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The role of secretagency RAW in theplan of expandingIndianimperialism…

How hell did you read that monstrosity??:cheesy:

Trust me dude go ahead and read it so you won't regret haven't had such a good laugh in a while before started to read this long piece of $#!+

This rogue country gets away from all its crime by playing the secular card

oh please if you call India a rogue state what will you call your country which officially discriminates other ethnicities especially our Tamil brothers by those bastardly son of soil policies
oh please if you call India a rogue state what will you call your country which officially discriminates other ethnicities especially our Tamil brothers by those bastardly son of soil policies

guess you are barking at the wrong tree !!!!!!!!!!!! Just for argument sake (based on your assumption) comparing any SE Asian country with India is like rotten mangoes with durians or sweet lychees ,

1) they are not secular
2) the Chinese / Tamils etc were migrants in the 17th Century onward's
3) what do you call the bastard language speakers of Hindi ,off springs of invaders ?
4) non interference in neighbouring countries internal affairs

India's Hand in Nepal Royal Palace Massacre

1) they are not secular
2) the Chinese / Tamils etc were migrants in the 17th Century onward's
3) what do you call the bastard language speakers of Hindi ,off springs of invaders ?
4) non interference in neighbouring countries internal affairs

India's Hand in Nepal Royal Palace Massacre


1. good for you
2. so rampant discrimination against them be comes legitimate???
3.no those offsprings now have their own seperate country towards the north west
4. any other source than a blog anyways don't act innocent all regional power interfere in their neighbouring country's affairs is no secret
. so rampant discrimination against them be comes legitimate???

funny how Indians try and act righteous

Dalits in India protest “untouchable”

Dalits in India protest

3.no those offsprings now have their own seperate country towards the north west

Hindi not Urdu ....

4. any other source than a blog anyways don't act innocent all regional power interfere in their neighbouring country's affairs is no secret

