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The Myth of Sedition and its use as a Political Tool


That's your homework.

:D I am reminded of the way some whiney little school kids follow around people from a senior class, trying to get their attention. They are such little pests.
I did not claim that. It was you who claimed it.

So the burden of proof is on you.

Dont bother quoting me if you cant give the proof of your rantings. I have claimed something and given the proof.

Get off your intellectual high horse and prove what you are claiming or STFU
I did not claim that. It was you who claimed it.

So the burden of proof is on you.

Dont bother quoting me if you cant give the proof of your rantings. I have claimed something and given the proof.

Get off your intellectual high horse and prove what you are claiming or STFU

I'm afraid just following me around and resenting my being on a high horse while you have to scramble through the mud is your personal problem.

Now go away. You keep coming back again and again and again after being politely invited to get lost. This is pathetic behaviour. I have already pointed it out in one of you who has got banned many times but still sneaks his way back, with a different name.

Why are all you Sanghis like that? Do you have a masochistic streak in common?
You aren't getting it still are you. Public order is written into the UN freedom of expression. The HCR (with limited effect) has always pursued the more direct dictat with China's clamp down at Tianenmen (i.e people's right to life).

So there is zero chance the HCR will even murmur a single thing about how India goes about pushing sedition cases through its legal framework....because of the public order cause.

Absolute freedom of speech is not enshrined anywhere in the UN. Are you really this thick to keep parroting on ...after the number of times it has been posted in front of your eyes already?


Article 19

1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.

2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice.

3. The exercise of the rights provided for in paragraph 2 of this article carries with it special duties and responsibilities. It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary:

(a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others;

(b) For the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals.
Sigh....the HRC critizes China day and night for imprisoning Tibetans and Uyghurs as clamping down on freedom of expression....that is literally one of the few places where China MIGHT be able to make a case for public order or national security.
The HCR has criticized China for freedom of expression violation on Tiananmen square.....BUT since a MASSACRE took place there that issue always takes precedence over rights of expression....I don't know who told you that the HRC points out the massacre because they somehow can't book china for article 19...clearly them poking china about tibet and the uyghurs means you are just wrong.
Article 19 gives you the very slim places where you can restrict speech...but you cannot arbitrarily include whatever you want in national security or public order.....it is very evident that the HRC won't let you do that because again they criticize China on the issue of violation of freedom of speech on TIbet,the Uyghurs and hell even the internet.

remember this laws are upheld by international court...so no you do not have the exclusive right to determine what you "perceive" as a threat to national security or public order...if someone challenges you on an international court you have to justify your position and the International court will decide whether whatever you were using to harass your citizens were actually covered by article 19 or not.
I did not claim that. It was you who claimed it.

So the burden of proof is on you.

Dont bother quoting me if you cant give the proof of your rantings. I have claimed something and given the proof.

Get off your intellectual high horse and prove what you are claiming or STFU

Congratulations on writing the most boring, dreary posts on the forum. I have put you on my ignore list because I found myself dozing off while reading your mail!
I'm afraid just following me around and resenting my being on a high horse while you have to scramble through the mud is your personal problem.

Now go away. You keep coming back again and again and again after being politely invited to get lost. This is pathetic behaviour. I have already pointed it out in one of you who has got banned many times but still sneaks his way back, with a different name.

Why are all you Sanghis like that? Do you have a masochistic streak in common?
I am not folowing you around. I have absolute contempt for "intellectuals" and "Liberals" like you

I have never been banned on PDF

I had asked you to stop quoting me until you give proof of your rantings. So STFU

@hellfire this was the person you were admiring and trying to defend? One who insults others without basis, rants about things and does not give any proof?
Sigh....the HRC critizes China day and night for imprisoning Tibetans and Uyghurs as clamping down on freedom of expression....that is literally one of the few places where China MIGHT be able to make a case for public order or national security.
The HCR has criticized China for freedom of expression violation on Tiananmen square.....BUT since a MASSACRE took place there that issue always takes precedence over rights of expression....I don't know who told you that the HRC points out the massacre because they somehow can't book china for article 19...clearly them poking china about tibet and the uyghurs means you are just wrong.
Article 19 gives you the very slim places where you can restrict speech...but you cannot arbitrarily include whatever you want in national security or public order.....it is very evident that the HRC won't let you do that because again they criticize China on the issue of violation of freedom of speech on TIbet,the Uyghurs and hell even the internet.

remember this laws are upheld by international court...so no you do not have the exclusive right to determine what you "perceive" as a threat to national security or public order...if someone challenges you on an international court you have to justify your position and the International court will decide whether whatever you were using to harass your citizens were actually covered by article 19 or not.

