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The Road to Swat / PAKISTAN, Travellight

Though we used to go to swat before the terrorism every year.
Openly move in cheena and China markets buying old Walkmans and stuff not Avalible anymore in big cities etc.
And even driving in swat through the night is lovely with sparrows still sitting arranged in line on the electricity wires at night.
And white Palace and swat serena are lovely resorts..
But I have never been to takht bhai ruins.
I feel so sad what we are lossing as a country, we are not utilizing our Buddhist and sikh potential.every sikh building is now dalipadated. Sikh gurdwaras belonging to 2nd, 3rd 4th and numerous other gurus are in ruins, ranjeet Singh monuments are in ruins and these Buddhist moneuments are in ruins .
What if we can restore this ancient 2nd century Buddhist montasary. Thousands of Buddhist from China , Nepal, mananmar and other places would come because their religion probably stated here.it really pianed me yar.
The biggest market is China and Koreans. They have the $$$$ as well.
Welcome back brother.
It just pains my heart.
Few days ago while having some discussion here on pdf I wrote 'that if Pakistan have pyramids then Pakistan would have destroyed them by now' It was meant as a sarcasm ofcourse.
But litterally everyone ganged up on me and Said that they should be destroyed right so..
How can we change the thinking of these people.
They don't even understand that even from Islamic point of view these things stand as a great example that nothing last. A pharaoh mummy is an example for the world to see that he claimed himself to be invincible and look what real God make him..and make him an ibrat for the generations to come.
But no we need Atleast a century to evolve and don't know what would be world back then. Surely we are not going to see any change in our life time.
I think we should preserve these ruins..clean them, do little repair & maintenance to increase the tourism. It is not necessary to invest huge sums. Get UNESCO involved in it.
@graphican @ps3linux @fitpOsitive

Even during these eid holiday I did go to swat but I ve been more of an adventure seeker thus I stay overnight at inlaws in Charsadda go to takhbhai via hari charan way, if you travel by that way well thats truly an adventure most scenic drive you can have overgrown trees cover all the way stunning clean spring coming all the way from swat, strawberry plantation, really nice people and then you enter takhbhai. I think there are two more archaeologist besides dr dani who did try to do a lot for these ruins, like @war&peace mentioned not huge investment just clean up some basic maintenance, good access road, touring facilities (washrooms, staying facility, water and food) and bit of promotion and we can have a huge influx from east asian countries particularly Japanese and Koreans. Even requesting UNESCO to get involved is a good idea.
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