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The similarities between today's India and China at 80 year ago


Sep 14, 2013
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When I spent sometime in studying the history of China and the current situation of India, I found very interesting similarities between today's India and 80-years-ago China (Republic of China at that time).

1) Democracy regime which learned from western countries. However both are failed.
2) Both have the colony or half-colony history by the western countries, while both admire the western countries.
3) Both have the long-history ancient civilization and each new public was built after the falling of a huge empire.
4) Both do not have land reform. The most land are controlled by the landlord. Presents do not own land and have to pay large percents of their incomes as rent.
5) The power of the central government cannot reach local regions very efficiently.
6) Very poor infrastructure.
7) Very poor industry, especially heavy industry.
8) Weapons imported from other countries.
8) Maoist rebellion in some areas.
9) Elite high education without universal elementary education.
10) Popular hunger and malnutrition.
11) Poor sex equity due to the traditional culture.

Besides the similarity, Republic of China at that time had an advantage that it did not have the caste system. This gave the poor class the hope to change their lives. Many great Chinese at that times come from the bottom class.

If India want to become a world superpower, two things must be done: land reform and social revolution abolishing caste system.
80 years ago, in 1933, India was far ahead of China. India was gifted with British rule, who stitched together an artificial country, and as the foremost industrial power, provided India with its fledgling industry. On the other hand, China was ravaged by foreign aggression and was about to face a full scale Japanese invasion. It's funny how in 80 years, their fortunes have flipped so dramatically.
What bout 30 million less in its population? has India not managed that great accomplishment to kill 30 million of its own citizens, like the chinese- by ' Forcibly' starving them to death?

How about re education camps, does modern india have the age old labor camps to re educate the citizens like china yet?
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What bout 30 million less in its population? has India not managed that great accomplishment to kill 30 million of its own citizens, like the chinese- by ' Forcibly' starving them to death?

How about re education camps, does modern india have the age old labor camps to re educate the citizens like china yet?

India is in fact far worse. The Great Leap Forward was a famine that happened in 1959, which was half a century ago.

Compared to India, which still today starves 5.6 million children to death every year.


A Unicef report in May said the world was failing its children by not ensuring that they had enough to eat.

The report said India contributed to about 5.6 million child deaths per year, more than half the world's total.

According to Unicef, India now starves more people to death every year than the rest of the world combined.

Every 6 years in the modern era, India repeats another Great Leap Forward. Whereas our last Great Leap Forward was half a century ago.
You missed some huge differences.

1. China already has an unified and homogeneous culture and language for thousands of years.
2. China was secular for thousands of years already.
3. China moved beyond feudalism for thousands of years already.
4. Chinese people were used to be unified under a stronger central government. India, until recently, is a geographical term instead of a nation.

I can't comment on Maoists because I don't know enough about Indian Maoist to comment on them, but CCP in China was very good at developing the economy of their holdings even back in WWII. By the end of the civil war with KMT, CCP was capable of providing logistics for a five million men army, as well as building a rudimentary industry. Aside from possible ideological differences, the competency difference is simply staggering.

These are some civilization defining difference. To be honest, India and China only have similarities on the surface. If anything, China would find similar history with Russia and India's similar would be similar to the Northern African/middle east nations. (Yes, I know they are Islamic instead of Hindu, but the situation is more similar than say, India and China.)

India is in fact far worse. The Great Leap Forward was a famine that happened in 1959, which was half a century ago.

Compared to India, which still today starves 5.6 million children to death every year.


According to Unicef, India now starves more people to death every year than the rest of the world combined.

Every 6 years in the modern era, India repeats another Great Leap Forward. Whereas our last Great Leap Forward was half a century ago.

There are significant difference. The great leap forward, at the core, is an aggressive step in industrialization. Its failure is mostly because mismanagement COMBINED with natural disasters. In comparison, Indian economy is close to 80% service and the ratio is expanding. Also, while great leap forward is deemed an overall failure, it still established many industrial bases, including Daqing petro field, which played major role in Chinese economy development in the future.
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What bout 30 million less in its population? has India not managed that great accomplishment to kill 30 million of its own citizens, like the chinese- by ' Forcibly' starving them to death?

