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The People's Republic of Scandal - TIME cover


Jul 12, 2011
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Antigua And Barbuda

In China these days, the last refuge of both scoundrels and heroes is turning out to be a U.S. diplomatic compound. Two unscripted but parallel dashes for safety have riveted the world and, more important, have affirmed long-foreshadowed plot points in the narrative of the 21st century's would-be superpower: first, that the People's Republic is in the hands of an elite riddled with corruption and nepotism, and second, that those who crusade for the basic legal rights of the powerless must on occasion deal with feudal repression. Those elements have always lurked amid the often dazzling spectacle of modern China. Now...

Read more: Murder, Lies, Abuse Of Power And Other Crimes Of The Chinese Century - TIME

I dont have access to the full article. Members who are TIME subscribers can post the full article please
Flame thread.

More anti-Chinese propaganda by the despotic western regimes butthurt by china success and fearful of chinas rise.

Mods please perma ban indocarib.

Hehe ! How it is a flame thread ? It talks about Bo Xilai and other issues. You mean to say Bo Xilai doesn't exist ? Grab a copy of Time and read the article fully and try to comprehend. I know you chinese want to hear good things about you all the time. But this is too much!

Bo Xilai, Politics and the CCP - China Digital Times (CDT)

Here is the artcile on the same in China Digital Times
Hehe ! How it is a flame thread ? It talks about Bo Xilai and other issues. You mean to say Bo Xilai doesn't exist ? Grab a copy of Time and read the article fully and try to comprehend. I know you chinese want to hear good things about you all the time. But this is too much!

I don't need to read any western media.
They all spew vulgar f*lth on china.

If you want positive views by the west, you must obey western orders.
Anybody that is a challenge to the west, they see it as a threat to their hegemony over the planet.
If you obey western orders, you are loved by the west. Eg. India

Hate comes from fear.
West hates china because we are the only one capable of ending western dominance in the 21st century.
The hate by the west shows china is succeeding.

Especially after the 2008 financial crisis, the west has gone downhill and china has done relatively well. The west thought that chinas influence around the world will only start to emerge around mid 21st century, but since the financial crisis, chinas importance has grown dramatically, not because we have risen that much, but western power has taken a MASSIVE hit with economic crisis, financial crisis, military cuts, shrinking middle classes, etc.

China has in a way emerged ever since the 2008 Olympic games, now the west sees china as a serious challenge to their dominance ALREADY. This is why all the containment strategies and anti-china propaganda spewed the western media.

The west would love nothing better than to see the Chinese economy collapse by any means necessary, even if it means causing political chaos and cause a divide between the party and the people.

The west cannot control china, we are too powerful and too independent to be controlled by anyone.
bo don't present chinese.he is just a corrupt politician.
stupid thread

Don't worry, which country with more than a billion people doesn't have political scandals. I wouldn't go so low to dig up all their dirt. Bo's case come and go. Let the supa powa dad and son combo have their fun now, tomorrow who knows.
I stopped reading Times and now Newsweek because I find them to America Centric, rather get an economist something to that caliber for better reading.

Did you read the article on Chen in The Economist ?
Hehe ! How it is a flame thread ? It talks about Bo Xilai and other issues. You mean to say Bo Xilai doesn't exist ? Grab a copy of Time and read the article fully and try to comprehend. I know you chinese want to hear good things about you all the time. But this is too much!

Bo Xilai, Politics and the CCP - China Digital Times (CDT)

Here is the artcile on the same in China Digital Times

you must be so pround that India has more corrupt politicans than china
That woman Hannah Beech never have anything positive to say about China. Just go over her article title about China. The cover is kind of off putting and sensationalistic. It gives me heart palpitation just looking it as it is very sinister, which I guess appeals to American and Indian's sinophobic tendencies.

It is kind of sad the state of journalism in America. When you think about the May Day Protest and the unemployment, the America declining society, the real issue that affect American this story about China doesn't serve anything but to inflame the hatred of American towards China.
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