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The Russian visit

As the US rivalry with Russia and China grows and US and India continue to build ever closer ties, it is very likely that Pakistan will be forced to make a choice and grow away from the US and closer to Russia & China in the years ahead. This decision will be driven partly by the powerful anti-US currents in Pakistan's public opinion.

Haq's Musings: The Godfather's Vito Corleone: A Metaphor for Uncle Sam Today?

but indian foreing policy is independent&inconsistent how are you very sure that india will join hands with usa, if india knows USA is a declining power?
Pakistan is free to approach and try coaxing Russians for armaments. But you do remember one thing when dealing with Kremlin: they don't give out free handouts. :D

So you'll need to revise your mindset before even approaching them. They are neither USA for free weapons nor China for zero interest loans. :)

from Putin's visit and from the article posted it shows not everyone has a mentality of a hindu baniya
what are people so gleeful about......
2 countries, USA & Russia, using 2 countries (apparently) as their proxy...

Why are Pakistanis getting so excited about becoming a new proxy, and why we give a damn?!

The only development in foreseeable future would be increase in economic relations between Pakistan & Russia, just like there has been between India and Pakistan.
what are people so gleeful about......
2 countries, USA & Russia, using 2 countries (apparently) as their proxy...

Why are Pakistanis getting so excited about becoming a new proxy, and why we give a damn?!

The only development in foreseeable future would be increase in economic relations between Pakistan & Russia, just like there has been between India and Pakistan.

Says the proxy between the US and China. How laughable.
You forgot the trade

Russia, India to trade in local currencies in 3 years - The Times of India

Russia discusses 2G licence issue with Indian counterparts - Economic Times

India, Russia talk economic pact, Koodankulam - Indian Express

ASSOCHAM signs MoU with Russia’s BCCI to boost trade, Orissa Business News

The Hindu : News / National : India, Russia set sights on doubling trade in four years

You Forgot Global co operation

Joint Statement furthering the India- Russia Strategic partnership to meet the challenges of a changing world : Press Releases : Prime Minister of India - Dr. Manmohan Singh

Seventh Meeting of the India-Russia Joint Working Group on Combating International Terrorism

India and Russia signed Five Agreements and Issued a Joint Declaration

Russia and India combat terrorism together: Voice of Russia

India-Russia strategic cooperation key to fight economic crisis, terror: Manmohan Singh - Economic Times

You forgot cultural exchanges starting previousy from soviet era to the neww Russian culture centers in various cities.

For those who said Russia-India military cooperation was dead... - MoscowTopNews.com

Russian language teaching in India | Russia & India Report

Moscow Engineering Students delegation visits PAU under Bi-Literal Agreement | www.punjabnewsline.com

Russian Centre for Science & Culture (Mumbai-400 026, India) - Home

You forgot researches.

The Hindu : News / International : Russia-India scientific, technology centre opened


Russia keen on joint research work with India: Medvedev

India, Russia to sign agreement on joint nuclear research o WOW! Delhi o CITY NEWS

You forgot energy security co operation

I think link is not needed as news of nuke power plants are all ovr the forum

And much more if you want.


But why U forget Bilal whyyy

India's relationship with Russia today is purely an economic & transactional one, not a geopolitical strategic one. Russia supplying majority of its arms to India is from an economic POV. India's relationship with the Soviets in the 70s & 80s was geopolitical strategic, & with Russia in the 90s.
India's relationship with Russia today is purely an economic & transactional one, not a geopolitical strategic one. Russia supplying majority of its arms to India is from an economic POV. India's relationship with the Soviets in the 70s & 80s was geopolitical strategic, & with Russia in the 90s.

This is what you want to believe...

India-Russia relationship is more than Strategic one, its a "Privileged Strategic Partnership".
that's it Indian when you cant handle what you see go off at a tangent
Our policy is we dont put our finger in others internal affairs .
(Except Pakistan affairs by RAW:devil:

can you not see that is far outweighed by you acting a s a regional proxy for American interests in our neighbourhood that Russians Chinese Iranians and Pakistanis simply do not want:rofl:
Dont be stupid . Grow up . We know who is acting as regional proxy for US . You want the list?:sick:
Where i said Pakistan will kick out US by it's own??

