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The return of ancient Egypt and back to it's glory - Egyptian armed forces promotional video

They are in the same boat as India
Hardware all around the globe, Main Issue in real-time all, all are the systems in sync.
Yes it makes sense depending how Uncle sam behaves, that leaves your option very limited but what about in-house development, That will benefit Egypt more, Specially JV with Turkey but other countries might have issues with that.
They are in the same boat as India
Hardware all around the globe, Main Issue in real-time all, all are the systems in sync.
Yes it makes sense depending how Uncle sam behaves, that leaves your option very limited but what about in-house development, That will benefit Egypt more, Specially JV with Turkey but other countries might have issues with that.

Tried analogy kinda expected you were gonna say this but they do have in-house developments and robust defense industry not at the level of turkey tho but they do have it.. They are self-suffient in the arena of ammo manufacturing, armored vehicles, drones, defense systems etc etc. They have a wide range of self-products and continuing projects it is mix of buying and develope your own system at the same time.. Even the UAE is nowadays selling defense inventor they produce in house and selling.. Pakistan armed forces next major market is gonna be UAE specifically for essentials like small drones for individual soldiers and AVs including missiles
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Return of ancient Egypt? That is why all those mummies were paraded. Well ancient Egypt got destroyed by Islam and if it returns, it will once again be destroyed by Islam.
Tried analogy kinda expected you were gonna say this but they do have in-house developments and robust defense industry not at the level of turkey tho but they do have it.. They are self-suffient in the arena of ammo manufacturing, armored vehicles, drones, defense systems etc etc. They have a wide range of self-products and continuing projects it is mix of buying and develope your own system at the same time.. Even the UAE is nowadays selling defense inventor they produce in house and selling.. Pakistan armed forces next major market is gonna be UAE specifically for essentials like small drones for individual soldiers and AVs including missiles
Egypt from ancient times to now fought 955 wars and lost only 12..
Return of ancient Egypt? That is why all those mummies were paraded. Well ancient Egypt got destroyed by Islam and if it returns, it will once again be destroyed by Islam.
Egypt is where monotheism was born.. before any other religion.. The Egyptians converted to Islam peacefully.. your thoughts are your own and they sound arrogant on the back of other Muslims..
In this videos , What is manufactured at home, for Airforce Navy and Army
Well ancient Egyptians use to practice a religion called Kemetism -- in short worshiping many deities like the Hindus. So these good for nothing Egyptians want to go back to their ROOTS.

The Power of Amun-Ra

Amun-Ra, a God known to the Egyptians as titles such as the “Supreme God” was truly someone who Egyptians dare not offend. Symbolized by the ram expressing fertility and war, two powerful forces that both create and end humans. Though this may be true, he was not always known that way. Originally, Amun-Ra was known as Ra who was recognized as the “Sun God.” He not only created himself, but he was the creator of the entire universe. He was known to have so much power, that some historians believe that the ancient Egyptians had a monotheistic belief. Ra also possessed many stories known to the Egyptians such as bringing light to the sky for the people on Earth and the Underworld demonstrating his power. Amun on the other hand was a patron of pharaohs and combined with Ra and was later known as Amun-Ra. Though to the Egyptian people he was an important God, they could never imagine the influence that Amun-Ra would have for the future. Amun-Ra for one influenced the Greeks and the idea that Zeus according to them was the king of gods. Amun-Ra had an influence on Christianity and Judaism, two major Abrahamic religions that are still massively practiced today. As shown through this, it is clear to say that Amun-Ra had a strong influence on the different religions Abrahamic or not that occurred in the future after the downfall of the ancient Egyptians. In general, the fusion of the sun god Ra with the patron of pharaohs began a pattern of imagining a god with two sides, one that explained the nature and cosmos, and the other implied a concern for the individual people. Though Egyptians focused more on pharaohs, its evolution to concerning for the individual demonstrates the start of a shift from tyrannical rule.


The Middle Kingdom came to an end with the Hyksos invasion of Lower Egypt, with the new invaders adapting Egyptian habits and gods. The New Kingdom (c. 1570–1085 bce) began when Egyptian nobles drove the Hyksos out. During this period the god Amen came to prominence and was worshipped at Karnak, near Thebes. Amen incorporated aspects of earlier gods such as Ptah and Ra, becoming for a time the primary creator-god. The Amen priesthood grew impressively strong not only in religious power but also with political power. When Amen and Ra were combined into the godhead Amen-Ra, the temple at Karnak required the services of more than eighty thousand employees.

