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the refugee flood is over...


Apr 2, 2017
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The number of refugees comeing to Germany is getting under 200.000 this year....

After the flood in 2015 with around 900.000 refugees arriving in Germany the number dropped to 280.000 in 2016... till end November 2017 only 173.000 refugees arrived in Germany... the total number for 2017 will stay under 200.000.


This will take away AfD´s only political theme... the number of refugees... it also make the demand of the sister part of the CDU, the CSU call for a cap number pointless.

Merkel did not open the box of Pandora... just helped as help was needed... 2 years later everything is back to normal....
The number of refugees comeing to Germany is getting under 200.000 this year....

After the flood in 2015 with around 900.000 refugees arriving in Germany the number dropped to 280.000 in 2016... till end November 2017 only 173.000 refugees arrived in Germany... the total number for 2017 will stay under 200.000.


This will take away AfD´s only political theme... the number of refugees... it also make the demand of the sister part of the CDU, the CSU call for a cap number pointless.

Merkel did not open the box of Pandora... just helped as help was needed... 2 years later everything is back to normal....
Guess this in addition to a stable Libya will stop rise of Neo Nazi groups
lol Germany and Italy is paying Libyan mercenaries to throw the incoming refugees into sea and Media is making it look like every thing is normal lol wtf it is still on going wars in Africa and Libya that will curse Europe for a decade to come
lol Germany and Italy is paying Libyan mercenaries to throw the incoming refugees into sea and Media is making it look like every thing is normal lol wtf it is still on going wars in Africa and Libya that will curse Europe for a decade to come

seriously dude you post only utterly crap in this Forum no matter what topic..
The number of refugees comeing to Germany is getting under 200.000 this year....

After the flood in 2015 with around 900.000 refugees arriving in Germany the number dropped to 280.000 in 2016... till end November 2017 only 173.000 refugees arrived in Germany... the total number for 2017 will stay under 200.000.


This will take away AfD´s only political theme... the number of refugees... it also make the demand of the sister part of the CDU, the CSU call for a cap number pointless.

Merkel did not open the box of Pandora... just helped as help was needed... 2 years later everything is back to normal....
Good point. Merkel prevailed. But there is the future to worry about. Europe has to start thinking beyond the Americans. Russia is not as a big a threat that it is being made by the media. Europe must instead focus on North Africa and the Meditearnean Sea. That is Europe's Hadrian Wall. It needs to help stabilize Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt. Then create a Saharan buffer to prevent the migrants reaching North Africa from Sub Sahara Africa.

Over the next few decades the greatest population explosion is going to take in SSA. Billions on billions will produce 10s of millions of migrants heading north. We are going to have a disaster. Time is now to prepare.

seriously dude you post only utterly crap in this Forum no matter what topic..

I know truth hurts but it is high time Europeans should learn truth is not crap. It is because of German and Italian actions that there is growing slave trade in Libya and are they not paying Libyan militias to stop refugees?

Dude I don't speak crap.
Italian Government Accused of Paying Libyan Militias to Curb Migrant Trade

Guess this in addition to a stable Libya will stop rise of Neo Nazi groups

The number of refugees from africa is pretty low in Germany, the biggest group is from Maroco with ~75.000 followed by Eritrea with 59.000

By numbers the largest migration groups are

1. Turkey
2. Poland
3. Syria
4. Italy
5. Romania
6. Greece
7. Croatia
8. Bulgaria
9. Afghanistan
10. Russia

this top 10 makes 5.2million of the ~10 million refugees...easy to see completely dominated by european countrys..
This is dangerous because Europeans have the strong media well Jewish media. But there are independent European media but they say that these crazy Muslims coming over as if it just happened. The truth is they got their houses bombed and economy sabotaged by Europe who are canon fodder for Jewish interest.
Good point. Merkel prevailed. But there is the future to worry about. Europe has to start thinking beyond the Americans. Russia is not as a big a threat that it is being made by the media. Europe must instead focus on North Africa and the Meditearnean Sea. That is Europe's Hadrian Wall. It needs to help stabilize Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia and Egypt. Then create a Saharan buffer to prevent the migrants reaching North Africa from Sub Sahara Africa.

Over the next few decades the greatest population explosion is going to take in SSA. Billions on billions will produce 10s of millions of migrants heading north. We are going to have a disaster. Time is now to prepare.


We dont need walls and buffers...

The rich world has to accept that they have to give away part of its wealth for a stable world...

To slove the problem the living conditions in all africa has to be improved to a point that the people dont see a need to leave their home...

fair trade
stop supporting dictators
stop plundering their resources
stop weapon trades to africa
help build up working infrastructure
free university for all africans in europe (if they go back to improve their home nation after study)
etc etc..

we do not change the world by building walls...we change the world by deleting the problems that force people to leave their home..

This is dangerous because Europeans have the strong media well Jewish media. But there are independent European media but they say that these crazy Muslims coming over as if it just happened. The truth is they got their houses bombed and economy sabotaged by Europe who are canon fodder for Jewish interest.

were did Germany bombed a muslim house in the last 50years??????????????
We dont need walls and buffers...

