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The overdramatic nature of Korean protest against Japan

Thirty years from now we'll be in our 60's! We need to hope that within a decade's time at least.

The first picture --- that is Uyoko Dantai , those are rabid ultranationalists and are monitored by the government, as well as police service. Uyoko Dantai are racists and a hate organization.

The second picture --- those are just military veterans who don't glorify hate or promote hateful policies. These are people who believe in the importance of remembering military history.

These are two different groups you need to differentiate ; as they have different ideologies.

Remembering military history? Why doesnt Germans all dress up in SS uniform and parade in public lol? because it was a period of history invading others that they were ashamed of. You see how Japanese look at it differently than the rest of the world right?
Remembering military history? Why doesnt Germans all dress up in SS uniform and parade in public lol? because it was a period of history invading others that they were ashamed of. You see how Japanese look at it differently than the rest of the world right?

There are military historians / military lovers who dress up in old uniform attire for the purpose of relieving history , not for the basis of instill hatred or racism. Americans dress up in confederate uniforms every year and reenact civil war battles. They do this not to instill hatred towards African Americans , they do this to relieve and remember the American Civil War, particularly the Confederate Military. You see what i mean?


There are even Europeans who dress up in Napoleonic military garb every year to commemorate the old battles during the Napoleonic War. They do this not to instill hatred, fear, or imperialism, but to appreciate the history, the military history of it. For example,




It is the same way as how there are even Japanese reenactors who relieve some of the battles during the 1st Sino Japanese War, Russo Japanese War, 1st World War, and the Pacific War.



(notice, these are westerners dressing up in Imperial Japanese Army uniform)


Japanese reenactors, dressed up in Imperial Army uniform during 1st Sino Japanese War
Remembering military history? Why doesnt Germans all dress up in SS uniform and parade in public lol? because it was a period of history invading others that they were ashamed of. You see how Japanese look at it differently than the rest of the world right?

My friend, so its alright for Chinese reenactors , but not for Japanese? Come on, buddy! That's not fair, lol!





Nothing wrong in military reenactment, and studying old military battles. :)



■ South Korea’s Top 5 Least Favorite Countries
1. Japan – 44.1% (33.4% in 2002)
2. China – 19.1% (4.6%)
3. North Korea – 11.7% (17.3%)
4. America – 4.8% (18%)
5. Iraq – 0.7% (0.7%)
lol what i found interesting is that the top 5 least favored also dont like each other :lol:(exept japan america)

they have not herd of the concept enemy of enemy is a friend :P
lol what i found interesting is that the top 5 least favored also dont like each other :lol:(exept japan america)

they have not herd of the concept enemy of enemy is a friend :P

lol, what's also interesting is that all 5 are also major trading partners. Its like, "we hate you with all our guts, but, hey, please buy our products and we'll buy some of yours, too."

lol, what's also interesting is that all 5 are also major trading partners. Its like, "we hate you with all our guts, but, hey, please buy our products and we'll buy some of yours, too."

hahahha koreans are funny :lol:
i always thought north koreans were funny and south koreans were serious......but after they all are koreans lol
koreans and funny remind me of this movie called "the interview"
hehehe, in the end they're both Koreans. ;)


I don't see what's your point in creating this thread. South Korean have negative views about Japan? gee big deal. At least they have some historical reasons. What about Japan's extreme negative views of China and love for the US? Latest Pew data shows only 7% of Japanese have favourable views of China while 66% have favourable views of the US:


So what is your point in this thread? You seem to act tough and talk trash about the Koreans just because they don't have any representatives here on PDF. I also noticed when you have lots of your American buddies backing you up in this forum, you will also talk tough against China. But when your American buddies disappear, you cowered down in front of the Chinese members and start cozying up to them, sugarcoating your words, talking about the Chinese-Japan fraternity, even once talked about the communist movement in Japan lol.

If there are a significant number of Korean members in this forum, you'd probably switch over to the Korea-Japan fraternity rhetorics, etc. So what exactly is your point in this thread? Koreans have negative views on Japan? So what? Japan don't have negative views on other countries as well? Currently Japan has the least favourable view of China isn't it?

Why south koreans dislike iraq? Again they dislike china morethan north korea:o:

Only 0.7% of the survey participants said they have an unfavourable view of Iraq and you've concluded that South Koreans dislike Iraq?

