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“The purpose of the Afghan war” is to stop the “return of the Caliphate” – UK General

I have got a question for you rameez_ahmad: What is the difference between Afghani Taliban and Pakistani Taliban? dont give me a general answer, i want some detailed and specific answers.
Talibans did not establish any Khlifat.These are the same people who live off poppy funding and you consider them Khalifs give me a ******* break..They were barbarians.
Saying that Taliban rule is like the Khlifat is just plain ignorance
The kalifat in its hay day was one of the great powers of its time and had some of the most beautiful and advanced cities of its time .
The Taliban in the height of its power only managed to drag the former president of his UN compound emasculate him and drag his body through the streets .
in comparison was a place of congregation of learned people there was some thing called the rule of law which cannot be in any way said for Taliban rule
Afghanistan was never conquered truly by a foreign power:
  • Alexander the Great almost died trying to conquer it in the 4th century BC.
  • The Mongol only conquered the main trade routes, but never the more mountainous regions.
  • Mughal rulers claimed it as their own, but the tribes never paid any respect to them.
  • The British were only happy that Afghanistan was between them and Russia, creating a buffer state.
  • Soviet Union failed, despite being there for a decade.
  • Some of the most powerful countries are attacking it today, and look what is happening.
There is something about those people... Heaven doesn't want them, and hell is afraid they'll take over. :azn:

But one more fact is true

  • Afghanstan Never had a peace. They were either engaged in War with Super Powers or busy in oppressing their womens or selling drugs
But one more fact is true

  • Afghanstan Never had a peace. They were either engaged in War with Super Powers or busy in oppressing their womens or selling drugs
Kicking invaders *** is almost like a national sport lol:rofl::rofl:
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