Sedition w.r.t Public order will be defined by India and India only...and as long as the govt submits it to the constitution of India and India's legal system....the HRC knows it cant so much as squeak about it....I mean how far down the list of priorities do you think it is honestly?

All of the points soumitra brought up are brought up in the Indian constitution, let the current govt do what it needs to and let the supreme court handle it legally. You really think the UNHRC is going to say much if anything about "breaking" article 19 when article 19 specifically mentions a public order, health and morals clause?

They would have a much bigger issue with BAL undemocratic (no due process followed) suppression of freedom of expression and human rights....have they said anything on it?

All I heard them condemn was the killing of the bloggers in Bdesh....and asking you to stop some executions of war criminals.

Besides urging/criticizing by them does not mean automatic violation of the charter.

Actually, when have they specifically accused any country of violating the UN charter?

Anyways the point that is established now is that the UN charter DOES NOT have ABSOLUTE freedom of expression enshrined. There are clauses, restrictions and exceptions....that local govts can interpret and the UN HRC can also interpret. The onus is then on the individual to decide which interpretation is more legitimate....its not like the UN is the absolute highest moral authority.
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@hellfire this was the person you were admiring and trying to defend? One who insults others without basis, rants about things and does not give any proof?

From what I wrote, you deduced this?:(

I admire his posts, bittter they may be. But I don't need to, nor was I trying to, defend him. I was telling you what, as an Indian citizen, is expected of a citizen.
From what I wrote, you deduced this?:(

I admire his posts, bittter they may be. But I don't need to, nor was I trying to, defend him. I was telling you what, as an Indian citizen, is expected of a citizen.
And what he does in all the threads is it justified as an Indian citizen? Specially when posting on a Pakistani forum?

Leave aside hundreds of other threads in this thread itself I wrote the Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizen. He mocked me and all those who he calls sanghis (dont know why he does that. May be he thinks it is a term of abuse but it is something we are proud of). He said Sanghis dont follow these duties. I asked him to not give any certificates as he does not know what I or any other person follows or not. He changed tack and said these were not the fundamental duties. When i showed him link to the constitution and asked him to apologize and take back his words he again changed tack and said these have been challenged and thrown out by the courts. When I asked for the proofs he again showed his "intellectual" arrogance and asked me to do the homework and get proof of his rants myself. Is this what you admire?

In another thread you tried to defend him by saying that he may speak bitter but he speaks on facts. Where are the facts in this thread? Claiming something and when proved wrong shifting the goal posts
And what he does in all the threads is it justified as an Indian citizen? Specially when posting on a Pakistani forum?

Leave aside hundreds of other threads in this thread itself I wrote the Fundamental Duties of Indian Citizen. He mocked me and all those who he calls sanghis (dont know why he does that. May be he thinks it is a term of abuse but it is something we are proud of). He said Sanghis dont follow these duties. I asked him to not give any certificates as he does not know what I or any other person follows or not. He changed tack and said these were not the fundamental duties. When i showed him link to the constitution and asked him to apologize and take back his words he again changed tack and said these have been challenged and thrown out by the courts. When I asked for the proofs he again showed his "intellectual" arrogance and asked me to do the homework and get proof of his rants myself. Is this what you admire?

In another thread you tried to defend him by saying that he may speak bitter but he speaks on facts. Where are the facts in this thread? Claiming something and when proved wrong shifting the goal posts

1. When were Fundamental Duties introduced?

2. Were they enshrined in the Constitution of India from inception or brought in as an amendment?

3. If they were brought in as an amendment, what was the need felt for such a move?

4. I read through your Fundamental Duties' interpretation, even I was half in mood to have fun pushing your buttons. Having said that, what stops you from seeking redressal to any perceived grievances from a court of law?

5. Since you said this being a Pakistani forum, how do you think your tirade creates an impression on those people who are neutral in their nation? What do you think an unbiased person will learn here?

