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The Rise of Kashmir’s Second ‘Intifada’

Oh yeah Son you are right Indian Sickularim is world famous you are talking about rights


This is what a superstar has to say we can imagine well about ordinary people.

You are proving again and again Son that you are one of the most ignorant ****** here atleast there are some who admits here hindustan is for Hindus and theres no place for anyone else like RSS saivaks and some Cow ka Cola drinkers here proudly say I prefer them over a brainwashed kid like you who is miles away reality believing whatever media and Modi says.
Don't teach us Child tell Me one a Hindu or Minority become chief of ISI
or President Or any relevant Post
Don't teach us Child tell Me one a Hindu or Minority become chief of ISI
or President Or any relevant Post

Son we have less than 1% Hindu population while India has a 17% Muslim population when did you guys make a Muslim PM or army chief or chief justice..One was made a president but thats a toothless job doesnt count

Leave muslims even Hindus are there to tear apart your Indian sickularism and you talk of equal rights.

Oh yeah Son you are right Indian Sickularim is world famous you are talking about rights


This is what a superstar has to say we can imagine well about ordinary people.

You are proving again and again Son that you are one of the most ignorant ****** here atleast there are some who admits here hindustan is for Hindus and theres no place for anyone else like RSS saivaks and some Cow ka Cola drinkers here proudly say I prefer them over a brainwashed kid like you who is miles away from reality believing whatever media and Modi says.
If you were to accept that hinus and muslims are living peacefully for rest 99% of the cases wont it fail your theory of 2 nations completely? The next thing would be people of Pakistan revolting against the partition.

The only consolation with Pakistan has right now is the belief that almost every muslim is being beaten down in India which keeps the Pakistan intact. Military generals, education system and politicians have ensured that. If the reality was to come out for the Pakistan populace regaring the hate mongering they have been preached since their inception is a farce quite a few people are going to lose power.

Hence it is perfectly ok for you to highlight isolated incidents to justify your existance.
Son we have less than 1% Hindu population while India has a 17% Muslim population when did you guys make a Muslim PM or army chief or chief justice..One was made a president but thats a toothless job doesnt count
Chief Of are Intelligence agency was sunni muslim
UN secretary
Joint chief of R&AW
Chief of northern command

Father of are Missile program
Apj Kalam

11 th & 39 th and 26 th cheif justice of india


There Many Prominent Muslims in Major post List huge

We have Same Population of Sikhs but we Made them army chiefs and granted many other premier post

you do proper research before claiming something
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“We do not fear death! Muslims don’t fear it because Islam gives us strength. We all want jannat (paradise) that awaits the shaheed (martyr),”
This is not terrorism
And all muslims are not terrorists (sarcasm)
If you were to accept that hinus and muslims are living peacefully for rest 99% of the cases wont it fail your theory of 2 nations completely? The next thing would be people of Pakistan revolting against the partition.

The only consolation with Pakistan has right now is the belief that almost every muslim is being beaten down in India which keeps the Pakistan intact. Military generals, education system and politicians have ensured that. If the reality was to come out for the Pakistan populace regaring the hate mongering they have been preached since their inception is a farce quite a few people are going to lose power.

Hence it is perfectly ok for you to highlight isolated incidents to justify your existance.

You better come out of 47 and smell the coffee we are really glad in Pakistan and pray for equal rights of Muslims in India


British deliberately didnt divide Subcontinent as per religion otherwise whole of Kashmir , Large chunk indian west bengal including calcutta and 30% of then Indian punjab was supposed to be part of Pakistan and had it been done properly We Pakisatnis today would not have any issues with India and south asia being a peaceful and resourceful place would have made a lots of progress instead of bloody wars and hatred.

So the problems lies basically with redcliffe award which was aimed to cause trouble in future between both nations so that west can sell us weapons and then with stubborn attitude of extremist Hindus who are not willing to give kashmiris rights to self determination which is a basic human right

Chief Of are Intelligence agency was sunni muslim
UN secretary
Joint chief of R&AW
Chief of northern command

Father of are Missile program
Apj Kalam

11 th & 39 th and 26 th cheif justice of india


There Many Prominent Muslims in Major post List huge

We have Same Population Sikhs but we Made them army chiefs and granted many other premier post

HaHaHaHa Son you are loosing it . Sikhs are only 2% but got to become Chief of army staff so many times muslims being 17% dont get a single chance. I asked about 3 main posts which were shared with Sikhs though being much less in numbers but not with Muslims who actually have a brave blood that they ruled you in your homeland for over thousand years.
You better come out of 47 and smell the coffee we are really glad in Pakistan and pray for equal rights of Muslims in India


British deliberately didnt divide Subcontinent as per religion otherwise whole of Kashmir , Large chunk indian west bengal including calcutta and 30% of then Indian punjab was supposed to be part of Pakistan and had it been done properly We Pakisatnis today would not have any issues with India and south asia being a peaceful and resourceful place would have made a lots of progress instead of bloody wars and hatred.

