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The Real Enemy

When ever relationship with US burn for good reason this TTP bounce out of wilderness & make drastic claims, so it should be clear that this TTP is US & Indian funded terrorist organization & most importantly they are NOT Muslims.

We never had this TTP problem in Pakistan before, so where do they come from all of a sudden it is no mystery that they were build, organized & funded by US & India to give Pakistan a very hard time. I believe that TTP has broken into bits a pieces & they are weak, their terrorist power is not like before Pak Army has done a very very fine job here to break their power & I had recently that Pak Army had advanced towards their strong hold, I would really love to get an update on that.

It is no mystery, we know that several Indian Consulates which were build near the border of Pakistan were not build for Christmas holidays they were build to send in rented & trained terrorists in Pakistan (NWFP & Balochistan) to spread Chaos & terror.

What you said is True? But Pakistan army has not cleared all their strongholds as of now. TTP is hiding in North Waziristan, and Kunar and Nuristan Provinces of Afghanistan, It is not weak as you said.

You are missing everything , you fail to notice that every time there is an attack on any target in afghanistan US/NATO forces blame 'Haqqani Network' , they never point at TTP ?

is it that TTP, whose 'stated objective' is to attack US forces, attacking US forces but US is blaming Haqqanis ? US relations with TTP must be very deep that even when they are attacked by TTP , they blame the Haqqanis or am I missing something here :azn:

Pakistan does'nt target haqqani network, because it is not a threat to their interests, Similarly TTP is not a Immediate threat to US interests in the region.
Anti TTP and Alqaeda combat and non state forces are going to rise in Pakistan very soon.
People are familiar and soon get learn their activity against terrorist. " laaton kay bhoot baton say nahin mantay".
Real kickers coming soon to hit hard terrorist.
You are missing everything , you fail to notice that every time there is an attack on any target in afghanistan US/NATO forces blame 'Haqqani Network' , they never point at TTP ?

is it that TTP, whose 'stated objective' is to attack US forces, attacking US forces but US is blaming Haqqanis ? US relations with TTP must be very deep that even when they are attacked by TTP , they blame the Haqqanis or am I missing something here :azn:

Our efforts in the region should leave very little to question regarding our stance against terrorism. We’ve already sacrificed thousands of brave soldiers in fighting terrorism. Our forces continue to risk their lives every day, and simply refuse to bow down to terrorism. We strongly condemn all acts of terror, and wish to see the region free and clear of terrorism.

It is no secret that terrorist organizations like the Haqqani network, and the TTP are trying to achieve their evil agenda in the region. They regularly target innocent civilians, plant suicide bombs, and attack our forces. It is also no secret that they have created sanctuaries inside Pakistan. We fully respect Pakistan’s sovereignty and independence, and that’s why we ask Pakistan to go after the elements responsible for plaguing the region with their terrorist activities. The intelligence clearly points to the Haqqani network in the recent attack on a lakeside hotel in Kabul. We should recall the attacks on the American embassy and on NATO’s headquarters from last year, when the intelligence again clearly pointed towards the Haqqani network. But it doesn’t mean that we are overlooking other terrorist organizations that pose a threat to the region. The bottom line is that both of our nations share a common stance against terrorism and wish to see the region safe and stable. We will not let these terrorists succeed with their evil mission. We would like to see all terrorist organizations whether the Haqqani network, or the TTP, succumb to the rule of law.

LTC Taylor,
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
I hope Pakistan Army is planning to buy Armed Drones from China or Turkey so that both sides of the borders can be monitored & cross border terrorism can be stopped by Pak Armed Drones. In my opinion it is a huge disadvantage for Pak Army that they don't have Armed Drones in their inventory.

I hope Pak Army is doing something to buy Armed Drones from their friends soon & hope they role out Burraq Armed Drones soon as it has been under production for quiet sometime.
Anti TTP and Alqaeda combat and non state forces are going to rise in Pakistan very soon.
People are familiar and soon get learn their activity against terrorist. " laaton kay bhoot baton say nahin mantay".
Real kickers coming soon to hit hard terrorist.

Sorry bro peoples dont care. i observed it.. :smokin:

Only key person want to take action against beside majority... You got 95% who only talking on this issue & rest 5% try to do it..
Yeah maybe that is why they attacked from the other side of the Durand line.
This is just the $40million speaking!

I accept there is a prevalence of extremist skeleton in region but it is being supported from the outside in forms of money, personnel and weapons,or in some recent cases even in open form by NATO by attacking border posts to sneak the bloody bastard into our territory!
Just a simple question that just occurred to me:

Is there ANY media in Pakistan that most here would trust?
This has been one of the most important question on PDF which people want to know the answer.

BTW, enough of supporting any type of extremists, whether its pro or against, get red of them, and move on to build the nation.
This has been one of the most important question on PDF which people want to know the answer.

BTW, enough of supporting any type of extremists, whether its pro or against, get red of them, and move on to build the nation.

That is great advice,m except that I am not very hopeful of that happening anytime soon:

from: Pakistan's turbulent politics: First days of the Raja | The Economist

Pakistan's turbulent politics
First days of the Raja
Jun 22nd 2012, 16:46 by S.S. | ISLAMABAD


Mr Ashraf is expected by his boss, the president, to resist court orders. As the legal arguments now having already been exhausted with Mr Gilani, the court will probably give Mr Ashraf little time to comply before also dispensing with him. Then yet another prime minister will be needed. Pakistan can forget about any actual business of government getting done.
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