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the refugee flood is over...

Only because we are part of the NATO does not mean that german forces bomb muslime homes...
If you follow German politic you will see that Germany always reject direct attacks... in Syria Germany only deliver recon flights ... we did not join the alliance to bring down Gadaffi or Sadam
In many cases german politicans dont belive everything their allies put on table..and unfortunatily they were more than once right not to belive the shit UK and USA put on table to attack a nation..
So far no German aircraft bombed something since ww2... no matter if we are part of NATO or not
I think he has confusion on Germany,s role in this entire fiasco which was fairly positive as they opened up their arms when it was needed the most despite issues

Things are way more complicated and people just wish to sell the simplistic narrative

the biggest group is from Maroco with ~75.000 followed by Eritrea with 59.000
Both are fairly stable so what you are facing aint a refugee crisis but a human trafficking problem you first need to know what you are dealing with to find a proper cure

They get promised lies in their home countries and you guys end up with untrained labor in bulk supply you have to fight traffickers if you want to end all of this

I agree that we should give a positive stimulus, by investing in their economy, for example. We should also support and stimulate democracy (not force it, that didn't go too well for Iraq and Libya).
Swallow the bitter pill and root for stability over democracy
Interesting facts:
- Germany ranks 10th among the countries whose inhabitants migrate to Russia.
- By the number of immigrants, Russia ranks 3 after the US and Germany.
Flood is over, slow steady rain expected for next 20 years
if it was up to Jewmerica, another war in ME, the cycle is complete. Do no celebrate too early, dark clouds are looming everywhere. May Germany survive
I know truth hurts but it is high time Europeans should learn truth is not crap. It is because of German and Italian actions that there is growing slave trade in Libya and are they not paying Libyan militias to stop refugees?

Dude I don't speak crap.
Italian Government Accused of Paying Libyan Militias to Curb Migrant Trade


You have a problem with this sir? Because it is totally legit to do so.

We dont want them. We outscorce the solution and its far cheaper than letting them in.
A very simple solution would be, stop invading and bombing their Countries or contributing towards it. You won’t have to worry about people shifting.

You have a problem with this sir? Because it is totally legit to do so.

We dont want them. We outscorce the solution and its far cheaper than letting them in.

Then oppose your government from starting warfare otherwise be willing to give room.
A very simple solution would be, stop invading and bombing their Countries or contributing towards it. You won’t have to worry about people shifting.

Then oppose your government from starting warfare otherwise be willing to give room.

tells the guy from one country that build up big lies to begin wars in large scale..... Tony Blairs atomic nightmare from Iraq... forgotten? What comparable has Italy or Germany done since 1945? NOTHING...we pay the price for YOUR NATION and US fail politic
tells the guy from one country that build up big lies to begin wars in large scale..... Tony Blairs atomic nightmare from Iraq... forgotten? What comparable has Italy or Germany done since 1945? NOTHING...we pay the price for YOUR NATION and US fail politic

The biggest protest was held Also. We admit to that our faults
A very simple solution would be, stop invading and bombing their Countries or contributing towards it. You won’t have to worry about people shifting.

Then oppose your government from starting warfare otherwise be willing to give room.

An even more simple solution would be if they stop breeding like rabbits. We are not responsible for their failed family planning. And when did we bomb Ghana, Gambia or Nigeria?

Each day africas population grows by 1 million. In just 10 years Nigeria will come close to one billion.

They already starve now and it will get worse. Nothing can save them anyways. They are doomed for death.

What we see now is just the first symbol for a mass run towards the north.

What we need is to secure northern africa. Morocco, Algeria, Egypt and Libya. Build our new Limes there. The black flood would destroy them.

Just yesterday our government said we will use automatic drones guarding the Med and destroy boats.

They wont make it here and we have the technology to stop them. Our deals with the Mafia already proves highly effective.

Our deals with Libya as well. We pay their coast guard to catch evrybody. In Libya they are sold on slave markets and the pictures creatd panic in Africa. We need ugly pictures there.
An even more simple solution would be if they stop breeding like rabbits. We are not responsible for their failed family planning. And when did we bomb Ghana, Gambia or Nigeria?

Each day africas population grows by 1 million. In just 10 years Nigeria will come close to one billion.

They already starve now and it will get worse. Nothing can save them anyways. They are doomed for death.

What we see now is just the first symbol for a mass run towards the north.

What we need is to secure northern africa. Morocco, Algeria, Egypt and Libya. Build our new Limes there. The black flood would destroy them.

Just yesterday our government said we will use automatic drones guarding the Med and destroy boats.

They wont make it here and we have the technology to stop them. Our deals with the Mafia already proves highly effective.

