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The rising storm in the South China Sea


Sep 7, 2008
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Bharat and China have gone to war over an unresolved MaCmohan Line. Bharat has announced the deployment of 50,000-60,000 troops and nuclear-capable combat planes along this border.In response to Bharat’s military buildup, Beijing has taken notice and challenged Delhi. China and India share about 2,000 kilometers of border, and the boundary has never been formally delineated.

China has objected to the Bharati presence in the South China Sea. Bharat on the backs of American wishes is insistant upon drilling in the disputed islands controlled by Vietnam.​


Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was questioned about Dehi’s motives in its presence in Vietnam. Chinese leader Wen Jiabao accused Delhi of being persent in disputed territory. The Bharati premier explained that Delhi’s interests were “purely commercial”. It meekishly said that “sovereignty claims must be settled according to international law.” The statement is comical–Bharat has never adhered to the principles that Dr. Sngh was talking about.

The two had met at the venue of the East Asia summit. Beijing had dliberately tried to keep the disputes in the South China Sea out of the purview of both Asean and East Asia Summits.

Wen, in a not-so-veiled reference to Delhi, warned “outside forces” from getting embroiled in the South China Sea dispute. China has had disputes with Vietnam, and actually went to war with the former French colony which was the victim of decade long war which it faught against the USA.

Wen told Asean leaders. “The dispute which exists among relevant countries in this region over the South China Sea is an issue which has built up for several years…It ought to be resolved through friendly consultations and discussions by countries directly involved. Outside forces should not, under any pretext, get involved”.

In a provacative move, Delhi is exploring for oil in areas Beijing claims as its territory. Of course Bharat is eggd on by Washington. US President Barack Obama, attending his first East Asia Summit here, asked PM Singh that this gathering “can be the premier arena for us to be able to work together on a wide range of issues: maritime security or nonproliferation.”

Bharati trade is expected to touch $70 billion this year– though most if it are imports of raw material from Bharat. Beijing accuses Dehi of playing a “Taiwan card” to keep it off balance.

A Chinese area called Southern Tibet (which the Bharatis call Arunachal Pradesh). Both counries have had cross-border firing in Ladakh and Sikkim. Delhi fears that China may act to preempt, or respond to Dalai Lama’s successor. Bharat fears the fact that Beijing may deploy the People’s Liberation Army to occupy contested territory along the Sino-Indian border. This is exactly what happened in 1962. Such a build-up could create a risk of military conflict between the now nuclear-armed Asian countries.

India has always harbored a grudge over China’s all-weather friendship with Pakistan. Dr. Singh briefed Wen on his meeting with Pakistani premier Yousaf Raza Gilani during the SAARC summit in Maldives. Bharat is trying to pressure China in withdrawing its support for economic activities in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan. While Delhi was seeking a quid-pro-quo, China has no plans in stopping the massive development projects that have already started in Pakistan.

C. Raja Mohan writing for Foreign Relations puts it bluntly: “When there is relative tranquility in Tibet, India and China have reasonably good relations. When Sino-Tibetan tensions rise, India’s relationship with China heads south.”

Chinese Global Times has warned Bharat in “India’s Unwise Military Moves,” “India’s current course can only lead to a rivalry between the two countries. India needs to consider whether or not it can afford the consequences of a potential confrontation with China.” An affiliate of the People’s Daily published a Chinese language article on June 12 which translates to “India is a paper tiger and its use of use will be trounced, say experts.” It is a provocative publication and a threat to Bharat. It revives the language of Mao, when he would refere to the US as an imperialist paper tiger.
Next, Australia will show its interest and of course with the blessings from the US. Behind all this is the dirty hand of the US. Without a signal from the US india would not dare to enter the South China Sea.
Why don't you provide the link to the piece of excrement you have just posted. That way one can safely ignore the thread and not have to waste time reading the first few lines.
Why don't you provide the link to the piece of excrement you have just posted. That way one can safely ignore the thread and not have to waste time reading the first few lines.

Wasn't rupee news banned here along the lines of Bharat Rakshak? :what:
It high time China realizes that they cannot bully India. From last few days i am hearing China warns this country, china warns that country only words no action. If they have guts then take some military action
It high time China realizes that they cannot bully India. From last few days i am hearing China warns this country, china warns that country only words no action. If they have guts then take some military action

Watch out for what you wish for, it just might come true!
This is the most one sided and ridiculously cheap article I have read for a long time.

Some land mark phrases:

Bharat on the backs of American wishes is insistant upon drilling in the disputed islands controlled by Vietnam
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was questioned about Delhi’s motives
meekishly said that “sovereignty claims must be settled according to international law.” The statement is comical
In a provacative move, Delhi is exploring for oil in areas Beijing claims as its territory.
most if it are imports of raw material
A Chinese area called Southern Tibet
Delhi fears that China may act to preempt, or respond to Dalai Lama’s successor.
It revives the language of Mao, when he would refere to the US as an imperialist paper tiger.

Fun to read but not worth the paper it is printed on. Does have some humour value.

Its time for rest of small countries of south asia to sign NATO like alliance with cjina and teach india a lesson by dividing it into 100 countries.
Its time for rest of small countries of south asia to sign NATO like alliance with cjina and teach india a lesson by dividing it into 100 countries.

China should actively take that initiative if india does not desist from poking its nose in the South China Sea.
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