If thats your idea of a "regional' power, I am sorry for your neighbours

You have an issue take it up with Dr Shireen Mazari , the blog is a folllow up

RAW facts on South Asia India’s unconventional war strategy
On 27 th October 2002 a fire
which burnt Hindu pilgrims in
the Sabarmati Express engulfed
the whole Gujrat. On the
Godhra railway station a
Muslim tea seller had quarrel
with some Hindus and after this
when train departured, a few
moments later a bogie caught
fire in which 60 Hindus got
burnt. Before train reached
Gujrat the news has spread
there that Muslims has set train
on fire. Hindu rioters attacked
Muslims. More then 10000
Muslims were martyred by
Hindu rioters. Their estates
were looted and burnt.
Thousands of Muslim women
were gang raped in the bazaars.
On massacre of Muslims world
yelled with sorrow.
International electronic and
print media protested but India
claimed to be secular. In order
to find the reasons for riots and
punish rioters dozens of
committees were established,
reports were issued, culprits
were named and the issue went
to higher courts but after this a
grave silence engulfed the
whole case. The biggest
minority of world 25 crore
Muslims living in India had no
way but to bear such brutal
acts. But after 5 ½ years Indian
internet news channel
“Tehelka.com” really jolted the
world in its broadcast on 24 th
October 2007.
In order to find the facts
behind the riots of Gujrat
reporters of Tehelka.com
conducted meetings with
leaders of Indian political
parties like “Bhartia Janta
Party”, “Rashtriya Savik Singh”,
Vishwa Hindu Parshad, and
Bajrang Dal in last four years.
They recorded their videos
through spy cams, and after
such hard work they succeeded
in issuing a comprehensive
According to the report
Muslims in Gujrat were
massacred through
comprehensive planning. The
Chief Minister of Gujrat, other
ministers and higher ranks
within govt. allowed the
massacre of Muslims. After this
the operation was named as
“Jay Shari Ram”. Police supplied
extremist Hindus with
automatic weapons, dynamite
and petrol in govt. vehicles and
allowed them to destroy
Muslims as they like for three
days. Before staging the drama
of fire in a bogie of train on
Godhra railway station
thousands of Hindu rioters
called to Gujrat from other
states. These rioters were
assured that no action will be
taken against them.
Map of RAW's Activities
According to Tehelka.com a
leader of Bajrang Dal disclosed
that on 29 th of October 2002 a
high ranked officer of police
reported that “in a secondary
school located in Gujrat city
hundreds of Muslim women
and children had taken refuge.
To murder them the number of
Hindu rioters was less so
Policemen in Civil clothes
accompanied them, murdered
Muslims on guard mercilessly
and attacked school. Muslim
women were mutilated/raped
by Hindus and afterwards they
poured petrol on them and
burnt them alive”.
The Chief Minister of Gujrat and
higher officials has given three
days for massacre of Muslims
but this game/Holi continued
for 6 days. Readers the pen is
unable to write the torture over
Muslims of Gujrat and fingers
does not have power to explain
the acts of Hindu beasts here.
Just this is enough to say that
the incident in Godhra railway
station to the Holi with Muslims
blood in Gujrat the whole script
was written by RAW. And the
master minds of this are
Brahmans present in the govt.
of Delhi. They had only one
anger that why America has
not attacked Pakistan as a
reaction of 9/11 in 2001 in spite
of all diplomatic efforts made
by India. God knows how long
Brahmans of India will punish
and take revenge from Muslims
of India for partition of
Hindustan in 1947 and hands of
RAW will be made red with the
blood of Muslims of sub
RAW (Research and Analysis
Wing) is the real ruler of
today’s India. It is controlled by
gentry of Brahmans. In 1968
this institution was formed
under the rules of “Kotla
Chankiya” and on the
philosophy of rule of Brahmans
till the dooms day. This
institution working under the
supervision of Indian Prime
Minister is responsible for
problems relating to India’s
integrity and moreover for
making the interior and foreign
policies. To use this institution
for expansion of Indian
Imperialism, Indira Gandhi
played an important role in fine
tuning it. Especially the political
disturbance and armed
terrorism in neighbor countries
and the role of RAW in its
planning is known as “Indira
Doctrine” among Indian
officials. Afterwards RAW also
proved that it is the true
successor of Chankiya.
The chief of RAW is known as
“Additional Secretary to Govt. of
India”. Different directors along
with their institutions work
under this designation. The
most important of them is
designation of “Joint Director of
Security”. It has two more
departments under it. Number
one is Aviation Research Center
(ARC), intercepting the
communication system of
neighbor countries, recording
and jamming them if needed is
responsibility of this
department. To fulfill its duties
it is equipped with latest Radar
System, latest aero planes and
moreover with latest equipment
for communications. The
second department is known as
“The Special Services Bureau”.
Its duties include conducting
terrorism within and out of
country, supporting
lawlessness, killing important
persons and conducting
assassinations in neighbor
Both departments have been
divided in four more Desks for
working in different areas. They
are as;
1. Pakistan
2. China and other countries of
South Asia.
3. Middle East and Africa
4. All other countries
Here one thing is important that
Pakistan is the only country for
which India has established a
special Desk. Because Pakistan
is the only greatest hurdle in
the dream of Greater India.
Although as compared to India
Pakistan is lagging in man
power, resources and support
of other countries. While only
for Pakistan the work on
propaganda against Pakistan
and to fulfill the plans against
Pakistan is conducted under the
supervision of Chief of RAW.
The columnists of American
Newsweek and Time take
guidance from propaganda of
RAW against Pakistan before
writing any analyses about
Pakistan. The example of this is
the edition of Newsweek in
which with the cover story by
Michael Hirsh and Ron Moreau
has been published titled as
“The Most Dangerous Nation in
World is Not Iraq. It’s Pakistan”.
In this way they have tried to
make world against Pakistan.
But this will astonish you that
both columnist have not felt
any need to change the title or
words written in similar article
on RAW’s website.
Readers let us see how India
has used RAW against its
neighbor countries sovereignty:
¶…Bangladesh (West Pakistan)
Secret agencies of India have
been conducting their activities
since 1963 in East Pakistan.
Mujeeb-ur-Rehman was also in
contact with them. In 1965
Mujeeb visited Agartala secretly
where separation of East
Pakistan was discussed. But
Indian agencies were unable to
get any important success in
their plan. To realize their plans
RAW was established. You can
see the books in order to make
the activites and successes of
RAW popular written by “Ashok
Karshan” titled as “In-Side Raw
The Story of Indian Secret
Service” or the book written by
Bangladeshi writer “Abu Rashd”
titled as “RAW in Bangladesh:
As Aggressive Intelligence”,
book published in 1995 written
by another Bangladeshi writer
Muhammad Zain-ul-Abideen
“Raw and Bangladesh”. In these
three mentioned books writers
agree on one point that the
basic purpose behind the
establishment of RAW was to
break Pakistan. RAW was the
“Master Mind” behind the
separation of Bangladesh and it
fulfilled its purpose with the
help of KGB. RAW was free to
use as much funds as it likes.
First of all RAW created such
circumstances through
terrorists which forced
thousands of Bengalis to take
refuge in Indian Bengal. RAW
trained these refugees for
Gorilla Warfare. Indira Gandhi
was impatient. RAW had
completed its work in East
Pakistan. Mukti Bahni (their
majority consisted of Indian
Gorilla Force) had spread to
every inch of East Pakistan.
Indira Gandhi ordered her
forces to attack East Pakistan
but in July 1971 “General Manik
Sha” apologized that if his army
entered Pakistan before
December they will have to face
defeat. Indira Gandhi ordered
RAW to help General Sha. RAW
started attacks on Pak-Army
through Mukti Bahni. Their
women were kidnapped, raped
while children murdered. As
per plan agents of RAW present
in the Mukti Bahni attacked
homes of Mujeeb’s supporters,
murdered them and raped their
women. The newspapers owned
by Hindus in Dhaka published
the news along with pictures
that Soldiers of Pak-Army
especially Punjabi soldiers of
West Pakistan are murdering
Bengalis. The same pictures
were published by Indian
newspapers and reached to the
western media. The whole
detail is present in the books
written by Bangladeshi writers.
In this way with the open
support of Soviet Union and
under cover help of America the
incident of fall of Dhaka
occurred. After this in the form
of Sheikh Mujeeb India
Occupied Dhaka practically. But
Mujeeb was murdered in the
