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The necessity for the Islamic world to have the atomic bomb

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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For nearly two years, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, has been assuring world leaders and the United Nations that Iran's interest in nuclear power is limited to the peaceful purpose of producing much-needed energy for his country, that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, and that Iran has no interest in developing weapons of mass destruction that are contrary to the teachings of the Koran.

And yet now, according to an article written for the Daily Caller on June 10, 2012, by Reza Kahlili, a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security who teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense's Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA), Iran is now telling the world that in order to confront aggression from America and Israel, it must have nuclear weapons.

On Sunday, June 9th, official Iranian media outlets published a commentary titled "The necessity for the Islamic world to have the atomic bomb," which was written by Alireza Forghani, a former governor of southern Iran's Kish Province and an analyst and strategy specialist on the staff of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

"The fatwa from Imam Khomeini [the founder of Iran's Islamic revolution] said 'all Islamic countries have Islamic blood,'"Forghani wrote. "Therefore the Islamic world should rise up and shout that a nuclear bomb is our right, and disrupt the dreams of America and Israel."

"Having a nuclear bomb is our right," he argued. "Israel would have been destroyed completely 30 years ago," but has survived because it has nuclear weapons.

In February 2012, Forghani laid out the legal case for the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jewish people. That treatise, which ran in all the Iranian regime's media outlets, including Fars News Agency, which is run by the Revolutionary Guards and thus represents the views of the Islamic regime, openly called for a pre-emptive strike on Israel.

"America is the main enemy of Iran," Forghani argued, "and is the only country that has used the atomic bomb and brags about its nuclear arsenal, creating fear in nations that might want to challenge it."

"Why is it that Pakistan can be the only Islamic country to have the bomb? Why is it that Syrian and Lebanese Muslims have to constantly worry that if their governments do not cooperate with America or Israel, NATO's bastard soldiers will attack them? Until when should the Islamic world remain afraid and obey America?" Forghani demanded to know. "The Islamic republic is one country that is surely threatened by America. We have experienced their failed attacks before, and there is no doubt that it will attack Iran, which it calls the center of all evil," Forghani wrote. "We might be able to confront America with asymmetrical warfare, but how far will that take Iran? There is no guarantee that if things heat up America will not use its nuclear arsenal against Iran just as it has done before against Japan."

Forghani recalled the Cold War's Mutual Assured Destruction policy that kept the United States from bombing the Soviet Union. "If Iran had nuclear weapons now," he stated, "America could not do to Iran what it has done to Iraq and Afghanistan."

To date, negotiations between Iran and six world powers have so far failed, Iran refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment, won't allow inspection of suspected sites, and insists that the only solution to the dilemma is for the West to accept a nuclear Iran.

In the meantime, the Islamic regime continues to warn that any foreign aggression will result in a devastating counterattack, and in a clear indication that Iran might either have a bomb or be close to developing it, Forghani wrote, "Imam Khamenei has stated that with whatever arms they attack us, we will respond similarly. The need for having the atomic bomb in order to respond to any aggression is now."

Officials in the Islamic regime, including its supreme leader, president, and military commanders, have all promised the "full annihilation of Israel" and the demise of America. "We're still on a hillside," Khamenei said in a recent speech. "When the Iranian nation reaches the peak, all enmities and evils will end."

And in a separate blog article, Forghani quoted the Quran, An-Nisa 74: "Let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fights in the cause of Allah - whether he is slain or gets victory - soon shall we give him a reward of great value."

President Obama has repeatedly said that "We are not at war with Islam," and that "Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance." And yet Islamic leaders, using their mosques as a pulpit, cry out for the destruction of America and Israel and call upon the Muslim faithful to sacrifice their lives in a holy jihad against the infidels.

Americans must wake up and accept the fact that Islam has been in a continual state of warfare with non-believing infidels, including but not limited to Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Jews for over 1,300 years, and that an estimated 90% of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims openly support the terrorist's jihad against the Western nations.

America is a civilized nation of laws and the world's premier democracy. Islam is not.