6. Is derision a reply to derision?

7. What do you think was the impact of Janata Government and Chandrashekhar government on social fabric of India?

8. What role, and its justification, would you give for Vajpayee and whole plethora of BJP progenitors in the actions of said governments?

Try and answer sequentially.

Maybe, you should stop 'reacting' and instead discuss things. Even if @Joe Shearer or anyone pushes your button, and trust me, it is fun to do so, (I have been doing it to a couple of members myself to make them squirm), you play right into his or anyone else's hands. I have typed a series of questions, to engage you and bring you back into a discussion mode, yet you persued the singular aim of proving your point right ignoring all attempts of fellow members to engage you in different means. You made it personal, as if you loose something here. You absolutely failed to address any question I posed sequentially.

Neither you nor he or I decide the policies or the direction of GoI here. How about using this forum to expand your knowledge and engage with members of other countries, understand them and about them, work as an ambassador for a change from the war of rhetorics and rants? Unfortunately, not one of our vehemant and ardent 'nationalists' here, will go and fight when time calls upon them to do so.

The fact that he has chosen to engage you so long, so frequently and so many other members are making an attempt at engaging you, does it tell you something about you? Why would he, I or anyone else engage you so long? Think. There has to be a reason, everything has to make sense.

In forum, one does nit engage everyone. Some are ignored for own happiness and peace of mind.

You need to seriously give a long thought to what I have just said. I won't explain anything to you more than this.
1. When were Fundamental Duties introduced?

2. Were they enshrined in the Constitution of India from inception or brought in as an amendment?

3. If they were brought in as an amendment, what was the need felt for such a move?
The Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, The Fundamental Duties are defined as the moral obligations of all citizens to help promote a spirit of patriotism and to uphold the unity of India.

4. I read through your Fundamental Duties' interpretation, even I was half in mood to have fun pushing your buttons. Having said that, what stops you from seeking redressal to any perceived grievances from a court of law?

I dont want to waste my time and the court's time to try this foolish imbellical.

5. Since you said this being a Pakistani forum, how do you think your tirade creates an impression on those people who are neutral in their nation? What do you think an unbiased person will learn here?

You consider it as my tirade I consider it as my right to put forward what is written in the Constitution of India. A neutral person (if he/she is interested in) will get some knowledge about the Constitution of India. What impression he/she forms is totally upto him/her

6. Is derision a reply to derision?

Dont understand the question please rephrase

7. What do you think was the impact of Janata Government and Chandrashekhar government on social fabric of India?
I think they tried to undo the excesses of the emergency . They tried the soclialist route for the economy and failed. As such i consider them not good for the nation.

VP Singh was responsible for the scrouge of reservation and was a major factor in limiting India's progress

8. What role, and its justification, would you give for Vajpayee and whole plethora of BJP progenitors in the actions of said governments?

I will not be justifying the role of Vajpayee and the other BJP leaders in the said govts.

Only thing I will say about the govts and the role of BJP leaders was that their intentions may have been right but their implementation was wrong and they fell through because of their internal fighting and contradictions

Maybe, you should stop 'reacting' and instead discuss things. Even if @Joe Shearer or anyone pushes your button, and trust me, it is fun to do so, (I have been doing it to a couple of members myself to make them squirm), you play right into his or anyone else's hands. I have typed a series of questions, to engage you and bring you back into a discussion mode, yet you persued the singular aim of proving your point right ignoring all attempts of fellow members to engage you in different means. You made it personal, as if you loose something here. You absolutely failed to address any question I posed sequentially.

Neither you nor he or I decide the policies or the direction of GoI here. How about using this forum to expand your knowledge and engage with members of other countries, understand them and about them, work as an ambassador for a change from the war of rhetorics and rants? Unfortunately, not one of our vehemant and ardent 'nationalists' here, will go and fight when time calls upon them to do so.

The fact that he has chosen to engage you so long, so frequently and so many other members are making an attempt at engaging you, does it tell you something about you? Why would he, I or anyone else engage you so long? Think. There has to be a reason, everything has to make sense.

In forum, one does nit engage everyone. Some are ignored for own happiness and peace of mind.

You need to seriously give a long thought to what I have just said. I won't explain anything to you more than this.

I dont have any problem with engaging with people on the forum. I even engage with the Pakistanis.

