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The rise of China & India

What about Tibet and Xinjiang? Don't they constitute half the China

When Tibetan separatists have had enough, they burn themselves and no one else.

When Indian Kashmiris/Maoists/Tribals/Northeasterners have enough, they blow up truckloads of Indians, and stage attacks on India's financial capital (Mumbai) repeatedly, as well as IM attacks on New Delhi.

Check out the Terrorism Risk Index:

Terrorism Risk Index - Maplecroft


Red = Extreme Risk
Orange = High Risk
Yellow = Moderate Risk
Green = Low Risk

India is in the same category (Extreme Risk) as Somalia and Afghanistan.
india has just gone through the Assam riots not too long ago. The rioters were not terrorists weren't they?
Check out the Terrorism Risk Index:

Terrorism Risk Index - Maplecroft


Red = Extreme Risk
Orange = High Risk
Yellow = Moderate Risk
Green = Low Risk

India is in the same category (Extreme Risk) as Somalia and Afghanistan.

I guess this is really old, or really biased, or that the creators were really ignorant. Extreme risk? Nonsense. It could have been believable if it said moderate risk or even high risk. But extreme risk? Thats obviously incorrect.
The region I live, I don't see that much of crimes at too much intensity if I compare it to other part of the world. The distibution of risk in India is not correct and its based on my observation.

One can also look at recent studies in crime and society with data, on various part of the world.
The region I live, I don't see that much of crimes at too much intensity if I compare it to other part of the world. The distibution of risk in India is not correct and its based on my observation.

One can also look at recent studies in crime and society with data, on various part of the world.
one can tweak the definition of crime to produce crime free statistics. just two simple points how the definition of terrorism is tweaked to suits ones agenda secondly counting domestic violence and violence basted on castism as not crime but disputes.
one can tweak the definition of crime to produce crime free statistics. just two simple points how the definition of terrorism is tweaked to suits ones agenda secondly counting domestic violence and violence basted on castism as not crime but disputes.
I know what terrorism is and what is not. I know what risk means and what's not. If you are driving on highway and a turn called accident prone, that doesn't mean the road is dangerous to travel throughout. Only certain part of a region can be termed as dangerous and generalizing entire region on basis of that part is wrong assessment.

Risk assessment and past incidents matter the most. POV also comes into picture. Isolated incidents happen a lot and definition of crime is relative as well as absolute depending on type of crime.

As I said, region I live in, I have heard of ISI activity and bomb blast cases but still it is one of the peaceful regions. Terrorism is not there as it is in Afghanistan or in Western part of Pakistan. This makes the distribution lacking reality.
The region I live, I don't see that much of crimes at too much intensity if I compare it to other part of the world. The distibution of risk in India is not correct and its based on my observation.

One can also look at recent studies in crime and society with data, on various part of the world.

Well said.

It is rather $tupid to talk about internal quarrels in India (and to much lower extent in China) to malign any of these wonderful countries.

Let me give a quick example from another fine country.

We all can google "brazil favelas" and see the ugly side of Brazilian society, the side that means drugs, violence, and abject poverty.

However the international traders, the ones who bring in ship loads of dollars, do not worry about favelas. Not only international traders, even the ordinary visitors talk about Brazilian beauties, and beaches (see for yourself :rofl: Brazilian Beach Beauty - YouTube) and the wonderful experience at the brazil mardi gras festivities.

Similarly China and India are the wonderful and fantastic and exotic destination for the international traders and tourists alike.

This is why Indians are getting shiploads of trade dollars from the West and from America.

This is why Chinese are getting 100 times the Indian shiploads of dollars from the West and from America.

The economic engine of India (service providers and factory owners) runs non-stop thanks to a society that is extremely friendly to European guests.

Similarly the economic engine of Chinese (factory owners) runs non-stop thanks to a society that is extremely friendly to European guests.

In both the cases, for both India and China, negatives are there in one way or the other. India has more internal strife at the bottom rungs of the society. But the top rungs are India-first all the way.

Chinese are hindered by a draconian top-down governance, but Chinese and I mean all chinese are "China-first" all the way.

Both countries have issues like corruption among the government officials, and top level traders. But overall both are delivering products that are quality (as promised) and on time (as promised).

And this is what matters.

For both India and China, the expats in America (and West in general) bring home more trade, business and expertise.

Since this is a Pakistani board, so let me contrast our beautiful country to India and China.

1. We have terrible reputation with European travelers. Our Islamist mindset makes us lose our traditional hospitality. We though rich Arabs will replace European travelers. We were wrong. Rich Arabs spend money in the same places where Europeans do. So once we lost European tourists, Arab tourists were gone too.

2. Our "Islamist" traders thought they don't need American markets, we'll export to Arabs. Guess what Arabs buy from the same countries from where Western get their products.

3. We can't figure out the future direction of Pakistan (in this world), because for us Islam-first, ethnicity-second, and Pakistan-third.

4. Pakistani expats settled in UK and US bring home terror instead of trade.

Thus we will remain marooned with poverty and death and destruction for some time to come, unless off course we learn from Chinese and behave like Chinese.

Yes yes, India is superpower and china is bad, evil and failure.

Happy now?
No need to get into honey trap and coming with same no value post as the person that enticed you. You can ignore and become a constructive part of discussion. We all know China's rise is way higher than India but at the same time, admitting that India is rising is a fact too. China is coming more on global scale while India on regional scale at most of the sectors.
China is there already and is influential all over the world economically and militarily. India is yet to achieve that. So Indians hang on your horses.
Such a biased opinion from an Indian. :lol: In fact we have not had a war for the past 30 years.

Now let's try an actual index or ranking.

Global Peace Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

#89 - China

#142 - India


This doesnt mean much. India has cross border terrorism issues. So obviously we will have "less peace".

But, both countries wont be imperialist warmongers. Both are not that developed to do so.

Therefore both countries will be major global powers, not superpowers or warmongers.

(see for yourself Brazilian Beach Beauty - YouTube


You got me there buddy! :bad:
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