Civilized nations do not condone so-called "honor killings," the gang-raping and murder of women, and the sodomy and be-heading of innocent children. Civilized nations do not encourage, finance, and train terrorists to blow up schools, churches, and hospitals. And civilized nations, hiding under the guise of a perverted religion, do not mandate the extermination of an entire race of people.

No, we are not at war with Islam, but Islam is most definitely at war with us, and the sooner we realize and accept this fact, the better prepared we will be to defend ourselves. And the moment hostilities ignite in the Middle East, either by Iran attacking Israel or Israel or the U.S. attacking Iran's nuclear facilities, we will come under attack by fanatical Muslim suicide bombers who have already infiltrated our country and await orders to strike at our heartland.

Islam Must Have the Bomb - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com
I thinks what Muslims needs right now is secret agencies which are at par of western secret agencies.

We need leaders who have the guts to tell the western to eff off..........
I thinks what Muslims needs right now is secret agencies which are at par of western secret agencies.

We need leaders who have the guts to tell the western to eff off..........

we have ! VEVAK & QUDS :police:
Seems like article from FOX news?[/QUOT]

Might be!
But when criminals started to use firearms, the Police and justice forces got the same weapons, not only to defend themselves, But, the law abiding citizens also.
Why dont pakistan provide one or atleast take all countries under its nuclear umberlla.After all its constitution says it in bold "Islamir Republic of Pakistan"

As long as NPT remains discriminatory, more nations will try to attain nuclear arms.
NPT was shredded to pieces when india did similing buddha in 1974.NPT is just piece of paper.you can delay a country going nucllear but not stop it under NPT.
Why not ? Muslim Countries should have Nukes aswell , because the treaty is bullshit , unless all countries give it up then they should. If every nucleur nation had a non-first use and non-use to non-nucleur nation , Pakistan should help us get it aswell.
There is no necessity for the "Islamic world" to have the atomic bomb, however, it was biologically necessary for Pakistan to acquire it and master it, and so we did.

Why not ? Muslim Countries should have Nukes aswell , because the treaty is bullshit , unless all countries give it up then they should. If every nucleur nation had a non-first use and non-use to non-nucleur nation , Pakistan should help us get it aswell.

As far as I know, in the late 90's Pakistan offered Turkiye cooperation and technology in this field, and subsequently Turkiye's Government at the time refused to take Pakistan up on the offer because they were afraid of international repercussions or whatever other reasons they had.
There is no necessity for the "Islamic world" to have the atomic bomb, however, it was biologically necessary for Pakistan to acquire it and master it, and so we did.

As far as I know, in the late 90's Pakistan offered Turkiye cooperation and technology in this field, and subsequently Turkiye's Government at the time refused to take Pakistan up on the offer because they were afraid of international repercussions or whatever other reasons they had.

Yh bro they did but our pu.... governments didnt , if we did now we would be in another stage , economy is a big factor in world stage , military is another factor but nuke is ANOTHER FACTOR just by itself.
For nearly two years, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khamenei, has been assuring world leaders and the United Nations that Iran's interest in nuclear power is limited to the peaceful purpose of producing much-needed energy for his country, that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance, and that Iran has no interest in developing weapons of mass destruction that are contrary to the teachings of the Koran.

And yet now, according to an article written for the Daily Caller on June 10, 2012, by Reza Kahlili, a member of the Task Force on National and Homeland Security who teaches at the U.S. Department of Defense's Joint Counterintelligence Training Academy (JCITA), Iran is now telling the world that in order to confront aggression from America and Israel, it must have nuclear weapons.

On Sunday, June 9th, official Iranian media outlets published a commentary titled "The necessity for the Islamic world to have the atomic bomb," which was written by Alireza Forghani, a former governor of southern Iran's Kish Province and an analyst and strategy specialist on the staff of the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

"The fatwa from Imam Khomeini [the founder of Iran's Islamic revolution] said 'all Islamic countries have Islamic blood,'"Forghani wrote. "Therefore the Islamic world should rise up and shout that a nuclear bomb is our right, and disrupt the dreams of America and Israel."