However it does not mean that I will be quiet when I perceive that a fellow Indian is doing things which are against Indian values and interests. And I certainly will not bow down to hypocrites and those who try to be condescending "intellectuals"

In another thread @Nilgiri and I had a disagreement regarding capital punishment. Both of us put forward our point of view and Agreed to Disagree. I got knowledge of his PoV and he got knowledge of my PoV but there was no intellectual arrogance

I also dont agree with most of your points but still engage with you as it enhances my knowledge.

Putting forward your points is one thing and being an "Intellectual SOB" is another. I hope you get the difference
In another thread @Nilgiri and I had a disagreement regarding capital punishment. Both of us put forward our point of view and Agreed to Disagree. I got knowledge of his PoV and he got knowledge of my PoV but there was no intellectual arrogance

Yes I actually learnt from that interaction. I have found in this forum it is advisable after a point not to drag discussion beyond a point if a member for whatever reason is not engaging in constructive way. No point asking people to take sides etc....just let them judge by themselves and maybe interact with them instead.

I think this discussion has run its course for the most part. Fundamentally there will be a disagreement on what constitutes sedition on personal level....and people can get emotional about it.

On practical terms, no authority outside of India can dictate terms....we must let the court system and constitution of India prevail.....even when their decision may be something we do not like personally on an issue.
The Fundamental Duties of citizens were added to the Constitution by the 42nd Amendment in 1976, The Fundamental Duties are defined as the moral obligations of all citizens to help promote a spirit of patriotism and to uphold the unity of India.

1. Why, I repeat, was a need felt, to add this part? You have given me a known fact. Give me your view on why did one feel the need to include this.

2. What, in your opinion, influence did the prevailing political situation in the country have on the rationale to incorporate the said amendment? Give a complete analysis on facts, don't state known facts on their own.

I dont want to waste my time and the court's time to try this foolish imbellical.

That would be umbilical or imbecile? Anyways, you prove my contention, you took things personally. Perhaps taking Don Corleone too seriously?

I think they tried to undo the excesses of the emergency . They tried the soclialist route for the economy and failed. As such i consider them not good for the nation.

I, of course, meant to underline the damage they did to Indian security by refusing to bomb Pakistan's nascent nuclear facilities, the economy by permanently nationalising banks and industries, thereby completing at a national scale what the Communists managed single handedly in West Bengal.

Socialist was introduced by Indira Gandhi in preamble by the same amendment, this being the original idea of Indira Gandhi to consolidate her power, the others merely jostling to appropriate the limelight.

VP Singh was responsible for the scrouge of reservation and was a major factor in limiting India's progress

Again supported by BJP. Again, extended in 1999 by Vajpayee. So, is BJP not equally responsible for destroying this nation?

I will not be justifying the role of Vajpayee and the other BJP leaders in the said govt.

Fair enough.

Only thing I will say about the govts and the role of BJP leaders was that their intentions may have been right but their implementation was wrong and they fell through because of their internal fighting and contradictions

What intentions? Reservations? How can intent be right only exclusively for BJP? Nehru had the best of intents too, but utopian. Communist system is one of the most ideal system, I studied it thoroughly, being drummed in by Russians, but it required ideal citizenry and ideal human to succeed, hence the abject failure, Indira - intent was great, sorted out the region, established the pre-eminence of India in IOR, Gujral - intent was great, sent army back into barracks as Kashmiri militancy waned, foreign fighters pushed in by Pakistan increasingly got hostile reception from kashmiris themselves, Ikhwanis ruled the roost, but it required Pakistan to ease off in Kashmir, didnt happen and result was upsurge in violence due to troop drawdown, culminating in a harsher crackdown on militants, thousands of death among militants, security personnel and citizens caught in cross fire,till 2007.

You see, your lopsided view is the issue. Not your belief or your love for your nation. You got labelled a bhakt because of that, your singular act of not taking a holistic and pragmatic view.

I dont have any problem with engaging with people on the forum. I even engage with the Pakistanis.

However it does not mean that I will be quiet when I perceive that a fellow Indian is doing things which are against Indian values and interests. And I certainly will not bow down to hypocrites and those who try to be condescending "intellectuals"

In another thread @Nilgiri and I had a disagreement regarding capital punishment. Both of us put forward our point of view and Agreed to Disagree. I got knowledge of his PoV and he got knowledge of my PoV but there was no intellectual arrogance

Who or what gave you the insight into Indian values and interest? Am sure you will agree that you will be hard pressed to define the Hindu values and interests let alone of a nation as diverse as India which has more than 3600 dialects, twenty two languages (?), a fine cacophony of speech if I may point out, 04 major racial types, 7-8 religions et al.