BTW, a South Korean civilian worker once got beheaded in Iraq. That event most likely influenced that 0.7%'er.
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ok,from this post i find it easy to read Japanese...
just like 靖國神社,立入禁止,日本打倒,almost the same in chinese
Yorozuya said:
I don't see what's your point in creating this thread. South KChinese ave negative views about Japan? gee big deal. At least they have some historical reasons. What about Japan's extreme negative views of China and love for the US? Latest Pew data shows only 7% of Japanese have favourable views of China while 66% have favourable views of the US:


So what is your point in this thread? You seem to act tough and talk trash about the Koreans just because they don't have any representatives here on PDF. I also noticed when you have lots of your American buddies backing you up in this forum, you will also talk tough against China. But when your American buddies disappear, you cowered down in front of the Chinese members and start cozying up to them, sugarcoating your words, talking about the Chinese-Japan fraternity, even once talked about the communist movement in Japan lol.

If there are a significant number of Korean members in this forum, you'd probably switch over to the Korea-Japan fraternity rhetorics, etc. So what exactly is your point in this thread? Koreans have negative views on Japan? So what? Japan don't have negative views on other countries as well? Currently Japan has the least favourable view of China isn't it?

Only 0.7% of the survey participants said they have an unfavourable view of Iraq and you've concluded that South Koreans dislike Iraq?

BTW, a South Korean civilian worker once got beheaded in Iraq. That event most likely influenced that 0.7%'er.

From the above survey japanese and vietnamese hate chinese most and pakistanis hate usa and india mostly.but the chinese hate towards japan is very serious.
Korea under Japanese rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1 slavery on koreans. or you may call. force labor.
2 land grab and tax. Japanese immigrants became landlords while Koreans became tanents. Poverty run high on Koreans tenants that they end prostitutio.n.

3. comfort woman. or in other words, sex slavery en mass.

4. Destruction of Koreans book, architecture ans culture. Force adoption of Japanese name. This includes ancient palaces.

5. Kill many Korean.s. en mass.

Those are more than enoug.h. reasons y Kor hates Japanese so much.
Mon ami @Gabriel92 , yes , the hatred Koreans have for Japan (even towards China) is indeed very excessive. I think it is based on their history of being a hermit kingdom, trapped between two imposing powers (Imperial China and Imperial Japan) and being the source of foreign invasions (The Manchu Chinese invaded Northern Korea plenty of times, as well as the Chinese imposed their imperial system on the Koreans; the Japanese under Hideyoshi Toyotomi invaded Korea during the Imjin Wars , conquering the country , before Japan abandoned the country after Hideyoshi died; then Japan ejected Chinese influence in Korea after Japan defeated China in the 1st Sino Japanese War, then seized Korea effectively merging the Chosen Empire with the Japanese Empire in 1905).

So the Koreans have a hatred because Korea was conquered in totality by Japan, and ruled for over half a century. But the thing that these extremist Koreans fail to mention is that how much Japan developed Korea. Japan had built schools, hospitals, roads, railroads, modernized farming , modernized fishing, introduced industrialization to Korea, and this led to the growth of the Korean population under Japanese rule. The level of literacy in Korea prior to Japanese rule was abhoric , most of the country was illiterate , but under the rule of the Japanese Empire, Korean literacy rates was at par with that of Japan proper, and at the same level as that of Taiwan , which was also part of the Japanese Empire during that time.

The problem here is that Korean leadership continue to feed their people only negative information of life under Japan. They purposely ignore the overwhelming good that Japan did for Korea.

Don't make joke, Japanese you guys almost has no sense of shame. In 1887, China had built up railway in Taiwan province, in 1876 found coal mine, camphor industry,etc; in 1886, build up telegram office in Taiwan and set cable connecting island with mainland; build Taipei harbor, in 1890, there were 126 merchant ships operated to and fro strait, Fujian province, Shanghai, Hongkong, even had lines to Saigon and Singapore. What's a joke Japanese modernize and develop Taiwan! Without Japanese occupation, Taiwan could develop better. Even the lumber pillar of shrine in Tokyo were stolen from Taiwan.

Those are some old fotos took in 1895 in Taiwan.

This is paper money issued by government bank in Taiwan in 1880's. (Japanese bul/shit had comments besides. )

China's railway in Tianjing, 1882.

Taiwan's first railway in 1889 built by province govt, foto was a tunnel.


Taiwan's coal mine in 1870's.
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