"Having a nuclear bomb is our right," he argued. "Israel would have been destroyed completely 30 years ago," but has survived because it has nuclear weapons.

In February 2012, Forghani laid out the legal case for the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of the Jewish people. That treatise, which ran in all the Iranian regime's media outlets, including Fars News Agency, which is run by the Revolutionary Guards and thus represents the views of the Islamic regime, openly called for a pre-emptive strike on Israel.

"America is the main enemy of Iran," Forghani argued, "and is the only country that has used the atomic bomb and brags about its nuclear arsenal, creating fear in nations that might want to challenge it."

"Why is it that Pakistan can be the only Islamic country to have the bomb? Why is it that Syrian and Lebanese Muslims have to constantly worry that if their governments do not cooperate with America or Israel, NATO's bastard soldiers will attack them? Until when should the Islamic world remain afraid and obey America?" Forghani demanded to know. "The Islamic republic is one country that is surely threatened by America. We have experienced their failed attacks before, and there is no doubt that it will attack Iran, which it calls the center of all evil," Forghani wrote. "We might be able to confront America with asymmetrical warfare, but how far will that take Iran? There is no guarantee that if things heat up America will not use its nuclear arsenal against Iran just as it has done before against Japan."

Forghani recalled the Cold War's Mutual Assured Destruction policy that kept the United States from bombing the Soviet Union. "If Iran had nuclear weapons now," he stated, "America could not do to Iran what it has done to Iraq and Afghanistan."

To date, negotiations between Iran and six world powers have so far failed, Iran refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment, won't allow inspection of suspected sites, and insists that the only solution to the dilemma is for the West to accept a nuclear Iran.

In the meantime, the Islamic regime continues to warn that any foreign aggression will result in a devastating counterattack, and in a clear indication that Iran might either have a bomb or be close to developing it, Forghani wrote, "Imam Khamenei has stated that with whatever arms they attack us, we will respond similarly. The need for having the atomic bomb in order to respond to any aggression is now."

Officials in the Islamic regime, including its supreme leader, president, and military commanders, have all promised the "full annihilation of Israel" and the demise of America. "We're still on a hillside," Khamenei said in a recent speech. "When the Iranian nation reaches the peak, all enmities and evils will end."

And in a separate blog article, Forghani quoted the Quran, An-Nisa 74: "Let those fight in the cause of Allah who sell the life of this world for the hereafter. To him who fights in the cause of Allah - whether he is slain or gets victory - soon shall we give him a reward of great value."

President Obama has repeatedly said that "We are not at war with Islam," and that "Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance." And yet Islamic leaders, using their mosques as a pulpit, cry out for the destruction of America and Israel and call upon the Muslim faithful to sacrifice their lives in a holy jihad against the infidels.

Americans must wake up and accept the fact that Islam has been in a continual state of warfare with non-believing infidels, including but not limited to Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, and Jews for over 1,300 years, and that an estimated 90% of the world's 1.2 billion Muslims openly support the terrorist's jihad against the Western nations.

America is a civilized nation of laws and the world's premier democracy. Islam is not.

Civilized nations do not condone so-called "honor killings," the gang-raping and murder of women, and the sodomy and be-heading of innocent children. Civilized nations do not encourage, finance, and train terrorists to blow up schools, churches, and hospitals. And civilized nations, hiding under the guise of a perverted religion, do not mandate the extermination of an entire race of people.

No, we are not at war with Islam, but Islam is most definitely at war with us, and the sooner we realize and accept this fact, the better prepared we will be to defend ourselves. And the moment hostilities ignite in the Middle East, either by Iran attacking Israel or Israel or the U.S. attacking Iran's nuclear facilities, we will come under attack by fanatical Muslim suicide bombers who have already infiltrated our country and await orders to strike at our heartland.

Islam Must Have the Bomb - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

The news might be fake but the argument is legitimate. Iran does face nuclear threat from israel and america and therefore, it has every right to have a nuclear deterrence.
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