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The Philippines & Vietnam can wipe out Chinese forces in Spratlys, says ex-USPACOM chief

you stupid Indian he already banned? everyone know you indian are stupid, quote a banned member.

Oh why you think the US will join this war? US only talk no action for sure.

Really depends on chinas move again no one so rush to go to war
so Cuba and Mexico can wipe out the US military presence in Gulf of Mexico as well, surely. HA HA HA!
Why bother mixing up Asian stuff.

To begin with, many Asians don't see us Filipinos as "Asians", that we are bastard offspring of Western imperialism.

You are definitely seen as a member of the Greater Asian family. To fall prey to imperialism is the disgrace of those imperialists, in the first place. China suffered in the hands of the colonialists, also, and was forced to sign unjust treaties.

What we need now is common development, and as I see it, the engine of the region is China. Beijing, for one thing, does not want to create a Latin America for itself, like, prosperity in the North and misery in the South. Beijing does not wish and plan to interfere in peoples internal business, install Beijing-friendly dictators, unlike the regular US practice.

We do have maritime disputes and, one way or another, history moves. But even our disputes are under the greater common identity of Asia; there is no denying of it.

Wish the Philippines the best in everything and looking forward to grow our bilateral trade two fold within the decade.
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You are definitely seen as a member of the Greater Asian family. To fell prey to imperialism is the disgrace of those imperialists, in the first place. China suffered in the hands of the colonialists, also, and was forced to sign unjust treaties.

What we need now is common development, and as I see it, the engine of the region is China. Beijing, for one thing, does not want to create a Latin America for itself, like, prosperity in the North and misery in the South. Beijing does not wish and plan to interfere in nobody's internal business, install Beijing-friendly dictators, unlike the regular US practice.

We do have maritime disputes and, one way or another, history moves. But even our disputes are under the greater common identity of Asia; there is no denying of it.

Wish the Philippines the best in everything and looking forward to grow our bilateral trade two fold within the decade.

And yet you people do the opposite funny how that works
Don't get into a divide- and- conquer trap. Show to the world that all claimants can negotiations peacefully. Don't you know the evilness of war? How can you be so sure outcome of the war will prevail you? Do you want to wage war for the end results is the third party own all islands?
I wonder how some Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that the US will help them their wars without her own benefit. How can Pinoy or Viets here has underlying assumption that they won't sacrifice their lifes and risk their national strength and treasure for war that would ended as master of the great game calculated, which may or may not be the same as their wishes? how can you all be so sure that at the end of the war, it is just war for islands?
no, actually everybody in Vietnam bets on economic and military assistance from Siam. so bro, don´t disappoint me.
lol ye thread kuch zyadaa hi over optimistic ho gai. "one shall not chew more then he can eat"
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