Most people in this fourm I noticed are part of the burgeoning Pakistani Diaspora now by some ranks the 6th or 7th largests in the world, however I notice some problems most of the diaspora I meet in real life dont consider themselves to be Pakistani or care about Pakistan I am talking about the mostly younger ones big problem how are we gonna fix Pakistan and promote Pakistan if our younger folks in our diaspora dont care
It depends on how you were raised and priorities. When adults themselves keep saying bad things about their home land, how can next generation love or respect what they can imagine as a ball of problems? Worse part is when the adult / parent is the ONLY bad mouthing and not presenting ANY ideas of what can be done ...No constructive criticism...just plain criticism which is not different than disgust for a child!
Those who left disgruntled, usually cant be bothered to educate their children and then there is a class that things by behaving /accepting "Western" culture, their brown skinned child will somehow be accepted more than the one who is also brown and knows their culture/ tradition. I have seen these 2nd type so often...they have no spat with Pakistan, in fact most of their parents were high up govt officers or ranked in the army....
Even the Pakistani in Pakistan think by behaving and adapting to Western lifestyle (dying your hair, bleaching your skin, wearing clothes that even some westerners of their age would be ashamed to wear) but not adapting the "WESTERN LIFESTYLE" (doing your own work and not abusing your maid, being independent from aged 16 by working in a fastfood or chain shop to pay for your own expenses, learning the value of money) ...stick out like a sore thumb! These confused type ... I mean if you "want to behave as Westerner" behave like one and conserve water, energy, dont litter like a litterbug, earn your own bread instead of relying on dad, learn DIY and learn to use a hammer like a normal human being...and so many other things which they failed to adapt!)
I blame the parents! You have made your child so confused and not guided him/ her .... The child himself cant truly love him/her self if you dont tell them to accept themselves and stop trying to be something you arent! There is absolutely nothing wrong in being a desi and taking up the "good" of the Western lifestyle...