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The people who brought the UK Variant to Pakistan now running back!


Mar 8, 2019
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The people who brought the UK Variant to Pakistan now running back! Scenes from Islamabad airport.
This was two days before the UK travel ban came into effect - British Pakistanis escaping lockdown in the UK returning back en masse before UK travel ban! The same people who didn’t have to quarantine in Pakistan and went to big weddings and parties against all Covid protocols.
There were 30 extra flights operated to take all these people back. Now the way they are behaving at the airport will def. take Corona back to the UK if they haven’t had it already.
Such irresponsibility from the Pakistani government to let them in, and from our British Pakistani Friends for escaping lockdown and initating the third wave in Pakistan.
They brought in the virus at the start as well. They like to advise and lecture us living here as well.
They brought in the virus at the start as well. They like to advise and lecture us living here as well.

and yet people in the USA and UK keep loudly blaming China for covid.
Where were the oldest samples found? Spain? Italy? Who swarm into Spain on vacation?
Unfortunately some people used fake test certificates to enter Pakistan. In turn same thing happening in Pakistan.

Personally I took two family members to official airport test centre at Heathrow.
and yet people in the USA and UK keep loudly blaming China for covid.
Where were the oldest samples found? Spain? Italy? Who swarm into Spain on vacation?
It started in China - nothing changes that. They are plenty of irresponsible idiots prolonging the epidemic
Absolute idiots. Selfish beyond reason. Let's assume some people desperately needed to see some ailing relative; just about justifiable, but half these morons are on a jolly with extended family....it's madness. Feel sorry for those kids dragged along to this hell.
My mother has lost eye sight due to diabetes n kidneys working only working 15 percent ... She been cryung to see her grand children for last time ... And i didnt go ... Couldnt go cause concern for kids n transfering corona ... *** holes been going back home for chill out ... I pray they suffer horribley amen.
I have no sympathy for these people. A lot of them travelled because they're receiving furlough money so are being paid whilst not needing to be at work. They consider it a free holiday. They've taken thier kids out of school too and just gone to Pakistan and behaved like COVID doesn't exist. Mirpur is a hotbed of Corona because these idiots behave the same way the Pakistani burger class behave. They all assume Corona is only going to affect the poor. I've also heard of many people travellinh both ways on fake covid certificates because they're easier to aqquire/cheaper than the real ones.
GoP again is to blame. Nobody was going when they had strict checks on entry and forced stays in hotels. They should have continued with the same. All around the world - nobody NEEDS to travel internationally.

If in Dec 2019 for 3 months the whole world stopped international travel, we wouldn't still be suffering.
Developed Nations don't have any feelings about banning another nation travelers

It was only Pakistan who allowed travelers to travel freely from UK knowing it has the UK variant
Cousins of Indus Pakistan.....and then they have a nerve to teach us how to live.

Lol..What a disgrace.. They always have been a disgrace. The only good thing about it is that they are going to leave at least for now.

Most of those jangli were probably FOB's. Besides they might be idiots but no more so than the Pakistani government that let them all in without checks.
I know for a fact that several of these Mofos came to Pakistan to avoid vaccination. Met at least two UK families who were claiming that they are killing people via vaccination to reduce population. Level of ignorance you see among majority of UK based Pakistanis is simply astounding. One woman who came from UK flew all the way to Pakistan after being hospitalized in UK. She ran from isolation in hospital booked a ticket flew to ISB airport infecting everyone and collapsed at the airport having very high fever. When asked she said she didn't want to get vaccinated.
Most of those jangli were probably FOB's. Besides they might be idiots but no more so than the Pakistani government that let them all in without checks.

Don't blame Pakistani government.. They first allowed Shia zaireens from Iran and then a big majlis in Punjab.. I can absolve them since it is 3rd world country and mismanagement is an acceptable thing.

At least the high and mighty British Pakistanis should have behaved properly. Your counterparts in Canada, Aus and US are so much better. Even Pakistani Danes , Fins and swedes are so much better than you guys in conduct.

Now we have 5000 cases straight for 4 days now. Thank you so much.
I know for a fact that several of these Mofos came to Pakistan to avoid vaccination. Met at least two UK families who were claiming that they are killing people via vaccination to reduce population. Level of ignorance you see among majority of UK based Pakistanis is simply astounding. One woman who came from UK flew all the way to Pakistan after being hospitalized in UK. She ran from isolation in hospital booked a ticket flew to ISB airport infecting everyone and collapsed at the airport having very high fever. When asked she said she didn't want to get vaccinated.

British PAkistanis are one of the worst diaspora Pakistanis ever. Even the poor labor class in Middle east is better behaved than these disgraceful pricks.

Pakistani government should put up special restrictions against them.
Who cares as long as they bring in a few pounds? right?
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