No - you replied my post not question.
Yes - That's true for every country including India
No you were hoping so Can Pakistan help to kick US out of AF . You dream so and your second point "can ___ help " was about India right?
what is the source?

google: Medvedev + India+ Russia+ Privileged Strategic partnership

or, If you have time, go through the recent article by Putin....
India's relationship with Russia today is purely an economic & transactional one, not a geopolitical strategic one. Russia supplying majority of its arms to India is from an economic POV. India's relationship with the Soviets in the 70s & 80s was geopolitical strategic, & with Russia in the 90s.

What I do not understand is why Indians are getting so excited about. Let India do what it wants and let Pakistan do what it wants.
A Russian perspective. We are not the only ones to suggest India is seen as American proxy

The Russian visit

Brodov Alexei

Apr 13, 2012 10:43 Moscow Time
The Russian visit
Vladimir Putin. Photo: RIA Novosti

Russian President-elect Vladimir Putin will, on his first foreign tour after taking office, make his first stop in Pakistan. It symbolizes not just Pakistan’s importance in the region, but the shift in relations which means that the two countries, kept apart for so many years because of Russia’s espousal of Communism, are trying to come together. Russia seeks a new ally in the region, to substitute for India, now in the American lap, after the collapse of the USSR. Mr Putin’s visit shows that Russia intends to play a more proactive role in world affairs. It must do so, because by ceding to US supremacy, it has seen it not just invade Afghanistan physically, but threaten Iran. Russia has found its own physical space threatened by US expansionism, with the expansion of Nato threatening it in the West, the snatching away of India and the occupation of Afghanistan threatening it in Asia. The visit is a result of the successful visits to Russia by President Asif Zardari, in August 2010 for the Quadrilateral Summit, and by Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar earlier this year.

Russia had previously tried to make headway in Pakistan through the Steel Mills project, and now it has offered to be involved in the Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline project. This is an offer that Pakistan must not hesitate to take up. While Pakistan's official 'ally' has done its best to sabotage the project, and has insisted India withdraw from it, Russia is extending a helping hand. Unlike the steel mills, the pipeline from Iran is existential, providing as it will, gas not just for domestic and industrial users, but also for power production. Thus not just for strategic concerns, but national interest should incline Pakistan towards Russia. However, as strategic concerns include Afghanistan, which Russia has been deeply interested in for a very long time, Russia would also be interested in how Pakistan sees the future of Afghanistan.

It should also be recognized that Russia has a deep interest in the reset in relations between the USA and Pakistan that is presently being discussed by the joint sitting of Parliament. Russia too has seen that the US has not just gained access to South Asia through Pakistan, but also Central Asia. As Russia is seeking an ally in the region to substitute for India, and as Pakistan is distanced from the USA, Russia is naturally more interested in Pakistan than ever before. President Putin’s visit, the first ever by a Russian President to Pakistan, reflects that.

The Russian visit: Voice of Russia

So US signs nuclear deals with us, u r calling us american proxies?
And of course, U r the only one to call us US proxies, i bet even Pakistan's generals call us one, as they know the ground reality well...

1. US have bases in pakistan.
2.There are lot of US intelligence operatives ,operating in pakistan openly.
3.These operatives even kill Pak citizens, yet pay money to go scot free.
4.They conduct drone attacks once in a month or week in pakistan.
5.Pakistan receives AID for both military and common budgets from US.
6.US and NATO soldiers have crossed boundaries and attacked pakistani soldiers there.
7.US agencies darely entered a military town and killed OBL .
8.Pakistan openly asks for a nuclear deal with US , but yet they refuse again and again.
9.Pakistan also gets weapons from US in subsidised rates but US refuses to give predator drone technology.

So pakistan is getting all these favours, but comedily, they calling us, US proxies :rofl:

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