How, and I seriously want to understand, do you know that @Joe Shearer is not doing the same in his own way?

I also dont agree with most of your points but still engage with you as it enhances my knowledge.

Oh I know that. I saw your posts in the thread on Kashmir I had started. But it is mutual. For me, it is not about knowledge, but about trying to correct your appreciation at tmes.

Putting forward your points is one thing and being an "Intellectual SOB" is another. I hope you get the difference

Exactly. But then, being an ignorant and biased 'sob' is also not a smart move either.

Anyways, I tire of this. Have a great day.
1. When were Fundamental Duties introduced?

2. Were they enshrined in the Constitution of India from inception or brought in as an amendment?

3. If they were brought in as an amendment, what was the need felt for such a move?

4. I read through your Fundamental Duties' interpretation, even I was half in mood to have fun pushing your buttons. Having said that, what stops you from seeking redressal to any perceived grievances from a court of law?

5. Since you said this being a Pakistani forum, how do you think your tirade creates an impression on those people who are neutral in their nation? What do you think an unbiased person will learn here?

6. Is derision a reply to derision?

7. What do you think was the impact of Janata Government and Chandrashekhar government on social fabric of India?

8. What role, and its justification, would you give for Vajpayee and whole plethora of BJP progenitors in the actions of said governments?

Try and answer sequentially.

Maybe, you should stop 'reacting' and instead discuss things. Even if @Joe Shearer or anyone pushes your button, and trust me, it is fun to do so, (I have been doing it to a couple of members myself to make them squirm), you play right into his or anyone else's hands. I have typed a series of questions, to engage you and bring you back into a discussion mode, yet you persued the singular aim of proving your point right ignoring all attempts of fellow members to engage you in different means. You made it personal, as if you loose something here. You absolutely failed to address any question I posed sequentially.

Neither you nor he or I decide the policies or the direction of GoI here. How about using this forum to expand your knowledge and engage with members of other countries, understand them and about them, work as an ambassador for a change from the war of rhetorics and rants? Unfortunately, not one of our vehemant and ardent 'nationalists' here, will go and fight when time calls upon them to do so.

The fact that he has chosen to engage you so long, so frequently and so many other members are making an attempt at engaging you, does it tell you something about you? Why would he, I or anyone else engage you so long? Think. There has to be a reason, everything has to make sense.

In forum, one does nit engage everyone. Some are ignored for own happiness and peace of mind.

You need to seriously give a long thought to what I have just said. I won't explain anything to you more than this.

What were you posting about, did Soumitra post something? I got so bored of his dreary rubbish that I just put him on the ignore list.

Just for your edification - please do not construe this as any kind of response to that boring old git, as it will give him a new lease of life to trudge after me for another million years - this is what amuses me about him.

Some posts ago - it was post #6 of this thread - he made a self-contradictory statement (incidentally, most of his statements are self-contradictory, but he is so dull that this never occurs to him - he is really one of the three dullest on the Indian side); the statement was -

I think we should scrap the sedition law and bring a law for Anti national activities. There is a space for dissent in a democracy but it should be within the 4 walls of the constitution

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...use-as-a-political-tool.446705/#ixzz4IskIg7N9

The pathetic part of this is that he got it half-right and half-wrong.

The sedition law should be abolished, no doubt about that, because it is ambiguous and there is no concrete offence that it punishes, before any punishment can be awarded, a very refined interpretation has to be made, namely, did the supposedly seditious remark lead to a directly connected act of violence?
  • If I want India dismembered, and some young people attack a police picket, is there a direct connection?
  • If I say that India is a dar-ul-harb, and some young freak interprets it to mean that he should set off a bomb in a market place, is there a direct connection?
  • More ironic, if I say that, and an arch-Hindu sets off a bomb in a market place, purportedly as a fanatic Muslim, to blacken my reputation, is there a direct connection?
  • If I saw something negative about India during a seminar in Hawaii, and somebody in India reacts to it by setting a third person on fire after dousing him with petrol, is that a direct connection?
There is little doubt that this very undecided kind of law should be thrown out of the statute books without much more discussion. The political parties each think that they might some day benefit from the exercise of this law, so none of them move very hard to abolish it. The bureaucracy is charmed at the possibility of typing somebody uncooperative, especially a Kashmiri or a Manipuri or a Naga. So we are done with that. What about his unfortunate half-wrong part?

