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The notion of conspiracy theories in pak society on every level is leading to failure of pakistan

In your opinion why is Pakistan such an easy target? Why are Pakistanis so easily bought to pick up weapons against the state and stuff?

Zan Zar and Zameen. I bet on Zar and Zameen

In your opinion why is Pakistan such an easy target? Why are Pakistanis so easily bought to pick up weapons against the state and stuff?
A common narrative is only formed when everybody is sincere and the enemy is known. Musharaf did the ultimate disservice to Pakistan by internalizing the problem. Likewise it is also wrong to assume somebody else's conclusion on its face value which while it gives credence to conspiracies it also fosters healthy debate. People and nations with blind faith in media or politicians can easily be manipulated by events not understood by general public as they are unfolding. Lastly conspiracies are not always false and that by itself is enough to keep them alive!
Zan Zar and Zameen. I bet on Zar and Zameen

Sir I know that too but my query is that why Pakistanis are so easily bought? How come you don't see the neighbours lining up for zan, zar, and zameen to wreak havoc on behest of Pakistan?
Instead of verbal diaheeria
and painting every pakistani as conspiracy theorist as well, It's better to keep your idiotc rants to yourself Because you are not better informed nor you have access to intelligence reports which says otherwise that entire mess of Pakistan is homegrown.

You are being harsh.

The idea of a forum is to exchange views including those that may not be aligned with your own POV.

So long as a poster is not crossing red lines ( eg Blasphemy ) I think you ought to encourage discussion duly monitored to ensure it does not deviate.

My views
Sir I know that too but my query is that why Pakistanis are so easily bought? How come you don't see the neighbours lining up for zan, zar, and zameen to wreak havoc on behest of Pakistan?

They do line up. Who said they don't? Its just that there are too many of them there and their proportion to the population is smaller than in Pakistan.

Everything is relative.
The KGB in India made a living out of spewing lies to the Indian people.

Even now after the Cold War, I've heard pretty ridiculous conspiracy theories by the same Indians claiming Pakistan is a "conspiracy-theory" paradise. Love jihad, a grand Christian-Western-NGO conspiracy against India, a Left-wing-"Sicular"-Marxist conspiracy against India, Jinnah being a British agent, etc.

All this are true and not conspiracy theory. In Pakistan, people say that India cause flood in Pakistan and Karachi Heat wave was because of India's thermal power plant.
Conspiracy theories is a very South Asian thing.

How many instances do we ever see of a Politician admitting responsibility that he screwed up & take responsibility.

Lal Bahadur Shastri resigned as Rail minister following an accident in Mahbubnagar

Very few take ownership for FUs, they clamour for shabash though.
All this are true and not conspiracy theory.

Do Indians also believe that Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan are ISI agents spreading love Jihad in India? I've heard that's a common conspiracy theory there. Man, no offense, but you guys are seriously messed up in the head. Is it all the sh*t surrounding you? I'd go crazy if I wandered onto the streets and everywhere I went, I'd see a malnourished Dalit squatting over the floor, groaning as he emptied his bowels.
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