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The Rise of Feminism

You didn't get what I meant to say. Treating women as inferior is also caste system. Treating people differently based on religion is also a form of caste system.

Umm..we are not interested in any silly competition of whose beliefs will survive the test of time. Maybe you didn't get what I wanted to say.

Beliefs aside I will focus upon the subject matter at hand as I believe it is more difficult to convince men of far reaching ideas then of the more immediate ones.

Feminism has produced both its positive results and its negatives, the positives being... Equal pay, education, work etc etc. I will give you the negatives so that you may understand the far reaching impact it has had on society.

Female nature is hypergamous... It is directed towards having the best possible mate. Before feminism this was restricted by society (the tribe) and most importantly the father, who decided whom she wanted to be with.

Come enter the sexual revolution... which centered around romantic love. The immediacy of romantic love is revealed by its dependence on natural necessity. It is based on beauty, in part on sensual beauty, in part on the beauty that can be depicted through, in, and with the sensual. The sensual is instantaneous, it seeks instant satisfaction. And once romantic love has served its purpose, that satisfaction wears off

The life of a youthful girl here in the west is wasted with multiple of men in search of this romantic love. For a young girl emancipation is is a great thing, but in her older years (30+) she wants to settle down with children, of which many a man have refused to do so.

And even after marriage, old habits are not so easily driven off... Here in Canada the divorce rate is 50%... and reportedly 35% of which are due to infidelity (but I suspect the numbers are higher).

This is the negatives of feminism that are not spoken about... And I can write a whole book, but just this one example will suffice.

@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan would you agree that you see the same recurring themes in America? since we both are living in the same cultural theme.
The life of a youthful girl here in the west is wasted with multiple of men in search of this romantic love. For a young girl emancipation is is a great thing, but in her older years (30+) she wants to settle down with children, of which many a man have refused to do so.
Even men search for their perfect mate don't they? You said, women in older years wants to settle down with children and men have refused to do so. Isn't that a man's problem then?
And even after marriage, old habits are not so easily driven off... Here in Canada the divorce rate is 50%... and reportedly 35% of which are due to infidelity (but I suspect the numbers are higher).
You state that divorce rates are 50% of which 35% are due to infidelity. Are you assuming that in all 35% of the cases, women were the ones having extramarital relations? Isn't that a wrong assumption? Even men can have extramarital relations due to which women might have filed for divorce.
A divorce rate of 50% doesn't mean feminism is bad. You have lower divorce rates in South Asia just because women are subdued over here. So basically you want to subdue feminism just because divorce rate is high? What about other advantages such as increase in productivity for a country?
This is the negatives of feminism that are not spoken about... And I can write a whole book, but just this one example will suffice.
Well these are actually the most common points that are spoken about. Men want to restrict women because they want to keep women under their influence, nothing else. It's quite evident when the first thing that you talked was about divorce rates.
Please go ahead and write a whole book. I'll be happy to read.

2. Feminist movement must understand that women didnt get equal rights over night in the West and it took them an aweful lot of time. Now I dont say that they should wait for a century but they need to take it slow as millions and millions of men in South Asia are just not ready for gender equality in everyday life.
P.S. I consider myself being biased against women too. This male ego is wrong. I accept it. I wish it wasnt there but thats how our society raised us. Hope it withers away.
I agree with the point regarding that the process won't happen overnight. But it's great to see that finally women are getting the respect that they deserve. Still a long way to go and I feel that instead of women, men themselves should be at the forefront of making sure that women get equal status. Just like Jyotirao Phule himself ensured that his wife Savitribai Phule has been given education in 19th century India and opened the first girls' school in India.
Even men search for their perfect mate don't they? You said, women in older years wants to settle down with children and men have refused to do so. Isn't that a man's problem then?

You state that divorce rates are 50% of which 35% are due to infidelity. Are you assuming that in all 35% of the cases, women were the ones having extramarital relations? Isn't that a wrong assumption? Even men can have extramarital relations due to which women might have filed for divorce.
A divorce rate of 50% doesn't mean feminism is bad. You have lower divorce rates in South Asia just because women are subdued over here. So basically you want to subdue feminism just because divorce rate is high? What about other advantages such as increase in productivity for a country?

Well these are actually the most common points that are spoken about. Men want to restrict women because they want to keep women under their influence, nothing else. It's quite evident when the first thing that you talked was about divorce rates.
Please go ahead and write a whole book. I'll be happy to read.

I agree with the point regarding that the process won't happen overnight. But it's great to see that finally women are getting the respect that they deserve. Still a long way to go and I feel that instead of women, men themselves should be at the forefront of making sure that women get equal status. Just like Jyotirao Phule himself ensured that his wife Savitribai Phule has been given education in 19th century India and opened the first girls' school in India.

How is it men’s fault if they don’t want to be with women who spent their youth sleeping around?

You think they should simp up, gamble with a woman who god knows how many previous partners she was with and play around with a 50% divorce rate?

Keep in mind 35% of infidelity is the recorded number. They should be given a gold medal if it’s actually that low.

Like I said, you stick to your beliefs, I will stick to mine. We will see which survives the test of time...
How is it men’s fault if they don’t want to be with women who spent their youth sleeping around?

You think they should simp up, gamble with a woman who god knows how many previous partners she was with and play around with a 50% divorce rate?

Keep in mind 35% of infidelity is the recorded number. They should be given a gold medal if it’s actually that low.

Like I said, you stick to your beliefs, I will stick to mine. We will see which survives the test of time...
There were people like you in olden times who didn't want women to even read and write. You can clearly see what has happened after so many years. People now look down upon parents who don't educate girls.

There will always be progress and rigid beliefs slowly get eroded. That's how it has always been.
What an ignorant person you are! You can’t refute my arguments so you turn to strawman arguments and believe I am like the people of the past and don’t want females to be educated.
Ok so I haven't personally insulted you.
Also, if you read my previous to previous reply properly and then check your response to that, you will find that you were telling something completely tangential.
I have female cousins who are doctors and am engaged to one. And I would want my daughters (if I am blessed with one, InshAllah) to follow the Islamic code of conduct, not your BS.
When did I even bring religion over here. You look way insecure. And I'm not forcing you with anything, with my 'BS' according to you. I guess you are imagining things.
Here is a strawman for you... You yourself must be like those people who are ok with their daughters sleeping around and are ok with them becoming pornstars.
I'm not even married, having a daughter is a long way ahead. Again, as expected you just didn't understand my argument. For you feminism is just women sleeping around with others and becoming pornstars. A clear reflection of your prejudices. Also, this is the 2nd time you have insulted me.
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