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A good proposal but is that SMART or do-able ? I agree that we have lost all lot of good men due to comprised intelligence, many boys have walked right into the trap, be it Military, F.C or Intel teams.There has to be a force raised which doesn't liaison with Baluchistan Police/Constabulary, Baluchistan FC, Levies, Khasadars and even with FIA and other Civilian intel wings like IB as well as Government Provincial Staff. There are traitors and local sympathizers with in all the above mentioned ranks.
The head of this force should be able to gather intel from all sources - IB, FIA, ISI, MI, CMI and other intel wings, confirm through own intel wing and then direct action using his own troops at his own accord with a timing and place of his department's own choosing. The force should be inserted through HALO drops and extracted through transport helis. Ground support would be non existent expect Operatives on the ground taking part in Ops. CAS through helis for precision hits should always be there and PAF on stand by if "broken arrow" is required. However, Only Army should be called for Ground support - if Ops goes terribly wrong. Transport helis should also have contingent of Med Evac Helis and a command post in the air (Rotary or fixed).
Their base of Ops should never be known and should even be flown from Sindh and KPK into Baluchistan without using Samungli AFB even. The Baluch Govt and LEAs operating in Baluchistan should never know about whereabouts of this force. The force should be HQ'ed within Military cantonments and officers/troops should be inducted for Ops from different LCB/SSG/SSW/SSG(N) formations prior to 12 Hours before H-Hour. The Head of this force should answer only to PM, COAS/CAS/CNS. At any given time, 3 x platoons (90 troops) should always be prepared with in 12 hours notice with aviation assets (transport and Gunships). Ops completion time shouldn't be more than 60 minutes, including Exfil from the ground. Motto should be "Get in - Get out - Quick". A Reserve force of 2 x Platoons (60 troops) should always be on stand by - preferably in the air during the 1 hour Ops. This force should be dropped on designated smuggler routes without knowledge of local Police and local LEAs to ambush and take out "smugglers" who enter Pakistan from Iran and Afghanistan.
This model should expose traitors within ranks and corrupt officials who support them.
There is still lack of coordination among all departments, we will have MI doing one thing & ISI doing another. Even with-in MI we will have one Survey group doing their work and not be aware that SB is running it's own affairs in the area....
Your proposal is almost complete, only thing missing from it are the Case Officers, we need to bring in dedicated Analysts, Case Officers & Handlers who will be embedded with the Special Mission Units for Operational Planning.
'Shooters' are of no use if they don't know where to hit the enemy hard, thats where the SIGINT & HUMINT specialists come in on the screen...