hands of his security guards
along with his family. From
here the defeat of RAW starts in
Bangladesh. This jolted Indira
Gandhi and her grip on the
govt. within got lose. She was
also murdered by her security
personnel like Mujeeb.
According to Bangladeshi media
RAW is still active interfering in
Bangladesh. Chakma Tribes
have started rebellion with the
help of RAW and in spite of
Mukti Bahni, Shanti Bahni has
been formed. But every time
India has to lick the dust that is
why Indian media blames on
routine basis that Pakistan’s
secret agency ISI, has infiltrated
Bangladeshi Armed Forces and
other civil administration and is
trying to create unrest in India.
But this is also fact that after
separation of Bangladesh first
time in the history of (Past
three years) columns against
Indian interference are
continuously being published.
Facts about Indian terrorism
and interference in East
Pakistan are being brought
forward. The separation from
Pakistan is being accepted as
big mistake and Indian media is
claiming changing ideas of
Bangladeshi public as
¶… Sikkim…¶
After independence sub
continent in 1947 Sikkim
present between China and
India (its border is also
adjacent with Nepal and
Bhutan) was accepted as
free, sovereign state. Sikkim
was captured by Britain in
1890. In spite of majority of
Buddhists India succeeded
in getting influential in
Sikkim because Sikkim is a
“land locked” country. So
the trade and the business
of these people were
dependent on the trade with
India. Due to these
compulsions India
succeeded in transferring
its religious and cultural
effects on the people of
Sikkim. In 1950 India
entered its army into
Sikkim through agreement
and along with this Indian
secret agencies started
acting upon their plans. In
1962 when war was
declared between China
and India, India captured
all govt. institutions of
Sikkim through in the light
of lame excuse that China
may attack India through
Sikkim. When war between
China and India ended the
people of Sikkim came to
roads for protest against
Indian capture of their govt.
institutions. The King of
Sikkim “Chogyal Tenzig
Wnagehuck” tried his best
to assure the people of
Sikkim that Sikkim is not a
dependent state of India but
a sovereign state. Simple
people trusted their king
and took his statements
against India based upon
truth. But majority was not
ready to accept this lie. Due
to increasing restlessness
among Sikkim people Indian
secret agencies and armed
forces went behind the
scene. In 1971 on the order
of Indira Gandhi RAW got
activated in Sikkim and
support was bought
through money within
Sikkim people. The people
protesting against India
started protests against
their King. When King saw
that his rule is about to end
he took help from India.
RAW assured him of
support but on the
condition that he will
remain loyal to RAW and
act as an agent of RAW.
King accepted all the
conditions of RAW but
secretly RAW continued its
activities to capture Sikkim.
In 1974 political elections
were conducted which
were converted gradually
into Civil War by the
struggle of RAW. This civil
war continued for one year
and many innocent lives
were lost. Then India’s
struggle for peace
succeeded and new
elections were declared.
The election campaign was
going on, during this a big
political party declared
assimilation with India.
After this elections were
conducted but in the form
of referendum for being a
part of India. How the
result of this referendum
can go against India. As
soon as decision was
declared in the favor of
India, Indian forces
captured it and it was
claimed as 22 nd province of
¶…Sri Lanka…¶
This peninsula is located in
the south east of India near
Indian Coastal province
Tamil Nadu. If we look at
the history of Sri Lanka,
Portuguese captured it in
1505. At that time Sri
Lanka consisted of seven
states. In 1600 Portuguese
were defeated by Dutch
Army. In 1796 they were
exiled by Britain. When
British rule ended in sub
continent, Sri Lanka also
got independence in 1948.
This independence is still
being protected by Sri
Lankan people. Although
during all this time India
has several times tried to
capture Sri Lanka but it had
to face defeat. After
independence Sri Lanka
ignored Indian pressure
and established diplomatic
relations with Pakistan. It
also allowed Pakistani
passenger and war ships to
anchor on its coasts. And
also Pakistani war planes
were provided with
airports. This angered
Indira Gandhi and she
decided to bring Sri Lanka
under “Indira Doctrine” i.e.
capture Sri Lanka.
Indira Gandhi called Chief
of RAW and asked him to
conduct operation similar
to East Pakistan in Sri
Lanka. The officers
responsible for Mukti Bahni
were called and in the
areas of “Garakhpur and
Kanda” of Tamil Nadu
training camps were setup.
The difference among
Sinhali and Tamils were
made a cause for war
between them. The struggle
of RAW brought fruit and
Tamil demanded separate
homeland for them. When
Sri Lanka got trapped in the
hands of Rebellions, India
offered support for re
establishing peace and
security which was
accepted by due to
pressure. In 1987 under an
agreement Indian troops
entered into Sri Lanka.
Opposition parties rejected
this agreement and came to
roads for protest against
presence of Indian army in
Sri Lanka. Along with this
rebellions also started
attacking Indian army
present in Sri Lanka. This
made disputes among RAW
and Indian Foreign
Ministry. Extreme response
from Sri Lankan public
against Indian army was
taken as defeat of RAW by
Indian Foreign Ministry.
This was the first time that
Indian govt. has to face
criticism on the
international level. Indira
Gandhi has been murdered
but “Indira Doctrine” was
still there, which was now
responsibility of Rajiv
Gandhi. The hatred against
India was so much extreme
in Sri Lanka that in 1988
when Rajiv Gandhi went on
a visit to Sri Lanka, on the
airport during the salute
parade a Sri Lankan Soldier
Rajiv Gandhi with the
handle of rifle, due to which
Rajiv Gandhi fell to the
ground. If the gun had the
bullet maybe the Rajiv
Gandhi has been murdered
on the spot. At least due to
extreme opposition Indian
army left Sri Lanka in 1988.
But Indian army is still
training Tamil rebellions in
its camps in Tamil Nadu
under RAW.
Readers may remember
that on 30 th November
1988 that Maldives
consisting of small islands
was captured by 400
pirates. Equipped with
latest weapons pirates
attacked like trained
gorillas and captured
Capital of peaceful
Maldives. They captured
important govt. and non
govt. officials and later on
attacked presidential house.
Where they had to face
extreme resistance in the
hands National Security
Guards. President Mamun
was shifted to safe place.
From where President
called help from govt. of
Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka,
Britain and America.
At that time response of
Indian Prime Minister Rajiv
Gandhi was astonishing.
Like other neighbor
countries the American
officials were busy in
planning for action in
Maldives in a near by
American headquarter on
an nearby island that the
reports was issued that
1600 soldiers of Indian 50 th
Para Brigade have arrived
in the Capital Mali along
with Indian Navy. And 13
cargo planes of Indian Air
Force have also arrived
carrying soldiers in the
protection of Indian Air
Force and have taken
control of different airports
of Maldives. After four
hours success was declared
by Indian govt. this
operation was named as
“Operation Cactus”.
According to Indian officials
Maldives have been cleared
off from pirates, on different
spots several pirates have
been captured. Along with
the Transport Minister
Ahmed Mujtaba 30
important persons had been
kidnapped by more then
100 pirates and they had
been trying to escape
through small ships and
speed boats. They were
followed by Indian navy
and arrested and the
kidnapped have been freed.
On the second day in
Bangalore higher ranks of
Air force and Navy in a
press conference put light
on the role of India in
sudden incident of
Maldives. India had saved
Maldives from a great loss
through rapid reaction and
planning. At this Maldives
govt. and people are
thankful to India. Indian
defense Minister declared
that in future Indian army
will also continue to play its
role in the stability and
peace of the area. But nor
did any one dared to
question neither Indian
Defense Minister felt any
need to tell the identity of
those pirates. Why India
took them in its custody
after arresting them in spite
of handing them to
Maldives? After this, 21
years have passed but no
one knows that where did
the pirates have gone? Has
sea engulfed them or
Indians hidden them?
International rejected the
whole incident of Maldives
as drama and action script
of Bollywood film.
According to defense
analysts India wanted to
show its “Military Muscles”
to small countries of the
area. But a newspaper of
Sri Lanka revealed the
identity of these pirates on
3 rd December 1988.
According to the newspaper
the pirates belonged to the
Indian agency RAW. They
were departured from the
areas under control of
Indian Peace Keeping forces
