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"The revolution in Iran is a matter of time."

Al Bhatti

Nov 16, 2009
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United Arab Emirates

United States Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta to reporters: "The revolution in Iran is a matter of time." He also added that the reform movement in Iran is learning from the lessons of the revolutions in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria"

He was asked whether the Arab spring will extend to Iran, he replied "Sure". He added " I think due to many reasons it is a matter of time before this kind of reform and revolution happens in Iran also"

The complete news is below:

وزير الدفاع الأمريكي: الثورة في إيران مسألة وقت

وزير الدفاع الأمريكي يتحدث للصحفيين في نيويورك

واشنطن- (رويترز): قال وزير الدفاع الأمريكي ليون بانيتا إن الثورة في إيران تبدو مسألة وقت وإن الحركة الإصلاحية في الجمهورية الإسلامية تتعلم من دروس الثورات في تونس ومصر وليبيا وسوريا.
وسئل بانيتا وهو مدير سابق لوكالة المخابرات المركزية تولى قيادة وزارة الدفاع في يوليو تموز في برنامج تلفزيوني الثلاثاء عن احتمال أن يمتد الربيع العربي إلى إيران فأجاب "بالتأكيد".

وأضاف "أعتقد أننا شاهدنا بوضوح في الانتخابات الأخيرة في إيران أن هناك حركة داخل إيران أثارت نفس الامور التي نشاهدها في أماكن أخرى".

وتابع قائلا "أعتقد لأسباب كثيرة أنها مسألة وقت قبل أن يحدث هذا الشكل من الإصلاح والثورة في إيران أيضا".

وكانت قوات الأمن الإيرانية قد سحقت احتجاجات واسعة في أعقاب إعادة انتخاب الرئيس محمود أحمدي نجاد في يونيو حزيران 2009 . وأقر بانيتا بصعوبة دعم تلك الاحتجاجات نظرا لردود الفعل المحتملة.

وقال "ينبغي أن نحاول اتخاذ كل خطوة ممكنة لدعم تلك الجهود لكن في الوقت نفسه علينا أن نحلل كل موقف للتأكد من أننا لا نفعل شيئا يثير ردود فعل سلبية أو يقوض تلك الجهود".

وعبر زعماء إيران عن أملهم في أن يضع الربيع العربي نهاية للأنظمة التي تدعمها الولايات المتحدة في العالم العربي. ووصف الزعيم الإيراني الأعلى آية الله علي خامنئي الربيع العربي بأنه "صحوة إسلامية" تستلهم الثورة الايرانية التي أطاحت بالشاه المدعوم من الغرب في 1979.
غير أن بانيتا عرض تفسيرا مختلفا للأحداث وتأثيرها على إيران.

وقال "أعتقد أن الحركة الإصلاحية في إيران تتعلم كثيرا مما يحدث في تونس ومصر وليبيا وسوريا".

وأضاف "إحدى القضايا التي كنا نبحثها عندما حدثت (الثورتان في) تونس ومصر هو ما الذي أشعل هذا؟ ما الذي تسبب في حدوث كل هذا" وذكر عوامل بينها وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعي والشبان الذين لم يكن لديهم الأمل في المستقبل.

ومضى يقول "الحقيقة هي أنه عندما يقرر الشعب أن تلك اللحظة جاءت .. تكون تلك لحظة يوشك عندها أن يحدث تغير هائل".

وتابع قوله "أعتقد أن هذا لا ينطبق على الشرق الأوسط وحسب بل وأيضا على إيران".
Americans too have right to dream. Do you think only few Anti Americans qualified to dream?? Few Example of Annti American dreams ((American economy will collapse, America will losse Afghan war etc )

You are right the americans have every right to dream. I never said they didnt I was just pointing out that thats what it was. But in the case of america the systemic failure of the financial system is not a dream its a reality
Assalam alaikum

I really think iran needs a revolution coz this regime islolated iran and we all remember how they oppressed the opposition after the elections

Americans too have right to dream. Do you think only few Anti Americans qualified to dream?? Few Example of Annti American dreams ((American economy will collapse, America will losse Afghan war etc )

These two examples are not dreams but unfortunate reality----But you are living in dreams ;)
Assalam alaikum

I really think iran needs a revolution coz this regime islolated iran and we all remember how they oppressed the opposition after the elections


Only isolated by zionists and their supporters
A revolution in Iran would be devastating. The country has gotten so far and made the economy almost self reliant. But the US has been funding the opposition in Iran worth hundreds of millions of dollar. If the people are really oppressed and things get bad( Idoubt they are as they claim), then I hope there would be a smooth transition rather than anything else. Also remember there is a jewish population in Iran, which are better treated relatively.
The revolution in US is a matter of time as well - namely US dissolving into 20 nation-states.
Iran is about 9000 years old, i think an iranian revolution happens once every 8970 years, the Americans will be on their way to becoming fossil fuel when it happens again.
It would be strange to see ANOTHER revolution in Iran that would topple this regime which itself was brought about by a revolution in so short span a time - relatively speaking!!! Syria, Libya dictatorships didn't really come about by a large scale movement as was the Iranian Revolution in 79!!! Might just be wishful thinking on their part...
Assalam alaikum

I really think iran needs a revolution coz this regime islolated iran and we all remember how they oppressed the opposition after the elections


Walaikum salam,

But that isolation is sometimes neccessary to measure the real capability of a nation. They are surviving even after sanctions, rather growing. Like Pakistan survived in post nuclear blasts era. Pakistani should follow iranians as far as revolution is concerned.g even after sanctions, rather growing. Like Pakistan survived in post nuclear blasts era. Pakistani should follow iranians as far as revolution is concerned.
I don't think a revolution is possible in Iran as of now. The mullas in their government will massacre thousands of common innocent Iranians without batting an eyelid, blame Israel, US and entire Europe and finally come to the conclusion that Arabs are just puppets who couldn't withstand the "Satan" and that their government is the only last hope on earth.

A mini-version of that happened already after people protested against re-election of Ahmedinejad and we saw what was done to civilians by their own Army. If at all there will be a revolt, it will be similar to Libya rather than Egypt or Tunisia since rowdy protests would only give mullas a reason to roll tanks onto the streets (that's the only thing left to be done). Only a rebel army made up of Iranian people can cause a revolt and de-throne the mullas.
I don't think a revolution is possible in Iran as of now. The mullas in their government will massacre thousands of common innocent Iranians without batting an eyelid, blame Israel, US and entire Europe and finally come to the conclusion that Arabs are just puppets who couldn't withstand the "Satan" and that their government is the only last hope on earth.

A mini-version of that happened already after people protested against re-election of Ahmedinejad and we saw what was done to civilians by their own Army. If at all there will be a revolt, it will be similar to Libya rather than Egypt or Tunisia since rowdy protests would only give mullas a reason to roll tanks onto the streets (that's the only thing left to be done). Only a rebel army made up of Iranian people can cause a revolt and de-throne the mullas.

The Mullahs made Iran virtually coup free by backing up everything that may carry out a coup against them.

Iranian Armed Forces by Revolutionary Guard
Parliament by Guardian Council
President by Supreme Leader.
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