He says, earnest and plodding as always, digging the first part of the deep pit that he digs for himself,

Any act or words which are against the constitution as anti national.
So I wont call what Ramya said or someone visiting ancestral homes across the border as sedition but "Bharat Tere tukde honge inshaallah" is clearly sedition and anti nationalism.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IspbwYTS

First, the phrase: Any act or words....anti national.

How is this to be defined? Article 370 is an integral part of the Constitution: an 'atoot ang', as it were. How about all those dogged hunters of the snark, who go around proclaiming that abolition of Article 370 would immediately open the floodgates for very many solutions to the very many problems besetting Kashmir? Far from convincing them that this is legally impossible, one now has to ask them how they can, simultaneously, say that anything against the Constitution is anti-national, but anything against Article 370 is not.

There was a song my mother sang for us two brothers when we were very, very young: "Soldier, soldier, will you marry me?" The soldier in question found one sartorial reason after another to proclaim himself unqualified to enter into the holy state of matrimony, but the resourceful maiden was not to be baulked: "Then up she went to her grandfather's chest, and ...." ; every desirable article was found and bestowed upon the soldier, one after the other.

Somehow, that is how I felt, as if I was listening to that lovely, lilting tune; up he went to his Sarsanghchalak's chest, and so on.

In this case, I had to deal with the truly dimwitted response, Ah, but there is something called an amendment to the Constitution. We have amended, the phrase was intoned at me in the most portentous tones, the Constitution 112 times! (all right, there might not have been an exclamation mark, but the sheer idiocy of this exchange is getting to me)

The defence in full?

There is a mechanism given within the constitution itself by which it can be amended. So call for removal of article 370 and using the constituional provisions to do the same are not anti national

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IssEfMgt

For fucks' sake! How do you know when you set out to oppose a vital part of the Constitution, one that exudes menace and foreboding, that you will succeed in getting the Constitution amended and that part rescinded? What is your status in the interim? Are you not, while you are proclaiming a section of the Constitution wrong, and until it has in fact been rescinded, anti-national, according to your sweeping 56" chesty flourish? When Arundhati Roy pours scorn on the sedition law, and when our resident moral hazard also, from the diametrically opposite pole of the political world, also pours scorn on it, and thinks that it should not exist, and it still happens to be on the statute books, is that not an attack on the Constitution, and is that not again an anti-national act?

This bozo has absolutely no intellect whatsoever; the reason why I made the supreme mistake of engaging with him is that unlike cynics like ranjeet and hinduguy, he is quite obviously sincere and earnest, and is not playing games. He is quite obviously upholding the only valid point of view in this whole wide world with all the grim determination at his command, and an occasion humiliation will not dissuade him, only drive him back for a quick chintan baithak to clear his mind to return to the fray with mental and physiological batteries charged again. So I thought I should clear at least the fundamental mistakes he was making. I managed to control myself and pointed out these same contradictions above.

I was brushed away.

He really thought that there was no contradiction, no paradox involved. I wonder what he would make of Russell's Paradox. Probably rule it out of consideration, on the grounds that something first pronounced by a member of an Abrahamic religion,and is not mentioned in the Vedas, the Puranas, the Mahakavyas or by Rajiv Malhotra.


Before following the main track of the meltdown of my brain when it came into contact with Soumitra's, there is that other point about actual arrests for sedition. I was told with very kind concern for my mental enlargement by Spectre that

There is an issue of non conformance and then there is an issue of willful harm to national interests, aiding and abetting the enemy and sabotage of National security.

1. Arundhati Roy, Kanhaiya, Aakar Patel and their ilk will not fall in the above category. They AFAIK are just exercising their right to free speech.
2. Geelani perhaps will because he does a lot more than speak but the situation is complicated because due to past miss-steps by Nehru
3. Bigger threats are guys like SP Tyagi who actively betrayed the trust nation placed in them but will be shielded by equally corrupt and treasonous brethern in polity.
4. Mani Shankar Aiyar, Salman Khursheed, IK Gujral form altogether another level of threat because they alone can actually destroy our country with a seat at the high table and dangerous policies but legally there is not much can be done

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IsxZg4Gs

Oh dear.