in Sri Lanka i.e. “Mnar and
Kankassnturai”. The above
mentioned newspaper also
published photos of two
officers of RAW as identity;
under their supervision
Pirates attacked Maldives.
Newspaper raised the
question that what type of
operation was that in
which no one was hurt, and
pirates put their weapons
down as soon as they saw
Indian soldiers…
When ever congress is on
the govt. in Nepal the peace
is restored. Attacks of the
Maoists stop. As soon as
due to public pressure and
strong opposition Congress
leaves the govt. and Union
of opposition forms its govt.
unrest and terrorism jolts
the whole country. The
attacks by Maoists become
so much severe that Police
and Security Forces get
worried for their lives. At
least why? The answer to
this question is present in
the book of “Shastra Dutta
Pant” published in 2003
under the title of “R.A.W’s
Machinations in South
Asia”. According to this
book, out of India Nepal is
the only country where
including every official is
paid employee of RAW.
Congress party of Nepal is
an extension of Indian
Congress. If Congress is in
govt. it is equivalent to
Delhi rule. Agents of RAW
are also present in other
parties but they are not so
much influential to act
upon the Indian plans.
Moreover the threat of
interference from China is
also an important excuse
for RAWs presence in
After its establishment in
1968 before that RAW
entered into Afghanistan
resistance began against
Soviets capture of Kabul.
This resistance which
started in 1979 converted
into severe war till 1984.
During this secret agency of
Afghanistan “Khad” and
KGB of Soviet Union
conducted many bomb
blasts within Pakistan for
which they must had
support from RAW. Because
the relations between India
and Afghanistan had been
much deep and strong that
is why after independence
Afghanistan did not spare
any opportunity to create
problems for Pakistan. And
due to this some groups
shifted to India during
afghan war. After defeat
red army left the
Afghanistan and
Afghanistan got entrapped
into civil war. Under the
leadership of Ahmad Shah
Masood a group wanted to
capture north eastern
province Kabul. They had
to face extreme resistance
from Pakhtoons. From this
civil war Taliban got birth
and they captured 90% of
Afghanistan like a cyclone.
People from north western
areas Uzbek speaking
Persian and Tajiks
challenged Taliban’s rule
under the name of
Northern Alliance, they
were fully supported by
After 9/11 when America
attacked Afghanistan it did
not had any support on the
land except from Northern
Alliance. The capture of
Kabul by Americans made
road for Northern
Alliance’s rule and provided
an opportunity to RAW to
strengthen itself in
Afghanistan. If we say that
Afghanistan is practically
captured by India it is not
wrong. RAW is not only
using Afghanistan for
Pakistan but also for
terrorism in China having
Muslims in majority. Near
Pakistani boundaries India
has established seven
consulates. Through these
RAW has succeeded in
creating influence among
tribes of Pakistan.
Moreover RAW is also
conducting business of
illegal weapons, drugs and
smuggling of valuable
goods. NATO and American
officials have their own
interests for which they are
ignoring activities of RAW.
But after delaying work
upon the Civil Nuclear deal
between India America it is
possible that America may
limit role of India in
Afghanistan. But this
question of much
importance that in
Afghanistan when
American and NATO forces
are being targeted in suicide
Bomb Blasts while Indian
soldiers and persons are
not their target who are
spread on every inch of
Let us now come towards
Pakistan. Last night you
have heard live analyses by
local (ex) M.P.A Ahmad
Hussain Kanju on private
T.V. channel AAJ. The
question by the
representative of the AAJ
TV’s representative Talaat
Hussain was “after
murdering security persons
slaughtering them or
mutilating their dead bodies
are local people?” The
answer of ex MPA was “No!
They are not local people. I
am a local inhabitant of this
area. Local people no
matter to which Religious
sect they belong, how much
fundamentalist they are,
this is not their behavior.
They don’t treat their
enemy like that. And our
religion also does not allow
for that.”
The question by Talaat
Hussain was, “then who are
they? Are they foreigners
hidden in local public?” The
answer was: “Possibly they
are foreigners. But they
belong to RAW and Khad is
also supporting it”.
Dear readers consider the
situation in 1970-71 of East
Pakistan and present
situation in tribal areas
have many similarities.
The only difference is that
in East Pakistan RAW
murdered Pak-Army in the
form of Mukti Bahni while
on the other hand treated
the Bengali people like that.
Here mentioning the
Minister of Ayoub Khan’s
Cabinet Mr. Munaam Khan
will be important.
Munaam khan was advised
by some friends in 1971 to
shift to safe place along
with his family. His reply
was, “I have served people
of my area. No matter how
much situation gets
worsened I have no fear
from fellow religious and
language Bengali People. If I
have ideological differences
with them what this has to
do with my family.” This
statement of Munaam khan
was published in all major
newspapers of Dhaka. After
few weeks’ terrorists of
Mukti Bahni attacked house
of Munaam Khan in the
light of day. His sons were
murdered. He and his
daughters were brought on
the road. Their clothes
were stripped. After this
they tied feet of Munaam
Khan with ropes to two
jeeps and started the jeeps.
Both jeeps moved in
opposite directions and
body of Munaam Khan
divided into two parts.
Local people who were
with Munaam Khan came
forward but they were
stopped on gun point. The
terrorists of Mukti Bahni
kidnapped the family of
Munaam Khan and left the
area. Till yet no one knows
any traces of his family.
After few months of this
incident East Pakistan got
separated. The Bengalis of
Chitagong still celebrate the
day of Munaam Khan. They
recall his services which
include his political rivals
who are the witness of such
a dreadful murder. They
also believe that the people
who murdered and
kidnapped his family were
not Muslim and
Let us come back towards
the Pakistan’s Khyber P.K
(NWFP) province and tribal
areas and incidents
occurring there. But first of
all we should discuss tribal
customs. The enmities of
tribal people are famous.
These enmities which go on
for centuries but no one
mutilates the dead bodies. If
the enemy comes to house
of the rival his life is
forgiven. The guest of
enemy is respected like own
guest. Such like customs
take centuries to develop
and also does not vanish
away in few years. The
process of deterioration of
customs needs centuries.
But in our tribal areas
human beings are being
slaughtered as animals. The
heads are being shown to
show the brutality. Ok let
us accept that the whole of
this is being done for
implying Islamic laws.
These acts are being taken
for renewal of Islam. Then
the books of history are
filled with the victories of
Muslims. The Christian
historians who recorded
the Crusade wars swear for
the Muslim customs. They
praise the Muslim
philosophy of providing
safety to enemy in case of
victory. Yes! Only Hindu
historians claim that Islam
has spread through the
force of sword. And the
persons who accepted
Islam in sub continent were
cowards having weak
And if we accept this true
that the fighters for Islam
are on the right path or
they think Pak-Army as big
hurdle in the enforcing of
Sharia/Islamic Law and to
remove that hurdle they
conduct suicide attacks on
Pakistani forces on daily
basis. Then really after
army gets defeated Islam
will be enforced? While in
Pakistani society the Soldier
is more pious and religious
as compared to other
persons. They (soldiers) do
not forget on freezing
mountains of Siachen and
offer Prayers after making
ablution with extremely
cold water, if the cause of
this dispersion, unrest,
extremism and suicide
bomb blasts is unequal
income distribution,
injustice, or corruption then
why the target of suicide
bombers are not Land
Lords, Feudal, investors,
hoarders etc. if soldiers are
not a cause of these
attacks, the vulgarity is the
cause of the anger Islamic
groups then who does not
know that Free Electronic
Media is responsible for
You should accept that
bitter reality that Pakistan
is the target of “Indira
Doctrine”. This plan is
controlled by RAW for the
fulfillment of Indian dream
of “Great India”. This net is
sometimes thrown in
Baluchistan and sometimes
by blaming Pakistan for
supporting terrorism in
Afghanistan. The shame is
for our political leadership
which in spite of expressing
sorrow over incidents of
bomb blasts on Pakistani
Security forces and loss of
invaluable lives blames
Pak-Army for attacks over
itself. So that the politicians
who are out of power can
be stopped from entering
into govt. While they are in
power or out of power their
orders are obeyed. In the
last I would like to request
to analysts, writers,
intellectuals to forget their
mutual disputes and create
positive thinking among
people of Pakistan about
suicide bomb blasts
otherwise no one will be

