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The Philippines & Vietnam can wipe out Chinese forces in Spratlys, says ex-USPACOM chief

ITLOS - doesn't have power to do anything.
Building your forces - at what rate? :guns:
Moral high ground - seriously? Western power yes, but not others.
:coffee: (sorry for trolling, but can't help)
We waitin for ITLCOS then will move in simply we are not so stupid to start a war so let the chinese imperialist do all the aggression they want we still building our forces and banking on the moral high ground china's time will come but not now.
ITLOS - doesn't have power to do anything.
Building your forces - at what rate? :guns:
Moral high ground - seriously? Western power yes, but not others.
:coffee: (sorry for trolling, but can't help)

Really tell me this do want a war in the region? and yes moral high ground now world see china as very aggressive and lastly its better to have international recognition then nothing it is true that municipal law is easy to enforce than international law but again since the Philippines has the moral high ground by trying to solve the problem by and through under international law my country would be in the right as all nations should and as building our forces yes we are currently doing that by spending money and taking whatever help we can get but then again we are not looking for war but if it comes to us we fight like any nations would. But i dont expect anti filipinos like you would understand since you're the type of people who underestimate others which is no surprise for me at all its so you actually so join the bloody q then.
Don't get into a divide- and- conquer trap. Show to the world that all claimants can negotiations peacefully. Don't you know the evilness of war? How can you be so sure outcome of the war will prevail you? Do you want to wage war for the end results is the third party own all islands?
I wonder how some Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that the US will help them their wars without her own benefit. How can Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that they won't sacrifice their lifes and risk their national strength and treasure for war that would ended as master of the great game calculated, which may or may not be the same as their wishes? how can you all be so sure that at the end of the war, it is just war for islands?
Don't get into a divide- and- conquer trap. Show to the world that all claimants can negotiations peacefully. Don't you know the evilness of war? How can you be so sure outcome of the war will prevail you? Do you want to wage war for the end results is the third party own all islands?
I wonder how some Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that the US will help them their wars without her own benefit. How can Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that they won't sacrifice their lifes and risk their national strength and treasure for war that would ended as master of the great game calculated, which may or may not be the same as their wishes? how can you all be so sure that at the end of the war, it is just war for islands?

Simply put, they have no idea! These simple minded Viets and Pinoys are so invested in the United States as the regional foreign hegemon of Asia that all they want is to be looked at as little champions for the U.S. They actually bank on China losing so as they are little pets of the U.S. they look to gain at China's loss. Too bad for these little champions this is not how the game will be played out.
Calm down folks. In the end, Banh Mi tastes good with Pancit Canton, Peiking Duck, and Goreng Goreng , served with sweet Japanese rice cakes.


....and cold Cocoa Cola to wash it down with....

Simply put, they have no idea! These simple minded Viets and Pinoys are so invested in the United States as the regional foreign hegemon of Asia that all they want is to be looked at as little champions for the U.S. They actually bank on China losing so as they are little pets of the U.S. they look to gain at China's loss. Too bad for these little champions this is not how the game will be played out.

Buddy, there's going to be no war. Come on , red lips of a woman fair is better than ducking from bullets, lol.

I'll take the red lips any day over bullets , lol
Calm down folks. In the end, Banh Mi tastes good with Pancit Canton, Peiking Duck, and Goreng Goreng , served with sweet Japanese rice cakes.


....and cold Cocoa Cola to wash it down with....

Buddy, there's going to be no war. Come on , red lips of a woman fair is better than ducking from bullets, lol.

I'll take the red lips any day over bullets , lol

Why bother mixing up Asian stuff.

To begin with, many Asians don't see us Filipinos as "Asians", that we are bastard offspring of Western imperialism.
What a grand military strategists want is to see China' s army on action so they can collect all signatures, do mapping, lay down networks of sensors, measure the speed. And they want someone to war for these info. Finally, some one must be prayed so China look bad, so the strategist looks hero.

and.. This is the greatest gambling, Asean brothers.
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Don't get into a divide- and- conquer trap. Show to the world that all claimants can negotiations peacefully. Don't you know the evilness of war? How can you be so sure outcome of the war will prevail you? Do you want to wage war for the end results is the third party own all islands?
I wonder how some Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that the US will help them their wars without her own benefit. How can Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that they won't sacrifice their lifes and risk their national strength and treasure for war that would ended as master of the great game calculated, which may or may not be the same as their wishes? how can you all be so sure that at the end of the war, it is just war for islands?

We dont we dont want war but we will defend our islands and our EZZ so let the chinese say whatever they want and let the war come but us starting it never and if the US fail to uphold the mutual defense pact well it would have international backlash on them and we are not backing on it either. I cant speak for vietnam thought
Simply put, they have no idea! These simple minded Viets and Pinoys are so invested in the United States as the regional foreign hegemon of Asia that all they want is to be looked at as little champions for the U.S. They actually bank on China losing so as they are little pets of the U.S. they look to gain at China's loss. Too bad for these little champions this is not how the game will be played out.

hahaha are you on drugs can you win aganist the whole bloc of anti chinese imperialist that you your kind created you must be on drugs china is big but its not powerful individual we cant win but with bloc forming we can be the end of china but again we still banking on the whole moral high ground stand china did all of the bad publicity for all of us so basicly you people are simply minded ones your under the illusion that since your bigger you have no consequence to deal with but your dead wrong and this coming from person who is member of a group of d bag claim a whole sea and you have the gual to call us simply minded cant even prove that in the international community laughable.

Calm down bro, of course Philippinos are Asians! Asia is a very big place, don't take troll too seriously!
Its filipino d bag to me we are not but truth we are but who cares we are filipinos and thats all we filipino are concern about
And you don't have neither father and mother, am i right !
you stupid Indian he already banned? everyone know you indian are stupid, quote a banned member.

hahaha are you on drugs can you win aganist the whole bloc of anti chinese imperialist that you your kind created you must be on drugs china is big but its not powerful individual we cant win but with bloc forming we can be the end of china but again we still banking on the whole moral high ground stand china did all of the bad publicity for all of us so basicly you people are simply minded ones your under the illusion that since your bigger you have no consequence to deal with but your dead wrong and this coming from person who is member of a group of d bag claim a whole sea and you have the gual to call us simply minded cant even prove that in the international community laughable.

Its filipino d bag to me we are not but truth we are but who cares we are filipinos and thats all we filipino are concern about
Oh why you think the US will join this war? US only talk no action for sure.
PH, Vietnam can wipe out Chinese forces in Spratlys – ex-USPACOM chief

We dont we dont want war but we will defend our islands and our EZZ so let the chinese say whatever they want and let the war come but us starting it never and if the US fail to uphold the mutual defense pact well it would have international backlash on them and we are not backing on it either. I cant speak for vietnam thought


VN response will be deterrence if attacked.

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