A short-lived experiment in state-sponsored monotheism (belief in only one god) occurred during the New Kingdom period. Amenhotep IV, who called himself Akhenaten (reigned 1379–62 bce), declared that the only god was the one he himself worshipped: Aten, the god of the sun, and the solar disk, the Aten. Akhenaten's experiment in monotheism had the effect of reducing the power of the priestly class and the nobility and reviving the power of the pharaoh. This experiment ended, however, with Akhenaten's death in 1336 bce as the old gods were quickly brought back.


Hopefully you won't state that much ignorance after reading these articles..

In this videos , What is manufactured at home, for Airforce Navy and Army
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Return of ancient Egypt? That is why all those mummies were paraded. Well ancient Egypt got destroyed by Islam and if it returns, it will once again be destroyed by Islam.

Relax I used it as reference nothing to write home about
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The Power of Amun-Ra

Amun-Ra, a God known to the Egyptians as titles such as the “Supreme God” was truly someone who Egyptians dare not offend. Symbolized by the ram expressing fertility and war, two powerful forces that both create and end humans. Though this may be true, he was not always known that way. Originally, Amun-Ra was known as Ra who was recognized as the “Sun God.” He not only created himself, but he was the creator of the entire universe. He was known to have so much power, that some historians believe that the ancient Egyptians had a monotheistic belief. Ra also possessed many stories known to the Egyptians such as bringing light to the sky for the people on Earth and the Underworld demonstrating his power. Amun on the other hand was a patron of pharaohs and combined with Ra and was later known as Amun-Ra. Though to the Egyptian people he was an important God, they could never imagine the influence that Amun-Ra would have for the future. Amun-Ra for one influenced the Greeks and the idea that Zeus according to them was the king of gods. Amun-Ra had an influence on Christianity and Judaism, two major Abrahamic religions that are still massively practiced today. As shown through this, it is clear to say that Amun-Ra had a strong influence on the different religions Abrahamic or not that occurred in the future after the downfall of the ancient Egyptians. In general, the fusion of the sun god Ra with the patron of pharaohs began a pattern of imagining a god with two sides, one that explained the nature and cosmos, and the other implied a concern for the individual people. Though Egyptians focused more on pharaohs, its evolution to concerning for the individual demonstrates the start of a shift from tyrannical rule.


The Middle Kingdom came to an end with the Hyksos invasion of Lower Egypt, with the new invaders adapting Egyptian habits and gods. The New Kingdom (c. 1570–1085 bce) began when Egyptian nobles drove the Hyksos out. During this period the god Amen came to prominence and was worshipped at Karnak, near Thebes. Amen incorporated aspects of earlier gods such as Ptah and Ra, becoming for a time the primary creator-god. The Amen priesthood grew impressively strong not only in religious power but also with political power. When Amen and Ra were combined into the godhead Amen-Ra, the temple at Karnak required the services of more than eighty thousand employees.

A short-lived experiment in state-sponsored monotheism (belief in only one god) occurred during the New Kingdom period. Amenhotep IV, who called himself Akhenaten (reigned 1379–62 bce), declared that the only god was the one he himself worshipped: Aten, the god of the sun, and the solar disk, the Aten. Akhenaten's experiment in monotheism had the effect of reducing the power of the priestly class and the nobility and reviving the power of the pharaoh. This experiment ended, however, with Akhenaten's death in 1336 bce as the old gods were quickly brought back.


Hopefully you won't state that much ignorance after reading these articles..


How is Amun-Ra relevant in this topic
Return of ancient Egypt? That is why all those mummies were paraded. Well ancient Egypt got destroyed by Islam and if it returns, it will once again be destroyed by Islam.
Return of ancient Egypt doesn't necessarily mean return to polytheism. A nation has the right to be proud of its history. Especially Egypt.

YA MISR! Nice video!
Love the great country of Egypt been there twice. Saying that the life of the ordinary person has not changed for decades. Most of the funds are diverted towards the ELITES and the defence.
The fancy land forces equipment bears a lot of similarities to the Afghan land forces, and all know the results. Will be pleased if some funds are diverted to Human Resources.
Love the great country of Egypt been there twice. Saying that the life of the ordinary person has not changed for decades. Most of the funds are diverted towards the ELITES and the defence.
The fancy land forces equipment bears a lot of similarities to the Afghan land forces, and all know the results. Will be pleased if some funds are diverted to Human Resources.
Similarities to the Afghan land forces? You must be joking. Are you actually comparing the Egyptians to the Afghans?
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