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The Real Enemy

You asked what Pakistanis may consider as legit news sources , I gave you a couple of names i could recall .

I said "most here", and by that I meant most here on DefPk.

Anyway, what about the old lady Pakistan Times?
So how does that play into amplifying one's own biases? After all, we are programmed to note and reinforce what we like more.

Do you see the problem here?

No amplification. The media is biased, but there is nothing stopping the viewer from trying to be objective.

You can watch Fox News, MsNBC and PBS and evaluate the various positions against each other objectively.
Just a simple question that just occurred to me:

Is there ANY media in Pakistan that most here would trust?

DAWN has more credibility than many media in South Asia(note I said South Asia and not Pakistan).
“The clerics of the powerful Lal Masjid mosque in Islamabad issued a fatwa declaring the resistance in Waziristan a jihad and called on the people to not give Islamic burials to the soldiers killed while fighting the tribesmen. In obedience to the clerics, many parents of the soldiers refused to receive the bodies of their sons. Public opinion in the region turned more hostile toward the military. The operation also angered some individuals within the officer corps and several Pashtun officers were court-martialled for refusing to fight”.

I find the underlined part most distressing, could anyone comment on the veracity of what is reproduced above ?
“The clerics of the powerful Lal Masjid mosque in Islamabad issued a fatwa declaring the resistance in Waziristan a jihad and called on the people to not give Islamic burials to the soldiers killed while fighting the tribesmen. In obedience to the clerics, many parents of the soldiers refused to receive the bodies of their sons. Public opinion in the region turned more hostile toward the military. The operation also angered some individuals within the officer corps and several Pashtun officers were court-martialled for refusing to fight”.

I find the underlined part most distressing, could anyone comment on the veracity of what is reproduced above ?

Yup it is correct, it was very hard for Muslim Army fighting Muslim Insurgents who were fighting against americans.... But thanks to TTP brutal acts later on, people opinion turned against them and it was easy to fight them than
When ever relationship with US burn for good reason this TTP bounce out of wilderness & make drastic claims, so it should be clear that this TTP is US & Indian funded terrorist organization & most importantly they are NOT Muslims.

We never had this TTP problem in Pakistan before, so where do they come from all of a sudden it is no mystery that they were build, organized & funded by US & India to give Pakistan a very hard time. I believe that TTP has broken into bits a pieces & they are weak, their terrorist power is not like before Pak Army has done a very very fine job here to break their power & I had recently that Pak Army had advanced towards their strong hold, I would really love to get an update on that.

It is no mystery, we know that several Indian Consulates which were build near the border of Pakistan were not build for Christmas holidays they were build to send in rented & trained terrorists in Pakistan (NWFP & Balochistan) to spread Chaos & terror.
Gotta agree with that.

The media has gotten so free and so powerful in a short period of time, that along with alot of other things, they are now propagating the terrorist agenda.

Case in point, airing interview of Harbiyar Marri from abroad, in which he says that they only want separation.

Even in indian media, the yasin malik and other seperatatist leaders come on national TV and ask azadi, but we dont call our media as showing terrorist agenda........
Apart from the so called AFPak policy there is the Tom and Jerry syndrome. The Yanks think the Pakistanis are helping the Taliban (Haqqani/Omar) to kill American soldiers and the Pakistanis think the Americans are helping the TTP to kill Pakistani soldiers, resulting in both countries hurting each other.

But then, what do the TTP want? What is their strategy? Among their stated objectives are:

> Resistance against the Pakistani state.

> Enforcement of their interpretation of sharia.

> To unite against NATO-led forces in Afghanistan.

Now if one of the stated objectives is to fight the US led NATO forces in Afghanistan, why would the US of A help them?? Why would the TTP seek the help of the Americans to fight the PA?

Doesn't quite gel. Or am I missing something here?

You are missing everything , you fail to notice that every time there is an attack on any target in afghanistan US/NATO forces blame 'Haqqani Network' , they never point at TTP ?

is it that TTP, whose 'stated objective' is to attack US forces, attacking US forces but US is blaming Haqqanis ? US relations with TTP must be very deep that even when they are attacked by TTP , they blame the Haqqanis or am I missing something here :azn:
Taliban and TTP share the same world view. The only differance is Taliban is almost all Afghan and has a Afghan agenda, fight NATO. TTP is based in Pakistan and has a focus only on Pakistan. Which is why TTP targets only Pakistan security forces.

Taliban and TTP are both twins. Similar to Indian and Nepali Maoists share the same platform but are focussed in differant countries.

As a result Nato only goes after it's nemesis, Taliban. Pakistan only goes after TTP. You would think both NATO and Pakistan would join forces but for variety of geostrategic reasons that is not going happen.

Although Pakistan has managed at times to convince US in using it's drones to take out TTP leadership for example Baitullah Mehsud.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Obituary: Baitullah Mehsud
About – The Express Tribune

The Express Tribune is the first internationally affiliated newspaper in Pakistan. Partnered with The International Herald Tribune – the global edition of The New York Times ...

Nailed it nicely. Most media outlets exist to make money and it is only fair. There's nothing wrong in that at all. And I'm glad that some are more honest about their affiliations and funding than others.
A news corporation can not be completely independent as long as it continues to receive donations from individuals and consortiums who want further their own motives and agenda.

Pakistanis should wake up and start looking at things in the bigger perspective rather than simply believing everything they see or hear on TV. The Malik Riaz issue was an eye-opener to all of us.

And where TTP is concerned, they are exclusively targetting the Pakistani state, its people and its insitutions. They seem to have no intention of fighting NATO troops over in Afghanistan. Our media could have played a larger role in turning the opinion against them sooner but they were busy making money.
the anti-Pakistan militant element in the pashtun areas is the internal enemy , which is being used as a weapon by the external enemies of Pakistan
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