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The overdramatic nature of Korean protest against Japan

The few Koreans I met didn't seem so fanatic after knowing them for months. They were quite positive towards Japan. Seeing those polls made me wonder whether they put on a mask and in reality if they and such a rally they would be also fuming from the edges from their mouth.
@Nihonjin1051 Why they dislike so much Japan ? Because of the past ? The two nations/people can't advance if they stay in the past,they need to go ahead,forget the past and everything will be fine.
(Or they just hate everyone for nothing lol ?)
Just a great exemple : France and Germany,some years ago were ennemies,it wasn't a love story between the 2 people,but today are allies/like brothers. (even if they spy on us :lol: )
Most likely because of filial piety, we have been taught to distrust the Japanese from our elders. We get loads of story of Japanese notably beheading. This may be pass on for generations.
Who cares if they hate us or love us.

Korea vs Japan is what we really want to see.

A narrow minded analysis. I think its important to understand the broader issue.

The issue of how America is viewed positively while views between Koreans-Japanese-Chinese decrease.

Think beyond the box, my young friend.
That's interesting isn't it? lol

They hate both Japan and China, its so weird eh? Well what can we expect, a shrimp between two whale will always hate the whales.

They hate Japan the most, but after us they hate China as well. China is #2 hated country in Korea.

LOL your data is outdated man.

Here is a report published by Asian Instidute for Policy Studies

Country & Leader Favorability One of the most obvious signs of the public’s warming to China can be seen in the country’s favorability ratings. While China still trails the favorability numbers for the United States— the only country to carry a mean favorability of 5.0 or higher—China’s favorability seems to have reached a new plateau in 2014. The 2014 numbers are particularly interesting for their stability, and may suggest that the favorability of China among the Korean public has established a new normal. From February forward there is virtually no change, with favorability at 4.9 in June (Figure 1). During this time there were no major events involving China covered by the Korean media. This stability contrasts with the numbers for 2013. In June 2013, prior to the first Park-Xi summit, favorability was 4.3 on the zero to ten scale. Following the summit, favorability spiked to 4.9 and then began a long and steady decline. This was a time when China was largely out of the news, and the favorability score appears to be returning to the mean. This raises the question as to why such a decline was not recorded in 2014 under similar circumstances, suggesting that favorability ratings of 4.8 or 4.9 for China are the new mean—a significant increase from 2013.

Japan is down there with N.K. China is almost as high as US. we may have Japan to thank for a better relation with the S.K.



Most likely because of filial piety, we have been taught to distrust the Japanese from our elders. We get loads of story of Japanese notably beheading. This may be pass on for generations.

But that's just continuation of bigotry, imho. While some soldiers were guilty of such actions, this was not a policy that was widely accepted or even known in the general public in Japan at the time.

LOL your data is outdated man.

Here is a report published by Asian Instidute for Policy Studies

Country & Leader Favorability One of the most obvious signs of the public’s warming to China can be seen in the country’s favorability ratings. While China still trails the favorability numbers for the United States— the only country to carry a mean favorability of 5.0 or higher—China’s favorability seems to have reached a new plateau in 2014. The 2014 numbers are particularly interesting for their stability, and may suggest that the favorability of China among the Korean public has established a new normal. From February forward there is virtually no change, with favorability at 4.9 in June (Figure 1). During this time there were no major events involving China covered by the Korean media. This stability contrasts with the numbers for 2013. In June 2013, prior to the first Park-Xi summit, favorability was 4.3 on the zero to ten scale. Following the summit, favorability spiked to 4.9 and then began a long and steady decline. This was a time when China was largely out of the news, and the favorability score appears to be returning to the mean. This raises the question as to why such a decline was not recorded in 2014 under similar circumstances, suggesting that favorability ratings of 4.8 or 4.9 for China are the new mean—a significant increase from 2013.

Japan is down there with N.K. China is almost as high as US. we may have Japan to thank for a better relation with the S.K.

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Thanks, but the Pew Poll Data was collected in 2014, fairly recent.

But that's just continuation of bigotry, imho. While some soldiers were guilty of such actions, this was not a policy that was widely accepted or even known in the general public in Japan at the time.
Japan hostile stand against China will only justify our distrust towards Japan. My grandfathers story will be shared by with children and grandchildren
But that's just continuation of bigotry, imho. While some soldiers were guilty of such actions, this was not a policy that was widely accepted or even known in the general public in Japan at the time.

Thanks, but the Pew Poll Data was collected in 2014, fairly recent.

1 out of 2 South Korean have favorable view on China, as far as public opinion goes, it is not bad.
Japan hostile stand against China will only justify our distrust towards Japan. My grandfathers story will be shared by with children and grandchildren

Its a reactionary stance, my friend. Japan's negative views is in response to seeing such protests and hate mongering words from radical elements in Korea and some parts in China. I think it is important for governments to put down such extremist, radical elements.

All three governments of Japan, South Korea and China need to put down such radical groups as they can undermine the positive developments.

1 out of 2 South Korean have favorable view on China, as far as public opinion goes, it is not bad.

Its not the same for Japan-Korea dynamic. As the Pew Poll notes,


This is alarming.
Its a reactionary stance, my friend. Japan's negative views is in response to seeing such protests and hate mongering words from radical elements in Korea and some parts in China. I think it is important for governments to put down such extremist, radical elements.

All three governments of Japan, South Korea and China need to put down such radical groups as they can undermine the positive developments.

are you sure?


@Sam. , but look at this man. Does that look normal to you? To rip at our flag and bite it with his teeth? Seriously, Korea is very unstable in its unnecessary excessive emotional volatility. That is something that both the North and South Koreans share --- a common hate in Japan.

Yet they forget the good Japan brought to Korea. Japan brought industry, modernization to Korea. Before we colonized them, they were a backwards, feudalistic, autocratic society. Where education was non-existent, and the majority of people lived in subsistence.

The Japanese Empire, in its eternal glory, brought modernity and civilization to Chosen.

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Nihon, don't bullsh1t about your Japanese Empire greatness, have Koreans asked you to modernize their backward industrie at that time? or if you Japanese just modernize korea for the sole purpose to even better serve the Japanese empire. If you Japanese don't learn your history right...Japan will never have a place within Asia beside been a servant of US.

By the way you said, you gave impression that Koreans have to thanks for Japanese Invasion...LMAO
Nihon, don't bullsh1t about your Japanese Empire greatness, have Koreans asked you to modernize their backward industrie at that time? or if you Japanese just modernize korea for the sole purpose to even better serve the Japanese empire. If you Japanese don't learn your history right...Japan will has never place within Asia beside been a servant of US.

The Japanese Empire was even third rate compared to the British Empire, no one gonna miss it.
Its a reactionary stance, my friend. Japan's negative views is in response to seeing such protests and hate mongering words from radical elements in Korea and some parts in China. I think it is important for governments to put down such extremist, radical elements.

All three governments of Japan, South Korea and China need to put down such radical groups as they can undermine the positive developments.
Its a bit too late now, Japan diplomatic misstep reignited it. Maybe in another 30 years for newer generation to take over us.
Its a bit too late now, Japan diplomatic misstep reignited it. Maybe in another 30 years for newer generation to take over us.

Thirty years from now we'll be in our 60's! We need to hope that within a decade's time at least.

are you sure?



The first picture --- that is Uyoko Dantai , those are rabid ultranationalists and are monitored by the government, as well as police service. Uyoko Dantai are racists and a hate organization.

The second picture --- those are just military veterans who don't glorify hate or promote hateful policies. These are people who believe in the importance of remembering military history.

These are two different groups you need to differentiate ; as they have different ideologies.
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