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The persistence of mullahs to take Pakistan backward.

and the purpose of this comment was?

the thing is none of you school boys are bothering to read the article before commenting...

Confession bear, i can't read.

due to you liberal fascists sex is rampant in Pakistan and so are STD..
soon we will see 12 and 13 year old mothers who dont know eho was the boy they slept with to get pregnant..same as it happens in the west..
Good luck with that..I rather remain "Apologist" and not be a contributor for this sort of "Advancement" and remain backward

read history of the country you live in...USA..
30 year ago when this sex education wasn’t there teen age pregnancies and STD were low..
since sex education came into school...teen pregnancies shot up....
and for your info..many states such as North Carolina still have very conservative societies and sex before marriage is a taboo...likewise sex related problems both social and of health are down in these states...

Most of the teen sluts and playboys come from reletively conservative families, so I call bs.
Hormones can't be tamed by families, it varies from person to person. The only difference an educated person would know whow to do it without STDs, whereas a mullason would do it anyways, but manage to die
due to you liberal fascists sex is rampant in Pakistan and so are STD..
soon we will see 12 and 13 year old mothers who dont know eho was the boy they slept with to get pregnant..same as it happens in the west..
Good luck with that..I rather remain "Apologist" and not be a contributor for this sort of "Advancement" and remain backward

"Sex is rampant" ? :rofl:

Dude, STD's are because of not using protection, having unsafe sex with multiple partners. It is also because of going for prostitutes. You are advocating a repressive culture where girls and boys are FORCED to withhold their instincts and their curiosities, instead of actually making them aware about it and telling them that it is not BAD or TABOO!!

In the west, teenage pregnancies happen, but to prevent that you wanna force people to live in a sexually repressive atmosphere???? To stop pregnancies you should make people aware to use condoms, and tell them about birth control!! That will reduce instances of STDs as well.

When people grow up in such conservative cultures, they will secretively go for prostitutes etc, not use condoms and finally end up with AIDS. :lol:

Finally, what about their personal lives? I mean men wont know what the hell to do with a woman in bed, they wont even know how to choose partners, how to communicate or even know if they are compatible or not. How can you otherwise be happy with a partner in life? Pffft. For that you need to have a slightly open culture that allows boys and girls to interact. I am not talking about sex at 12. I am talking about sex at later ages, even if people are not married. You are advocating such a repressive culture that sex will be Taboo!! An act that is as natural as having food when hungry?!!
Ḥashshāshīn;3520077 said:
At 11 years sex education is too early, it should start at 15-16
11 year old is early even in Europe..they are teaching sex to 11 year olds in Pakistan...
then our liberal fascist brigade are happy they will get more young girls who will know how to have sex...
Ḥashshāshīn;3520077 said:
At 11 years sex education is too early, it should start at 15-16

idk, in some cases it could be too late. In case of boys that's when theyre most out of control and willing, and in girls they're very curious and it's later when their preservance instincts come into play
from personal experience a 15 year old couple is more likely to know their limits then say a 13 year old
11 year old is early even in Europe..they are teaching sex to 11 year olds in Pakistan...
then our liberal fascist brigade are happy they will get more young girls who will know how to have sex...
Not really Europeans have sex very early. But for country like Pak I agree 11 is early. But I'm sure kids at that age know 'how to have sex', (how hard is it? :rofl:) they're just getting educated about it.
Ḥashshāshīn;3520099 said:
Not really Europeans have sex very early. But for country like Pak I agree 11 is early. But I'm sure kids at that age know 'how to have sex', (how hard is it? :rofl:) they're just getting educated about it.

Nop i didnt know what to do with a girl until i was 17,and i missed nothing..
I am happily living with a wife and kids...
Nop i didnt know what to do with a girl until i was 17,and i missed nothing..
I am happily living with a wife and kids...

Maybe it was malnutrition or something, that explains everything!
Wow, most of us firugered most of it out at 11, the youngest even knew it at 9 or somthing
i remember talking about tities and stuff in le 4th grade
and some vague references existed in 3 and 2 as well
I will wait until some mature people come to the thread..
right now its some kids with raving hormones...i will let them have their fantasies about under age sex... :P
read history of the country you live in...USA..
30 year ago when this sex education wasn’t there teen age pregnancies and STD were low..
since sex education came into school...teen pregnancies shot up....
and for your info..many states such as North Carolina still have very conservative societies and sex before marriage is a taboo...likewise sex related problems both social and of health are down in these states...

Correlation is not causation. You are correlating two different things, but that is not the case. Sex education has nothing to do with teenage pregnancies.

But I agree in the sub continent, sex education could wait. Maybe at 14 or 15.

Maybe it was malnutrition or something, that explains everything!
Wow, most of us firugered most of it out at 11, the youngest even knew it at 9 or somthing
i remember talking about tities and stuff in le 4th grade
and some vague references existed in 3 and 2 as well

Yup, its quite natural, people get to know it without any teaching.

Nop i didnt know what to do with a girl until i was 17,and i missed nothing..

Seriously? Thats strange. I couldn't wait to get into a girls pants :lol: And I am sure I wasnt alone in that :lol:

I will wait until some mature people come to the thread..
right now its some kids with raving hormones...i will let them have their fantasies about under age sex...

:lol:, dude am not a kid. I am 30 yrs old, and I have had sex :lol: And its based on practical experience am saying. In this respect both Indian and Pakistani cultures dont differ that much at all.
Nop i didnt know what to do with a girl until i was 17,and i missed nothing..
I am happily living with a wife and kids...

Maybe it was malnutrition or something, that explains everything!
Wow, most of us firugered most of it out at 11, the youngest even knew it at 9 or somthing
i remember talking about tities and stuff in le 4th grade
and some vague references existed in 3 and 2 as well
Maybe it was malnutrition or something, that explains everything!
Wow, most of us firugered most of it out at 11, the youngest even knew it at 9 or somthing
i remember talking about tities and stuff in le 4th grade
and some vague references existed in 3 and 2 as well

That means your childhood finished in class 2. I feel sorry.
Then your mind could never have climbed out of the gutter from that early age....when full of such dirty thoughts..
I have seen in Pakistan...class 5 students checking out girls three times their age and then like you say...talking about their bust n bum.
When they should be talking about childish stuff not adult stuff as they are children not adults.

I rather let my children enjoy their childhoowd with a child's mind and thoughts....not having wet dreams at age 8 or even 11.

Sex education has traditionally been given by Parents and elders of the family,and they will know the exact time when their children are ready and how much they can be told...

This type of education if arranged in schools should not be compulsory,and should only be given after seeking permission from parents.
If some parent feel that their children should have sex education they can ask school to arrange a class or two.

I will be livid if my 10 year old goes to school and comes back asking me about female genetalia.
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