, how long before massive drought sweeps the Palestinian natives? How many more homes can be destroyed until most of the population is rendered homeless? If it’s hard to imagine a tipping point for the West Bank, one need only to look at Gaza, which the UN and NGOs alike say will be unlivable in about a year. One should not make any mistake, the occupation of the Palestinian territories is genocide.

Very sad. The Arabs are busy killing each other that everyone forgot the main issue of Palestine which is at the root of everything.

Zionists Occupied Palestine & Indian Occupied Kashmir, the story of two illegal, unjust & barbaric occupations!

"Last year the US government launched a “$10 million dollar project” to “improve access” to water for Palestinians. However, Hakima tells us that USAID projects such as these have a rather different effect when it comes to “improving access” to water. For example, Asira Al Qibliya received their USAID “gift” four years ago. “There was no (water tank) here four years ago,” she says, “then the USAID brought the water project here for us and built all this. Now the Israelis say they need ‘security area’ for the settlement.” She says that in addition to the US taking many more hectares of land- much of which were her own- to build this reservoir, it has enabled the settlements to expand even more. Hakima recalls that they were much better off when they used their own natural spring, which ran down to the village. Now, due to the spring’s redirection of water for settler use, the well has been dry for five years, which gave them no choice but to rely on the USAID water tower."

Can you see, how things are done By The Way of Deception? Or how USAID paved the way for more Jewish Settlements? @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan
Zionists Occupied Palestine & Indian Occupied Kashmir, the story of two illegal, unjust & barbaric occupations!

"Last year the US government launched a “$10 million dollar project” to “improve access” to water for Palestinians. However, Hakima tells us that USAID projects such as these have a rather different effect when it comes to “improving access” to water. For example, Asira Al Qibliya received their USAID “gift” four years ago. “There was no (water tank) here four years ago,” she says, “then the USAID brought the water project here for us and built all this. Now the Israelis say they need ‘security area’ for the settlement.” She says that in addition to the US taking many more hectares of land- much of which were her own- to build this reservoir, it has enabled the settlements to expand even more. Hakima recalls that they were much better off when they used their own natural spring, which ran down to the village. Now, due to the spring’s redirection of water for settler use, the well has been dry for five years, which gave them no choice but to rely on the USAID water tower."

Can you see, how things are done By The Way of Deception? Or how USAID paved the way for more Jewish Settlements? @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan

Thanks for the information. No, I didn't now that.

I hope you keep posting about the Palestine issue as its very close to the hearts of every Muslim and every freedom lover in the world.

Thanks for the information. No, I didn't now that.

I hope you keep posting about the Palestine issue as its very close to the hearts of every Muslim and every freedom lover in the world.


I do support the Palis but they screwed themselves hard when they sighed Oslo and cucked to the so called two state solution I think the Palis were stronger and more respected 30-40 years ago when they were uncucked but that bastard Arafat had to make the deal plus Hamas is full of s...it too just another man made spilt to weaken the Palis in their homeland and abroad
I do support the Palis but they screwed themselves hard when they sighed Oslo and cucked to the so called two state solution I think the Palis were stronger and more respected 30-40 years ago when they were uncucked but that bastard Arafat had to make the deal plus Hamas is full of s...it too just another man made spilt to weaken the Palis in their homeland and abroad

Palestinians were TRICKED into Oslo Accords, and as later revealed Arafat was poisoned by his IsraHELLI Jewish origin wife. Instead of halting Illegal settlements, Oslo accords triggered expansion of settlements. And yes, now MOSSAD is creating more and more factional split within them.
Palestinians were TRICKED into Oslo Accords, and as later revealed Arafat was poisoned by his IsraHELLI Jewish origin wife. Instead of halting Illegal settlements, Oslo accords triggered expansion of settlements. And yes, now MOSSAD is creating more and more factional split within them.

I don't believe they were tricked they were fatigued because lack of support and frankly the Palestinans were lazy asf and Arafat was spending all the goodwill money from the Islamic world on priviate jets,mansions and stocks in Coca Coala
Hamas is full of s...it too just another man made spilt to weaken the Palis in their homeland and abroad

This is because Hamas won elections in both Gaza and West Bank. Fatah refused to accept the result and instead cracked down on Hamas in West Bank.

Hamas maintained its military and defense of Gaza, while West Bank completely bowed to Israeli pressure like a puppet.

Gaza gained the respect and support of the Muslim world, while West Bank became a bunch of enclaves surrounded by increasing Israeli settlements.
This is because Hamas won elections in both Gaza and West Bank. Fatah refused to accept the result and instead cracked down on Hamas in West Bank.

Hamas maintained its military and defense of Gaza, while West Bank completely bowed to Israeli pressure like a puppet.

Gaza gained the respect and support of the Muslim world, while West Bank became a bunch of enclaves surrounded by increasing Israeli settlements.

Hamas is equally full of s,,it they are worse than the Fatah/PLO instead of uniting the broad left/right factions in the Palestine issue they caused more division than unity the Israelis got a huge present now that the Palis are divided and that Hamas which is courupt political party and org ran Gaza down the ground economically and politically sure the blockade causes the most strife but back stabbing Iran and Syria in the late 2000s who supported you was terrible move again the Palis have nothing but themselves to blame for horrid political moves

Gaza gained the respect and support of the Muslim world, while West Bank became a bunch of enclaves surrounded by increasing Israeli settlements.[/QUOTE]

Gaza did not gain "respect" from the Muslim world the Islamic world felt bad and pity on them how powerless they have become all cause Hamas leaders only cared for power and milking money from Aid agencies and its people and the Palis have become a joke 40 years ago the PLO had all the strength and levrage against the Israelis but bastard Arafat only cared for fame and fake "glory"

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