So the problems lies basically with redcliffe award which was aimed to cause trouble in future between both nations so that west can sell us weapons and then with stubborn attitude of extremist Hindus who are not willing to give kashmiris rights to self determination which is a basic human right

HaHaHaHa Son you are loosing it . Sikhs are only 2% but got to become Chief of army staff so many times muslims being 17% dont get a single chance. I asked about 3 main posts which were shared with Sikhs though being much less in numbers but not with Muslims who actually have a brave blood that they ruled you in your homeland for over thousand years.
I busted you bubble you changing the goal post Kid You not even have one decent post for Hindu in any field
Muslims rising due to there personal law and there Low literacy rate due to Madarsa off course

3 chief justice of india Post Do you know how Powerful chief justice is
2 chief of Intelligence agencies R&AW & IB Which has more power than army
Many Muslim chief ministers

father of our Missile program is Muslim

Even South, indians and many states there never became any PM Just because of politics Because UP & Gujarat Punjab has more Political Parties

Just Like pak PM comes from Punjab and Much of your Army comes from Punjabi Back aground
Its all about Demographics

Because Sikhs are rich and Historically more than any there More active in army
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You better come out of 47 and smell the coffee we are really glad in Pakistan and pray for equal rights of Muslims in India


British deliberately didnt divide Subcontinent as per religion otherwise whole of Kashmir , Large chunk indian west bengal including calcutta and 30% of then Indian punjab was supposed to be part of Pakistan and had it been done properly We Pakisatnis today would not have any issues with India and south asia being a peaceful and resourceful place would have made a lots of progress instead of bloody wars and hatred.

So the problems lies basically with redcliffe award which was aimed to cause trouble in future between both nations so that west can sell us weapons and then with stubborn attitude of extremist Hindus who are not willing to give kashmiris rights to self determination which is a basic human right

HaHaHaHa Son you are loosing it . Sikhs are only 2% but got to become Chief of army staff so many times muslims being 17% dont get a single chance. I asked about 3 main posts which were shared with Sikhs though being much less in numbers but not with Muslims who actually have a brave blood that they ruled you in your homeland for over thousand years.
Let me start with the nation where the founding stone was kept with "Hindus and Muslims cannot live together" is ought to jutify every night and day that they stand corrected. Hence you will find selective new reporting where the 1% of the cases are highlighted within your media and most of Pakistani members continue to blow out of proportion.

I readily support creation of Pakistan for the more selfish reasons which are that it creates a buffer zone between the historically voilent middle east and India. India has been a victim for middle east agression in the past and which hampered its growth in isolation. As you can see today also the western borders of Pakistan are turbulent which is more or less the same problem which India was facing 1000 to 500 years back. Creation of Pakistan solved that problem.

Kashmir right to self determination i do not think i need to eloborate the conditions. Expecting you know it pretty well.
The onus lies on Pakistan to demilitarise occupied kashmir, hand it over to india first.

In India muslims have equal rights and you can very well witness it. At the same time if a community per se is more interested in madarsa education and considers populating a more of religious duty rather than focussing on one child with a better future prospects, than having 5, they are free to do so. One cannot distribute money to them. Hence the reason for the backwardness of Indian Muslims. But slowly and gradually the trend is changing.

The main irritant to the eye of Pakistan, missile defence system of India is a brain child of a muslim, Even the highest gallantry awards have been awarded to muslims. One of the major corporations of India Wipro is owned by a muslim. The deserving and the respected are given ample amount of recognition in India. But then again as i said previously Pakistan and Pakistanis need to selectively report the isolated incidents while ignoring the above individuals because that makes their whole agenda flawed.
Unlike keyboard warrior like you these are lessonsrds of a guy who actually visited Kashmir.

What India is facing is not, therefore, another bout of unrest to be managed and then forgotten, but an uprising.

And this time things are different as IOK police never left their stations before like this
My d***....we will crush Kashmiris traitors under our feet..these traitors will remember the lessons we teach for hundreds of years to come..we are least bothered about whether Kashmiri traitors love us on r not..we are only bothered about our land..if theu don't like us,bastrds can get the hell out of here.

When did the first one happen?
Brother you know telugu?
My d***....we will crush Kashmiris traitors under our feet..these traitors will remember the lessons we teach for hundreds of years to come..we are least bothered about whether Kashmiri traitors love us on r not..we are only bothered about our land..if theu don't like us,bastrds can get the hell out of here.

Brother you know telugu?
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