The rich world has to accept that they have to give away part of its wealth for a stable world...

To slove the problem the living conditions in all africa has to be improved to a point that the people dont see a need to leave their home...

fair trade
stop supporting dictators
stop plundering their resources
stop weapon trades to africa
help build up working infrastructure
free university for all africans in europe (if they go back to improve their home nation after study)
etc etc..

we do not change the world by building walls...we change the world by deleting the problems that force people to leave their home..

were did Germany bombed a muslim house in the last 50years??????????????

aren't they part of nato do they not sell weopens like drones

The documents, which originate from US intelligence sources and are classified as "top secret," date from July 2012. A diagram shows how the US government structures the deployment of drones. Other documents provide significant insight into how operations in places like Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Yemen are carried out. And they show that a central -- and controversial -- element of this warfare is played out in Germany.


We dont need walls and buffers...

The rich world has to accept that they have to give away part of its wealth for a stable world...

To slove the problem the living conditions in all africa has to be improved to a point that the people dont see a need to leave their home...

fair trade
stop supporting dictators
stop plundering their resources
stop weapon trades to africa
help build up working infrastructure
free university for all africans in europe (if they go back to improve their home nation after study)
etc etc..

we do not change the world by building walls...we change the world by deleting the problems that force people to leave their home..

were did Germany bombed a muslim house in the last 50years??????????????
I think if only one policy of non-intervention unless directly threatened is followed things will be better for the future
aren't they part of nato do they not sell weopens like drones

The documents, which originate from US intelligence sources and are classified as "top secret," date from July 2012. A diagram shows how the US government structures the deployment of drones. Other documents provide significant insight into how operations in places like Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan or Yemen are carried out. And they show that a central -- and controversial -- element of this warfare is played out in Germany.



Only because we are part of the NATO does not mean that german forces bomb muslime homes...
If you follow German politic you will see that Germany always reject direct attacks... in Syria Germany only deliver recon flights ... we did not join the alliance to bring down Gadaffi or Sadam
In many cases german politicans dont belive everything their allies put on table..and unfortunatily they were more than once right not to belive the shit UK and USA put on table to attack a nation..
So far no German aircraft bombed something since ww2... no matter if we are part of NATO or not
Only because we are part of the NATO does not mean that german forces bomb muslime homes...
If you follow German politic you will see that Germany always reject direct attacks... in Syria Germany only deliver recon flights ... we did not join the alliance to bring down Gadaffi or Sadam
In many cases german politicans dont belive everything their allies put on table..and unfortunatily they were more than once right not to belive the shit UK and USA put on table to attack a nation..
So far no German aircraft bombed something since ww2... no matter if we are part of NATO or not

muslime?. Sorry but Germany still part of the ritual killing of others.
Drones controlled from Germany bomb number of asian/middle east countries.
This will take away AfD´s only political theme... the number of refugees... it also make the demand of the sister part of the CDU, the CSU call for a cap number pointless.
I wouldn't cry victory too soon though, a serious number of those refugees remain and that could still cause even more socio-economic trouble if they fail to assimilate or better, return (I don't see them returning too soon though). I think we will have challenging times ahead, putting your head in the sand now is not a good idea.

Merkel did not open the box of Pandora... just helped as help was needed... 2 years later everything is back to normal....
I do agree it is our moral duty to accept refugees from war torn countries, as we are pushing the human rights narrative so much, but Merkel was dancing with the idea of having a completely unruly mess; I'm glad she got her sh1t together at least somewhat (after critisism).

Refugees should be accepted with strickt ruling, careful planning and compassion; not just by having open borders for everyone. And very importantly, people coming rom Morocco, Algeria and the like aren't refugees. (a lot of 'refugees' comefrom those countries)
We should take our lessons from this. Having more (unforced) unity should help protecting our borders better.

We better prepare for African refugees; it might very well get worse than the current situation!

We dont need walls and buffers...

The rich world has to accept that they have to give away part of its wealth for a stable world...

To slove the problem the living conditions in all africa has to be improved to a point that the people dont see a need to leave their home...

Walls and buffers are only needed when it is too late, so I agree there.

What I do not agree with is that the 'rich' world has to give away anything; only those African/ Middle Eastern countries themselves can make their own situation better. Once, Europe was considered to be a sh1thole compared to the Middle East/China; they didn't go out of their way to help either; we had to do it ourselves.

To slove the problem the living conditions in all africa has to be improved to a point that the people dont see a need to leave their home...

fair trade
stop supporting dictators
stop plundering their resources
stop weapon trades to africa
help build up working infrastructure
free university for all africans in europe (if they go back to improve their home nation after study)
etc etc..

we do not change the world by building walls...we change the world by deleting the problems that force people to leave their home..
I agree that we should give a positive stimulus, by investing in their economy, for example. We should also support and stimulate democracy (not force it, that didn't go too well for Iraq and Libya).
However, I'm afraid we live in a terrible world when it comes to geo-politics; you know very well that in the end of the day, we will put ourselves first. So stopping with selling weapons and supporting dictators isn't going to happen, sadly.
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