Typical copy/paste crap! At least take the effort of rewriting your post with proper paragraphing etc. And how about including some of your own comments?

That's why 5th grader juveniles shouldn't be allowed to post nonsensical tripe out here.
On 27 th October 2002 a fire
which burnt Hindu pilgrims in
the Sabarmati Express engulfed
the whole Gujrat. On the
Godhra railway station a
Muslim tea seller had quarrel
with some Hindus and after this
when train departured, a few
moments later a bogie caught
fire in which 60 Hindus got
burnt. Before train reached
Gujrat the news has spread
there that Muslims has set train
on fire. Hindu rioters attacked
Muslims. More then 10000
Muslims were martyred by
Hindu rioters. Their estates
were looted and burnt.
Thousands of Muslim women
were gang raped in the bazaars.
On massacre of Muslims world
yelled with sorrow.
International electronic and
print media protested but India
claimed to be secular. In order
to find the reasons for riots and
punish rioters dozens of
committees were established,
reports were issued, culprits
were named and the issue went
to higher courts but after this a
grave silence engulfed the
whole case. The biggest
minority of world 25 crore
Muslims living in India had no
way but to bear such brutal
acts. But after 5 ½ years Indian
internet news channel
“Tehelka.com” really jolted the
world in its broadcast on 24 th
October 2007.
In order to find the facts
behind the riots of Gujrat
reporters of Tehelka.com
conducted meetings with
leaders of Indian political
parties like “Bhartia Janta
Party”, “Rashtriya Savik Singh”,
Vishwa Hindu Parshad, and
Bajrang Dal in last four years.
They recorded their videos
through spy cams, and after
such hard work they succeeded
in issuing a comprehensive
According to the report
Muslims in Gujrat were
massacred through
comprehensive planning. The
Chief Minister of Gujrat, other
ministers and higher ranks
within govt. allowed the
massacre of Muslims. After this
the operation was named as
“Jay Shari Ram”. Police supplied
extremist Hindus with
automatic weapons, dynamite
and petrol in govt. vehicles and
allowed them to destroy
Muslims as they like for three
days. Before staging the drama
of fire in a bogie of train on
Godhra railway station
thousands of Hindu rioters
called to Gujrat from other
states. These rioters were
assured that no action will be
taken against them.
Map of RAW's Activities
According to Tehelka.com a
leader of Bajrang Dal disclosed
that on 29 th of October 2002 a
high ranked officer of police
reported that “in a secondary
school located in Gujrat city
hundreds of Muslim women
and children had taken refuge.
To murder them the number of
Hindu rioters was less so
Policemen in Civil clothes
accompanied them, murdered
Muslims on guard mercilessly
and attacked school. Muslim
women were mutilated/raped
by Hindus and afterwards they
poured petrol on them and
burnt them alive”.
The Chief Minister of Gujrat and
higher officials has given three
days for massacre of Muslims
but this game/Holi continued
for 6 days. Readers the pen is
unable to write the torture over
Muslims of Gujrat and fingers
does not have power to explain
the acts of Hindu beasts here.
Just this is enough to say that
the incident in Godhra railway
station to the Holi with Muslims
blood in Gujrat the whole script
was written by RAW. And the
master minds of this are
Brahmans present in the govt.
of Delhi. They had only one
anger that why America has
not attacked Pakistan as a
reaction of 9/11 in 2001 in spite
of all diplomatic efforts made
by India. God knows how long
Brahmans of India will punish
and take revenge from Muslims
of India for partition of
Hindustan in 1947 and hands of
RAW will be made red with the
blood of Muslims of sub
RAW (Research and Analysis
Wing) is the real ruler of
today’s India. It is controlled by
gentry of Brahmans. In 1968
this institution was formed
under the rules of “Kotla
Chankiya” and on the
philosophy of rule of Brahmans
till the dooms day. This
institution working under the
supervision of Indian Prime
Minister is responsible for
problems relating to India’s
integrity and moreover for
making the interior and foreign
policies. To use this institution
for expansion of Indian
Imperialism, Indira Gandhi
played an important role in fine
tuning it. Especially the political
disturbance and armed
terrorism in neighbor countries
and the role of RAW in its
planning is known as “Indira
Doctrine” among Indian
officials. Afterwards RAW also
proved that it is the true
successor of Chankiya.
The chief of RAW is known as
“Additional Secretary to Govt. of
India”. Different directors along
with their institutions work
under this designation. The
most important of them is
designation of “Joint Director of
Security”. It has two more
departments under it. Number
one is Aviation Research Center
(ARC), intercepting the
communication system of
neighbor countries, recording
and jamming them if needed is
responsibility of this
department. To fulfill its duties
it is equipped with latest Radar
System, latest aero planes and
moreover with latest equipment
for communications. The
second department is known as
“The Special Services Bureau”.
Its duties include conducting
terrorism within and out of
country, supporting
lawlessness, killing important
persons and conducting
assassinations in neighbor
Both departments have been
divided in four more Desks for
working in different areas. They
are as;
1. Pakistan
2. China and other countries of
South Asia.
3. Middle East and Africa
4. All other countries
Here one thing is important that
Pakistan is the only country for
which India has established a
special Desk. Because Pakistan
is the only greatest hurdle in
the dream of Greater India.
Although as compared to India
Pakistan is lagging in man
power, resources and support
of other countries. While only
for Pakistan the work on
propaganda against Pakistan
and to fulfill the plans against
Pakistan is conducted under the
supervision of Chief of RAW.
The columnists of American
Newsweek and Time take
guidance from propaganda of
RAW against Pakistan before
writing any analyses about
Pakistan. The example of this is
the edition of Newsweek in
which with the cover story by
Michael Hirsh and Ron Moreau
has been published titled as
“The Most Dangerous Nation in
World is Not Iraq. It’s Pakistan”.
In this way they have tried to
make world against Pakistan.
But this will astonish you that
both columnist have not felt
any need to change the title or
words written in similar article
on RAW’s website.
Readers let us see how India
has used RAW against its
neighbor countries sovereignty:
¶…Bangladesh (West Pakistan)
Secret agencies of India have
been conducting their activities
since 1963 in East Pakistan.
Mujeeb-ur-Rehman was also in
contact with them. In 1965
