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The sequence:Part-I

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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The sequence: Part-I
Written by:Slav defence


Still the question remains...what is still holding Pakistan?

Once, we were bonded by same Islam. We were democratic; when we have ministers like Sardar Abdur Rab Nishter. We have crossed Indian border leaving everything behind:our assets and our loved ones yet still we were still cherishing for having each other, for Pakistan! This pleasure was our strength, power and was acting as bonding agent.

So, after passage of so many years and events which has affected our current situation, now my intellectual Pakistanis are pondering over deplorable current scenario. I am seeing them in a state of confusion as well as their confidence at the same time over their diagnosis. So, here the question arises that what is confusing our intellects?

Has Islam changed which we are following or we are changed? Well, we are at least confident over our social and political decline in many aspects but I am disappointed to see that we are also confused with those basic principles which are and were always our source of power.

The basis of Jihadi organizations which Americans, Saudis and we have kept together is now seems to bite us back, the game plan which was initiated and the Islamic term which was used seems to mock us now. My analysis says that a procedure which is well initiated and gives you fruitful result cannot be wrong completely. I believe that methodology or plan is only reciprocating against our interests when we fail to execute it properly, and I admit that our political and military establishment has failed to execute every procedure and plan which was designed for our interest.

For instance, the same jihadists were used by Americans against Russians and by us against Indians earlier. When we and Americans were controlling it properly, we were getting our desired results: ie Pakistan got one third of Kashmir and Americans succeed in breaking Russian hegemony and power, the lapse produced when we failed to halt their bases and direction. The tables have turned against us when we failed in re-sequencing these outfits. Now I am seeing another threat after reading Mr.Haroon Aslam’s analysis who stated that:

‘LEJ has taken over Haqqani network’

Thus we lost our control over designed blue print. We failed to execute it properly and now instead of admitting our failure we are considering whole equation as wrong. Our initial steps were not appreciating but useful, the lapse is that we made huge blunders later on and we must face it.

'The tables didn’t turn over itself; we ourselves turned these tables against us'.

So, why we are blaming same Islam, Americans, Indians and democracy?

Islam is not, our perspective and concepts are corrupted. Democracy is same as well, but we have abused it and the system is transformed into tyrannical order or the term ‘disorder’ would be more appropriate. Whereas Americans simply took benefit of our situation as their future designs and policies are reflected from US congressmen Rep Louie Gohmert who stated:

"Carve Out Baluchistan From Ally Pakistan To Beat Taliban"

I am so not astonished to see American congressman’s statement about very same Pakistan which is US frontline ally, that Pakistan which has lost millions of lives is being carved for their interest .Despite of this fact that, Marie Harf issued her statement that:” US has nothing to do with the views expressed by the Rep. Louie, as these are his own thinking”,yet still it is alarming situation for us.If there is one Gohmert in US congress who has such thinking that I wonder that how many more mindsets are like him in American regime?I consider those people as fools who will continue their sleep after reading Mr.Gohmert’s statement and try to satisfy themselves with Miss Harf’s statement.

Whereas Indians are as always concerned about their own interests: Pro-Pakistani lobby in Afghanistan, a complete threat for them.

Thus,I am ending part-I of my analysis.To be continued Inshallah…
This post is response to @fatman17 post of what is holding PAKISTAN

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Secur @panther57 @jaibi @Neptune @Oscar @nuclearpak @Luftwaffe @Last Hope @niaz @Xeric @Icarus and others....
1. The HINDU religion taught:
This is the sum of duty: do naught to others which if done
to thee would cause thee pain.

The Mahabharata

2. The BUDDHIST religion taught:
Hurt not others with that which pains yourself.

3. The JEWISH traditions taught:
What is hateful to you, do not to your fellow men. That is
the entire Law; all the rest is commentary.

The Talmud

4. The MUSLIM religion taught:
No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother
that which he desires for himself.


5. The BAHA'I faith teaches:
He should not wish for others that which he doth not wish
for himself, nor promise that which he doth not fulfill.