Our deals with Libya as well. We pay their coast guard to catch evrybody. In Libya they are sold on slave markets and the pictures creatd panic in Africa. We need ugly pictures there.

You are the most fucked up human being I've ever interacted with. And I mean that without giving notice to trolls. You have no humanity in your heart. You will be destroyed by your own infatuations of power. Inshallah. You can pray for all of this in your life time, but when you die, God will ask you. Allah swt will ask you what you were trying to accomplish. You are so fucked in the head that you don't even realize that you are messing up your afterlife.


Burn in the flames of your ignorance. Burn in the flames of the madness of Emperor Nero. You've taken that step. There is nobody to help you now. Give up your soul for something superficial, and let the devil reap everything you have to offer. Those muscles have obviously not helped your brain. :lol:
You are the most fucked up human being I've ever interacted with. And I mean that without giving notice to trolls. You have no humanity in your heart. You will be destroyed by your own infatuations of power. Inshallah. You can pray for all of this in your life time, but when you die, God will ask you. Allah swt will ask you what you were trying to accomplish. You are so fucked in the head that you don't even realize that you are messing up your afterlife.


Burn in the flames of your ignorance. Burn in the flames of the madness of Emperor Nero. You've taken that step. There is nobody to help you now. Give up your soul for something superficial, and let the devil reap everything you have to offer. Those muscles have obviously not helped your brain. :lol:

I´m a rational human being.

When the Titanic went down, 1500 did swim in the freezing North Atlantic. Many tried to climb into the lifebaots but those inside pushed them down with the paddles, because the boats would have toppled.

Its called survival instinct. You dont know what feelings i have in my heart. But i see things realistic and know we cant save them. It would only drag us down with them and im not ready to follow them down. They have no future anyways. Their gigantic numbers combined with climate change and extreme weak nations allows them only one way- downwards. Nothing can stop that. Large parts of Africa will be unable to support humans living there in near future. Italy and Europe has no place for them.

You live in the USA. You have an entire continent which could allow over 500 million africans be setteled there. Your entire mid west is almost empty. And believe me i and all europeans would do evrything in our power to help those from africa be evacuated there. You can give them a new life. But you dont do it. Why?

Only God juges my friend. And i try to save our nation and continent. What i stand for is supported by hundreds of millions. For our future, the future of our sucessor on this continent.

But how will god judge you, who does nothing but could help?
I´m a rational human being.

When the Titanic went down, 1500 did swim in the freezing North Atlantic. Many tried to climb into the lifebaots but those inside pushed them down with the paddles, because the boats would have toppled.

Its called survival instinct. You dont know what feelings i have in my heart. But i see things realistic and know we cant save them. It would only drag us down with them and im not ready to follow them down. They have no future anyways. Their gigantic numbers combined with climate change and extreme weak nations allows them only one way- downwards. Nothing can stop that. Large parts of Africa will be unable to support humans living there in near future. Italy and Europe has no place for them.

You live in the USA. You have an entire continent which could allow over 500 million africans be setteled there. Your entire mid west is almost empty. And believe me i and all europeans would do evrything in our power to help those from africa be evacuated there. You can give them a new life. But you dont do it. Why?

Only God juges my friend. And i try to save our nation and continent. What i stand for is supported by hundreds of millions. For our future, the future of our sucessor on this continent.

But how will god judge you, who does nothing but could help?

I like the way you delivered your message. However, you have not given a simple answer. After all of this Euro protection that you advocate, what will become of you when you die? Will Italy, Europe or anything else make a difference to you when you are dead? :lol:

Let's get into the realm of religion and metaphysics. So what exactly are you trying to preserve?

Think of it this way. I am a wiser guy than you, and you are a piece of shit. In the end both of us will simply be particles spread across the Earth. So explain to me how your ideals will make any difference in the after thought of life?

You are so stupid you haven't even realized that you could have been born as any other person without the guarantee of the nationality that you prefer. :lol:
I like the way you delivered your message. However, you have not given a simple answer. After all of this Euro protection that you advocate, what will become of you when you die? Will Italy, Europe or anything else make a difference to you when you are dead? :lol:

Let's get into the realm of religion and metaphysics. So what exactly are you trying to preserve?

Think of it this way. I am a wiser guy than you, and you are a piece of shit. In the end both of us will simply be particles spread across the Earth. So explain to me how your ideals will make any difference in the after thought of life?

You are so stupid you haven't even realized that you could have been born as any other person without the guarantee of the nationality that you prefer. :lol:

I´m born as that what i´m. My genes will survive. Theirs will not. Thats the way of the Universe.
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