Mujeeb visited Agartala secretly
where separation of East
Pakistan was discussed. But
Indian agencies were unable to
get any important success in
their plan. To realize their plans
RAW was established. You can
see the books in order to make
the activites and successes of
RAW popular written by “Ashok
Karshan” titled as “In-Side Raw
The Story of Indian Secret
Service” or the book written by
Bangladeshi writer “Abu Rashd”
titled as “RAW in Bangladesh:
As Aggressive Intelligence”,
book published in 1995 written
by another Bangladeshi writer
Muhammad Zain-ul-Abideen
“Raw and Bangladesh”. In these
three mentioned books writers
agree on one point that the
basic purpose behind the
establishment of RAW was to
break Pakistan. RAW was the
“Master Mind” behind the
separation of Bangladesh and it
fulfilled its purpose with the
help of KGB. RAW was free to
use as much funds as it likes.
First of all RAW created such
circumstances through
terrorists which forced
thousands of Bengalis to take
refuge in Indian Bengal. RAW
trained these refugees for
Gorilla Warfare. Indira Gandhi
was impatient. RAW had
completed its work in East
Pakistan. Mukti Bahni (their
majority consisted of Indian
Gorilla Force) had spread to
every inch of East Pakistan.
Indira Gandhi ordered her
forces to attack East Pakistan
but in July 1971 “General Manik
Sha” apologized that if his army
entered Pakistan before
December they will have to face
defeat. Indira Gandhi ordered
RAW to help General Sha. RAW
started attacks on Pak-Army
through Mukti Bahni. Their
women were kidnapped, raped
while children murdered. As
per plan agents of RAW present
in the Mukti Bahni attacked
homes of Mujeeb’s supporters,
murdered them and raped their
women. The newspapers owned
by Hindus in Dhaka published
the news along with pictures
that Soldiers of Pak-Army
especially Punjabi soldiers of
West Pakistan are murdering
Bengalis. The same pictures
were published by Indian
newspapers and reached to the
western media. The whole
detail is present in the books
written by Bangladeshi writers.
In this way with the open
support of Soviet Union and
under cover help of America the
incident of fall of Dhaka
occurred. After this in the form
of Sheikh Mujeeb India
Occupied Dhaka practically. But
Mujeeb was murdered in the
hands of his security guards
along with his family. From
here the defeat of RAW starts in
Bangladesh. This jolted Indira
Gandhi and her grip on the
govt. within got lose. She was
also murdered by her security
personnel like Mujeeb.
According to Bangladeshi media
RAW is still active interfering in
Bangladesh. Chakma Tribes
have started rebellion with the
help of RAW and in spite of
Mukti Bahni, Shanti Bahni has
been formed. But every time
India has to lick the dust that is
why Indian media blames on
routine basis that Pakistan’s
secret agency ISI, has infiltrated
Bangladeshi Armed Forces and
other civil administration and is
trying to create unrest in India.
But this is also fact that after
separation of Bangladesh first
time in the history of (Past
three years) columns against
Indian interference are
continuously being published.
Facts about Indian terrorism
and interference in East
Pakistan are being brought
forward. The separation from
Pakistan is being accepted as
big mistake and Indian media is
claiming changing ideas of
Bangladeshi public as
¶… Sikkim…¶
After independence sub
continent in 1947 Sikkim
present between China and
India (its border is also
adjacent with Nepal and
Bhutan) was accepted as
free, sovereign state. Sikkim
was captured by Britain in
1890. In spite of majority of
Buddhists India succeeded
in getting influential in
Sikkim because Sikkim is a
“land locked” country. So
the trade and the business
of these people were
dependent on the trade with
India. Due to these
compulsions India
succeeded in transferring
its religious and cultural
effects on the people of
Sikkim. In 1950 India
entered its army into
Sikkim through agreement
and along with this Indian
secret agencies started
acting upon their plans. In
1962 when war was
declared between China
and India, India captured
all govt. institutions of
Sikkim through in the light
of lame excuse that China
may attack India through
Sikkim. When war between
China and India ended the
people of Sikkim came to
roads for protest against
Indian capture of their govt.
institutions. The King of
Sikkim “Chogyal Tenzig
Wnagehuck” tried his best
to assure the people of
Sikkim that Sikkim is not a
dependent state of India but
a sovereign state. Simple
people trusted their king
and took his statements
against India based upon
truth. But majority was not
ready to accept this lie. Due
to increasing restlessness
among Sikkim people Indian
secret agencies and armed
forces went behind the
scene. In 1971 on the order
of Indira Gandhi RAW got
activated in Sikkim and
support was bought
through money within
Sikkim people. The people
protesting against India
started protests against
their King. When King saw
that his rule is about to end
he took help from India.
RAW assured him of
support but on the
condition that he will
remain loyal to RAW and
act as an agent of RAW.
King accepted all the
conditions of RAW but
secretly RAW continued its
activities to capture Sikkim.
In 1974 political elections
were conducted which
were converted gradually
into Civil War by the
struggle of RAW. This civil
war continued for one year
and many innocent lives
were lost. Then India’s
struggle for peace
succeeded and new
elections were declared.
The election campaign was
going on, during this a big
political party declared
assimilation with India.
After this elections were
conducted but in the form
of referendum for being a
part of India. How the
result of this referendum
can go against India. As
soon as decision was
declared in the favor of
India, Indian forces
captured it and it was
claimed as 22 nd province of
¶…Sri Lanka…¶
This peninsula is located in
the south east of India near
Indian Coastal province
Tamil Nadu. If we look at
the history of Sri Lanka,
Portuguese captured it in
1505. At that time Sri
Lanka consisted of seven
states. In 1600 Portuguese
were defeated by Dutch
Army. In 1796 they were
exiled by Britain. When
British rule ended in sub
continent, Sri Lanka also
got independence in 1948.
This independence is still
being protected by Sri
Lankan people. Although
during all this time India
has several times tried to
capture Sri Lanka but it had
to face defeat. After
independence Sri Lanka
ignored Indian pressure
and established diplomatic
relations with Pakistan. It
also allowed Pakistani
passenger and war ships to
anchor on its coasts. And
also Pakistani war planes
were provided with
airports. This angered
Indira Gandhi and she
decided to bring Sri Lanka
under “Indira Doctrine” i.e.
capture Sri Lanka.
Indira Gandhi called Chief
of RAW and asked him to