The Book of Certitude

Lesson not learnt for supporting Jihad against neighbors.
Well written ;). From a non-Pakistani muslim's (at least it says in my ID) perspective. After all internal and external problems Pakistan is facing today (my bus just passed in front of the Indian embassy as I wrote that, lol) are generally due to not having stable structures with strong leaderships. Thats all I believe. Problems caused by religion in there in fact have nothing to do with religion, so does terrorism. It's all about guidance, stabilization and reforms for Pakistan. I'm not religious but I do respect every religions from monoteism to believing to cows. But, islam&christinaty is a belief. Not a strategy to rule a country. If you look deeper, all countries having "Islamic Republic" at their constitution and policies, their foreign relations are based on muslim populated nations mostly. If Pakistan had transmitted her system into a secular structure, dividing religion from politics, nothing more. And a few reforms. That'd make Pakistan a member of G20 within 10 years, I bet. As I said, all Pakistan needs is Guidance, Stabilization and Reforms.
Exactly @Neptune very well said.When I stated that Islamic principles are our source of power,I simply meant that Islam strenghtens us to face challenges and gives us some basic guidelines in dealing with these problems and our fear.Religion gives us hope as well and it gives us identity,but my friend any nation throughout the world either Islamic or Christian never follows religious principles or laws.They only extract their specific religious terms to win support of subject and to achieve their goal.
For example,Mr.Bush used the term crusade earlier against Afghan Talibans,despite of the fact that US-Afghan war was not for holy purposes at all.In the same manner TTP is using the term jihad,which also has nothing to do with Islam.Applying the very same scenario,Americans called these trained militants as jihadist earlier,because of their interest in case of Russia.So,over all,actual religious principle is and was never used,only specific terms were used and abused to attract subject and to win their support:D
Exactly @Neptune very well said.When I stated that Islamic principles are our source of power,I simply meant that Islam strenghtens us to face challenges and gives us some basic guidelines in dealing with these problems and our fear.Religion gives us hope as well and it gives us identity,but my friend any nation throughout the world either Islamic or Christian never follows religious principles or laws.They only extract their specific religious terms to win support of subject and to achieve their goal.
For example,Mr.Bush used the term crusade earlier against Afghan Talibans,despite of the fact that US-Afghan war was not for holy purposes at all.In the same manner TTP is using the term jihad,which also has nothing to do with Islam.Applying the very same scenario,Americans called these trained militants as jihadist earlier,because of their interest in case of Russia.So,over all,actual religious principle is and was never used,only specific terms were used and abused to attract subject and to win their support:D

While you are correct in saying that Islamic principles are important, Pakistan's problems arise from making religion the business of the State rather than leaving it to its citizens as a private matter. Mr. Bush may have used the term "crusade" but USA also has very clearly defined lines separating religion and State.
While you are correct in saying that Islamic principles are important, Pakistan's problems arise from making religion the business of the State rather than leaving it to its citizens as a private matter. Mr. Bush may have used the term "crusade" but USA also has very clearly defined lines separating religion and State.
Yes,I agree with you.There is no denying over that.Indeed,United States has created fine line in separating religion and state,yet still Mr.Bush used the term 'crusade' for the sake of his special designs and plans.
Yes,I agree with you.There is no denying over that.Indeed,United States has created fine line in separating religion and state,yet still Mr.Bush used the term 'crusade' for the sake of his special designs and plans.

May be it is important for Pakistan to create such a separation between the Mosque and the State too?
May be it is important for Pakistan to create such a separation between the Mosque and the State too?
V,There are few things which I would like to share.
I remember that two years earlier,I was reading somewhere that when Mr.Bush announced Iraq war,their own subject or specific group stood up to resist.So,to encourage and to prove their decision as correct,they initiated a presentation in a program in which they showed Quranic verses about jihad and urged people to invest and take part in warfare.
V,what I believe is that US and EU are more religious than us.However,they only use religion card when needed for their political designs.Where as in our case,we don't know for how and when to use religion card.We show-off our religion more then we follow it and we don't know for when and how to use it for our benefit.Believe me v.
V,There are few things which I would like to share.
I remember that two years earlier,I was reading somewhere that when Mr.Bush announced Iraq war,their own subject or specific group stood up to resist.So,to encourage and to prove their decision as correct,they initiated a presentation in a program in which they showed Quranic verses about jihad and urged people to invest and take part in warfare.
V,what I believe is that US and EU are more religious than us.However,they only use religion card when needed for their political designs.Where as in our case,we don't know for how and when to use religion card.We show-off our religion more then we follow it and we don't know for when and how to use it for our benefit.Believe me v.

Please note that I am not denying that religion is a useful political tool. It is just that it needs to be used cautiously lest it turn against the user, such as what has happened in Pakistan, given that the boundary that must exist between Religion and State has been utterly demolished. That should be built post haste.
Please note that I am not denying that religion is a useful political tool. It is just that it needs to be used cautiously lest it turn against the user, such as what has happened in Pakistan, given that the boundary that must exist between Religion and State has been utterly demolished. That should be built post haste.
I know,I know.I am stating same thing and I agree with you.This fine line must be developed and this sense must be created in us for when and where to use.However,the lesser we use it the better.
I know,I know.I am stating same thing and I agree with you.This fine line must be developed and this sense must be created in us for when and where to use.However,the lesser we use it the better.

It is not a fine line but a huge wall that is needed in Pakistan to separate religion from the State.
It is not a fine line but a huge wall that is needed in Pakistan to separate religion from the State.
Yes,there should be thick wall in between these two vast concepts which are related to our identity/impression and every important aspect either collective and individual,but the sad truth is that it is even impossible in Pakistan to create a fine line between religion and political/strategical affairs of state.Infact religion card in our case is abused badly at political level.
Yes,there should be thick wall in between these two vast concepts which are related to our identity/impression and every important aspect either collective and individual,but the sad truth is that it is even impossible in Pakistan to create a fine line between religion and political/strategical affairs of state.Infact religion card in our case is abused badly at political level.

There was a time when such a demarcation could have been made and the consequences of not doing that are becoming painfully evident. Now it appears to be too late.
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