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The Republic versus an emirate

That's what thought.

No wonder everything that India claim to make, starts with L.

Such lightweights.
Ok, parse out, then, exactly how you see this as a great victory for Pakistan for I am failing to see it.

It is a bloody civil war in Afghanistan now, not like those savages are used to peaceful transfers of power from admin to admin (neither are Pak, come to think of it lol)

what is your strategic calculus here?

What do you foresee ?

A stable democracy in Pak with basically ISIS running things in Afghanistan right next door ? And basically ISIS aka AT will put a swift end to all that ails Pak ?

it is going to get much much worse for Pak with AT running things next door, it’ll soon be untenable to maintain diplomatic support for these animals in fact, you watch !
Ok, parse out, then, exactly how you see this as a great victory for Pakistan for I am failing to see it.

It is a bloody civil war in Afghanistan now, not like those savages are used to peaceful transfers of power from admin to admin (neither are Pak, come to think of it lol)

what is your strategic calculus here?

What do you foresee ?

A stable democracy in Pak with basically ISIS running things in Afghanistan right next door ? And basically ISIS aka AT will put a swift end to all that ails Pak ?

it is going to get much much worse for Pak with AT running things next door, it’ll soon be untenable to maintain diplomatic support for these animals in fact, you watch !
Yes, it is a civil and your buddies are begging you for help.

Now what does it say of India when it is very vocal about how much you love the Kabuli paedos, but run for the exit as soon as the white man as out of the door.
Don't worry about Pakistan we are capable of handling our situation just fine.
This is the biggest cope by Pakistani leftists I've ever seen lmao.
This is a myth. The AT struggled all right, struggled to stay alive for the 2 decades when US/ISAF were kicking their butts.... they hid in their caves like the rats they are.

It's filthy Pajeets like you, who are hellbent on living in delusion with their own propaganda. They survived and won the attrition war. US never lost a battle in Afghanistan, surely they might have lost some in Vietnam but the war was won by the strong-willed Vietnamese and Taliban.

What kind of bravado is it when they only surfaced once their vanquishers have all but left ? They haven't brought anyone to their knees but the helpless population they now terrorize.

Vietnam was a different story, these guys are basically ISIS... good luck having them as neighbours.

I would write it again, they brought the world superpower to its knees. And unlike Vietnam, they GAVE US some face-saving. If you can't see any parallels between Vietnam and Afghanistan, then it's on you. This is how their own people see the situation. Taliban were nothing but merciful to the US.

This is a myth. The AT struggled all right, struggled to stay alive for the 2 decades when US/ISAF were kicking their butts.... they hid in their caves like the rats they are.

What kind of bravado is it when they only surfaced once their vanquishers have all but left ? They haven't brought anyone to their knees but the helpless population they now terrorize.

Vietnam was a different story, these guys are basically ISIS... good luck having them as neighbours.

You frame this as if the Taliban came from somewhere else…they are Afghan themselves. And when a 400,000 strong military with advanced weaponry, aircraft and US run logistics/intel is literally surrendering on the battlefield before a shot is fired to a ragatg group of maybe 60,000 fighters….it tells you that they are the will of the people. Period.

As to hiding in caves for 20 years….I think you need to stop watching Republic TV and read actual news. The Taliban have been fighting an insurgency for 20 years. The US didn’t leave because they were done or bored…they left bc they were continuing to spend money fighting off insurgent attacks and made the decision that they can’t win and need to cut their losses. The Taliban used classic guerrilla tactics and outlasted their enemy.

Now the last thing….you are coming here to comment bc deep down you’re scared. Pakistan has no issue with the Taliban ruling in Afghanistan. They need us for multiple reasons. Meanwhile your nation has been enjoying 20 years of unencumbered abuse on Muslims. Both verbally and physically. And people like the Taliban will react to that. Good luck to you. Karma is coming.
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