conduct operation similar
to East Pakistan in Sri
Lanka. The officers
responsible for Mukti Bahni
were called and in the
areas of “Garakhpur and
Kanda” of Tamil Nadu
training camps were setup.
The difference among
Sinhali and Tamils were
made a cause for war
between them. The struggle
of RAW brought fruit and
Tamil demanded separate
homeland for them. When
Sri Lanka got trapped in the
hands of Rebellions, India
offered support for re
establishing peace and
security which was
accepted by due to
pressure. In 1987 under an
agreement Indian troops
entered into Sri Lanka.
Opposition parties rejected
this agreement and came to
roads for protest against
presence of Indian army in
Sri Lanka. Along with this
rebellions also started
attacking Indian army
present in Sri Lanka. This
made disputes among RAW
and Indian Foreign
Ministry. Extreme response
from Sri Lankan public
against Indian army was
taken as defeat of RAW by
Indian Foreign Ministry.
This was the first time that
Indian govt. has to face
criticism on the
international level. Indira
Gandhi has been murdered
but “Indira Doctrine” was
still there, which was now
responsibility of Rajiv
Gandhi. The hatred against
India was so much extreme
in Sri Lanka that in 1988
when Rajiv Gandhi went on
a visit to Sri Lanka, on the
airport during the salute
parade a Sri Lankan Soldier
Rajiv Gandhi with the
handle of rifle, due to which
Rajiv Gandhi fell to the
ground. If the gun had the
bullet maybe the Rajiv
Gandhi has been murdered
on the spot. At least due to
extreme opposition Indian
army left Sri Lanka in 1988.
But Indian army is still
training Tamil rebellions in
its camps in Tamil Nadu
under RAW.
Readers may remember
that on 30 th November
1988 that Maldives
consisting of small islands
was captured by 400
pirates. Equipped with
latest weapons pirates
attacked like trained
gorillas and captured
Capital of peaceful
Maldives. They captured
important govt. and non
govt. officials and later on
attacked presidential house.
Where they had to face
extreme resistance in the
hands National Security
Guards. President Mamun
was shifted to safe place.
From where President
called help from govt. of
Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka,
Britain and America.
At that time response of
Indian Prime Minister Rajiv
Gandhi was astonishing.
Like other neighbor
countries the American
officials were busy in
planning for action in
Maldives in a near by
American headquarter on
an nearby island that the
reports was issued that
1600 soldiers of Indian 50 th
Para Brigade have arrived
in the Capital Mali along
with Indian Navy. And 13
cargo planes of Indian Air
Force have also arrived
carrying soldiers in the
protection of Indian Air
Force and have taken
control of different airports
of Maldives. After four
hours success was declared
by Indian govt. this
operation was named as
“Operation Cactus”.
According to Indian officials
Maldives have been cleared
off from pirates, on different
spots several pirates have
been captured. Along with
the Transport Minister
Ahmed Mujtaba 30
important persons had been
kidnapped by more then
100 pirates and they had
been trying to escape
through small ships and
speed boats. They were
followed by Indian navy
and arrested and the
kidnapped have been freed.
On the second day in
Bangalore higher ranks of
Air force and Navy in a
press conference put light
on the role of India in
sudden incident of
Maldives. India had saved
Maldives from a great loss
through rapid reaction and
planning. At this Maldives
govt. and people are
thankful to India. Indian
defense Minister declared
that in future Indian army
will also continue to play its
role in the stability and
peace of the area. But nor
did any one dared to
question neither Indian
Defense Minister felt any
need to tell the identity of
those pirates. Why India
took them in its custody
after arresting them in spite
of handing them to
Maldives? After this, 21
years have passed but no
one knows that where did
the pirates have gone? Has
sea engulfed them or
Indians hidden them?
International rejected the
whole incident of Maldives
as drama and action script
of Bollywood film.
According to defense
analysts India wanted to
show its “Military Muscles”
to small countries of the
area. But a newspaper of
Sri Lanka revealed the
identity of these pirates on
3 rd December 1988.
According to the newspaper
the pirates belonged to the
Indian agency RAW. They
were departured from the
areas under control of
Indian Peace Keeping forces
in Sri Lanka i.e. “Mnar and
Kankassnturai”. The above
mentioned newspaper also
published photos of two
officers of RAW as identity;
under their supervision
Pirates attacked Maldives.
Newspaper raised the
question that what type of
operation was that in
which no one was hurt, and
pirates put their weapons
down as soon as they saw
Indian soldiers…
When ever congress is on
the govt. in Nepal the peace
is restored. Attacks of the
Maoists stop. As soon as
due to public pressure and
strong opposition Congress
leaves the govt. and Union
of opposition forms its govt.
unrest and terrorism jolts
the whole country. The
attacks by Maoists become
so much severe that Police
and Security Forces get
worried for their lives. At
least why? The answer to
this question is present in
the book of “Shastra Dutta
Pant” published in 2003
under the title of “R.A.W’s
Machinations in South
Asia”. According to this
book, out of India Nepal is
the only country where
including every official is
paid employee of RAW.
Congress party of Nepal is
an extension of Indian
Congress. If Congress is in
govt. it is equivalent to
Delhi rule. Agents of RAW
are also present in other
parties but they are not so
much influential to act
upon the Indian plans.
Moreover the threat of
interference from China is
also an important excuse
for RAWs presence in
After its establishment in
1968 before that RAW
entered into Afghanistan
resistance began against
Soviets capture of Kabul.
This resistance which
started in 1979 converted
into severe war till 1984.
During this secret agency of
Afghanistan “Khad” and
KGB of Soviet Union
conducted many bomb
blasts within Pakistan for
which they must had
support from RAW. Because
the relations between India
and Afghanistan had been
much deep and strong that
is why after independence
Afghanistan did not spare
any opportunity to create
problems for Pakistan. And
due to this some groups
shifted to India during
afghan war. After defeat
red army left the
Afghanistan and
Afghanistan got entrapped
into civil war. Under the
leadership of Ahmad Shah
Masood a group wanted to
capture north eastern
province Kabul. They had
to face extreme resistance
from Pakhtoons. From this
civil war Taliban got birth
and they captured 90% of
Afghanistan like a cyclone.
People from north western
areas Uzbek speaking
Persian and Tajiks