How about re education camps, does modern india have the age old labor camps to re educate the citizens like china yet?

China had no starvation 80 years ago. You need to study history first.
What bout 30 million less in its population? has India not managed that great accomplishment to kill 30 million of its own citizens, like the chinese- by ' Forcibly' starving them to death?

How about re education camps, does modern india have the age old labor camps to re educate the citizens like china yet?

China had no starvation 80 years ago. You need to study history first.
We did not have a visionary like Mao who had the capability to kill 20 million people without firing a bullet (Killing by bullet is in addition to those 20 million) by his great drive like 4 pest campaign to reduce poverty by killing people. The funny thing is that whole country follows such nonsense like ships and goat. Forget about 80 years, China has some horrible history just 76 years ago.
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India reminds me so much of Africa. Both Indians and Africans have intellectual deficiency which causes a lack of discipline among the population. Without the intellectual capacity and a strong leadership, it's impossible to modernise. The top 5% Indians are smart but the other 95% are dumb.

That huge disparity between the top and the rest makes it impossible for India and Africa to ever modernise. Education is a problem for both but the state has limited resources to educate an overpopulated demographic. India and Africa is creating far more people than the state can educate with their limited resources. This means those young people just exist in the world, they contribute nothing to society and the country apart from the crime stats.

This is why it's practically impossible for India and Africa to modernise to the level of China or the US. Indian and African systems have too many cultural, political and social bottlenecks to ever reach full potential.

People compare India and Africa of today to 80 years ago, but we see hardly any difference now from 80 years ago in terms of society, culture and politics. They are still staggeringly corrupt to the bone and inefficient in every part of life.

The sad part is that 50 years from today, both India and Africa will be the same as they are today. It's not that they try hard, it's just their systems are severely flawed.
India reminds me so much of Africa. Both Indians and Africans have intellectual deficiency which causes a lack of discipline among the population. Without the intellectual capacity and a strong leadership, it's impossible to modernise. The top 5% Indians are smart but the other 95% are dumb.

That huge disparity between the top and the rest makes it impossible for India and Africa to ever modernise. Education is a problem for both but the state has limited resources to educate an overpopulated demographic. India and Africa is creating far more people than the state can educate with their limited resources. This means those young people just exist in the world, they contribute nothing to society and the country apart from the crime stats.

This is why it's practically impossible for India and Africa to modernise to the level of China or the US. Indian and African systems have too many cultural, political and social bottlenecks to ever reach full potential.

People compare India and Africa of today to 80 years ago, but we see hardly any difference now from 80 years ago in terms of society, culture and politics. They are still staggeringly corrupt to the bone and inefficient in every part of life.

The sad part is that 50 years from today, both India and Africa will be the same as they are today. It's not that they try hard, it's just their systems are severely flawed.

I wouldn't be so mean to Africa.

We do a lot of good business in Africa, and I see them having good economic potential if they can work out their problems.
China had no starvation 80 years ago. You need to study history first.

Oh are sure??? Do you know 20 million Chinese died of Starvation Just 50 years ago?? How can you? Since you are a Chinese you do not need to have any knowledge , not to you own history. Do not take it on heart dear it is not your fault. It is a fault of poor Chinese education system. Your other Chinese brethren are worse than you.
I wouldn't be so mean to Africa.

We do a lot of good business in Africa, and I see them having good economic potential if they can work out their problems.

Africans are just as uncivilized as Indians. Just look at African behaviour in Guangzhou. Most of the crime is committed by Africans.
Africans are just as uncivilized as Indians. Just look at African behaviour in Guangzhou. Most of the crime is committed by Africans.

Those Africans in Guangzhou are not Chinese citizens, they are on temporary visas, and if they are causing problems they should be thrown out.

That does not mean Africans do not have potential in their own countries.
Africans are just as uncivilized as Indians. Just look at African behaviour in Guangzhou. Most of the crime is committed by Africans.

Oh Guy, You really demonstrate your civilization in this forum. We have read a lot about civilization of your country in last few days on this forum. Carry on comedian. We need some comedy in between some serious discussion.
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