challenged Taliban’s rule
under the name of
Northern Alliance, they
were fully supported by
After 9/11 when America
attacked Afghanistan it did
not had any support on the
land except from Northern
Alliance. The capture of
Kabul by Americans made
road for Northern
Alliance’s rule and provided
an opportunity to RAW to
strengthen itself in
Afghanistan. If we say that
Afghanistan is practically
captured by India it is not
wrong. RAW is not only
using Afghanistan for
Pakistan but also for
terrorism in China having
Muslims in majority. Near
Pakistani boundaries India
has established seven
consulates. Through these
RAW has succeeded in
creating influence among
tribes of Pakistan.
Moreover RAW is also
conducting business of
illegal weapons, drugs and
smuggling of valuable
goods. NATO and American
officials have their own
interests for which they are
ignoring activities of RAW.
But after delaying work
upon the Civil Nuclear deal
between India America it is
possible that America may
limit role of India in
Afghanistan. But this
question of much
importance that in
Afghanistan when
American and NATO forces
are being targeted in suicide
Bomb Blasts while Indian
soldiers and persons are
not their target who are
spread on every inch of
Let us now come towards
Pakistan. Last night you
have heard live analyses by
local (ex) M.P.A Ahmad
Hussain Kanju on private
T.V. channel AAJ. The
question by the
representative of the AAJ
TV’s representative Talaat
Hussain was “after
murdering security persons
slaughtering them or
mutilating their dead bodies
are local people?” The
answer of ex MPA was “No!
They are not local people. I
am a local inhabitant of this
area. Local people no
matter to which Religious
sect they belong, how much
fundamentalist they are,
this is not their behavior.
They don’t treat their
enemy like that. And our
religion also does not allow
for that.”
The question by Talaat
Hussain was, “then who are
they? Are they foreigners
hidden in local public?” The
answer was: “Possibly they
are foreigners. But they
belong to RAW and Khad is
also supporting it”.
Dear readers consider the
situation in 1970-71 of East
Pakistan and present
situation in tribal areas
have many similarities.
The only difference is that
in East Pakistan RAW
murdered Pak-Army in the
form of Mukti Bahni while
on the other hand treated
the Bengali people like that.
Here mentioning the
Minister of Ayoub Khan’s
Cabinet Mr. Munaam Khan
will be important.
Munaam khan was advised
by some friends in 1971 to
shift to safe place along
with his family. His reply
was, “I have served people
of my area. No matter how
much situation gets
worsened I have no fear
from fellow religious and
language Bengali People. If I
have ideological differences
with them what this has to
do with my family.” This
statement of Munaam khan
was published in all major
newspapers of Dhaka. After
few weeks’ terrorists of
Mukti Bahni attacked house
of Munaam Khan in the
light of day. His sons were
murdered. He and his
daughters were brought on
the road. Their clothes
were stripped. After this
they tied feet of Munaam
Khan with ropes to two
jeeps and started the jeeps.
Both jeeps moved in
opposite directions and
body of Munaam Khan
divided into two parts.
Local people who were
with Munaam Khan came
forward but they were
stopped on gun point. The
terrorists of Mukti Bahni
kidnapped the family of
Munaam Khan and left the
area. Till yet no one knows
any traces of his family.
After few months of this
incident East Pakistan got
separated. The Bengalis of
Chitagong still celebrate the
day of Munaam Khan. They
recall his services which
include his political rivals
who are the witness of such
a dreadful murder. They
also believe that the people
who murdered and
kidnapped his family were
not Muslim and
Let us come back towards
the Pakistan’s Khyber P.K
(NWFP) province and tribal
areas and incidents
occurring there. But first of
all we should discuss tribal
customs. The enmities of
tribal people are famous.
These enmities which go on
for centuries but no one
mutilates the dead bodies. If
the enemy comes to house
of the rival his life is
forgiven. The guest of
enemy is respected like own
guest. Such like customs
take centuries to develop
and also does not vanish
away in few years. The
process of deterioration of
customs needs centuries.
But in our tribal areas
human beings are being
slaughtered as animals. The
heads are being shown to
show the brutality. Ok let
us accept that the whole of
this is being done for
implying Islamic laws.
These acts are being taken
for renewal of Islam. Then
the books of history are
filled with the victories of
Muslims. The Christian
historians who recorded
the Crusade wars swear for
the Muslim customs. They
praise the Muslim
philosophy of providing
safety to enemy in case of
victory. Yes! Only Hindu
historians claim that Islam
has spread through the
force of sword. And the
persons who accepted
Islam in sub continent were
cowards having weak
And if we accept this true
that the fighters for Islam
are on the right path or
they think Pak-Army as big
hurdle in the enforcing of
Sharia/Islamic Law and to
remove that hurdle they
conduct suicide attacks on
Pakistani forces on daily
basis. Then really after
army gets defeated Islam
will be enforced? While in
Pakistani society the Soldier
is more pious and religious
as compared to other
persons. They (soldiers) do
not forget on freezing
mountains of Siachen and
offer Prayers after making
ablution with extremely
cold water, if the cause of
this dispersion, unrest,
extremism and suicide
bomb blasts is unequal
income distribution,
injustice, or corruption then
why the target of suicide
bombers are not Land
Lords, Feudal, investors,
hoarders etc. if soldiers are
not a cause of these
attacks, the vulgarity is the
cause of the anger Islamic
groups then who does not
know that Free Electronic
Media is responsible for
You should accept that
bitter reality that Pakistan
is the target of “Indira
Doctrine”. This plan is
controlled by RAW for the
fulfillment of Indian dream
of “Great India”. This net is
sometimes thrown in
Baluchistan and sometimes
by blaming Pakistan for
supporting terrorism in
Afghanistan. The shame is
for our political leadership
which in spite of expressing
sorrow over incidents of
bomb blasts on Pakistani
Security forces and loss of
invaluable lives blames
Pak-Army for attacks over
itself. So that the politicians
who are out of power can
be stopped from entering
into govt. While they are in
power or out of power their
orders are obeyed. In the
last I would like to request
to analysts, writers,
intellectuals to forget their
mutual disputes and create
positive thinking among
people of Pakistan about
suicide bomb blasts
otherwise no one will be


Can the OP highlight the good bits?

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