Some days, the world seems to be filled with people anxious to educate me and set me right on various points and issues. Now that Spectre had infiltrated his ghostly presence into the discussion, it seemed appropriate to genuflect courteously in his direction, and so I did:

NONE of the people you have listed are liable to be either prosecuted or punished. Cases against them would fail. It is an infructuous Act.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IsyEomSN

I was referring mainly to the usual suspects, the ones mentioned in the first two paragraphs. But then, these characters from outside the sacred bhoomi, these Arabs named Gilani/Geelani, are slippery characters; probably something to do with the vast amounts of slippery stuff found in their countries thousands of feet below the surface, in black, viscous form. So Spectre had a Geelani, and I had a Geelani and we each had a Geelani (to be sung to the tune of Keel Row, which our Mounted Police Sergeant Jigme Dorji insisted had the words," My Daddy had a toothbrush, My Mommy had a toothbrush, and I had a toothbrush......").

Disaster followed. I was promptly reproved.

Others may escape on the technicality that there words dont incite direct voilence but geelani wont.

All these- arundhati Roy, Kanhaiya Kumar, Akar Patel will be following the letter of the law not its spirit

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IszqBFjC



Geelani did not escape? The 'voilence' (yes, Ajit, Mona Darling is here, but just hold on, she's busy pandering to some seditionists, why don't you practice your speech to JNU meanwhile?) was considered to be directly incited by him? Where was that from?

Could there even be an FIR filed on that basis?

Our plodding apparatchik moved on at his glacial pace and explained:

Da, Tovarisch.

The FIR was filed and he was in jail for 10 days before he got bail. The case is right now in court.

so if you think this is stupid you are free to go and offer your legal advise to him and his buddies

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-3#ixzz4It1W6jnJ

At this point, I felt sandbagged.

All along, we had been discussing S. A. S. Geelani, prominent leader of the Hurriyat Movement. Now it appears that our Sir is discussing S. A. R. Geelani, a rather more humble worthy, lecturer of DU, organiser of a conference when La Roy had spoken disdainfully about India, in the context of Kashmir and of Manipur.

I pointed out that his (lecturer Geelani) being jugged for this bailable offence merely reflected the prejudice of the Delhi Police, who were capable of any infamous act if egged on by its political bosses, took it on the chin and moved on.

Question to all reading this:

Do you suspect, as I do, that Soumitravitski didn't know the difference, and thought the DU lecturer who got jailed was the Hurriyat leader?

These were the preliminaries, and, like a Miura bull, with eight banderillas in my neck, and drooping due to loss of blood from that part, I was waiting for The Moment of Truth. But that later. The day must go on.
What were you posting about, did Soumitra post something? I got so bored of his dreary rubbish that I just put him on the ignore list.

Just for your edification - please do not construe this as any kind of response to that boring old git, as it will give him a new lease of life to trudge after me for another million years - this is what amuses me about him.

Some posts ago - it was post #6 of this thread - he made a self-contradictory statement (incidentally, most of his statements are self-contradictory, but he is so dull that this never occurs to him - he is really one of the three dullest on the Indian side); the statement was -

I think we should scrap the sedition law and bring a law for Anti national activities. There is a space for dissent in a democracy but it should be within the 4 walls of the constitution

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...use-as-a-political-tool.446705/#ixzz4IskIg7N9

The pathetic part of this is that he got it half-right and half-wrong.

The sedition law should be abolished, no doubt about that, because it is ambiguous and there is no concrete offence that it punishes, before any punishment can be awarded, a very refined interpretation has to be made, namely, did the supposedly seditious remark lead to a directly connected act of violence?
  • If I want India dismembered, and some young people attack a police picket, is there a direct connection?
  • If I say that India is a dar-ul-harb, and some young freak interprets it to mean that he should set off a bomb in a market place, is there a direct connection?
  • More ironic, if I say that, and an arch-Hindu sets off a bomb in a market place, purportedly as a fanatic Muslim, to blacken my reputation, is there a direct connection?
  • If I saw something negative about India during a seminar in Hawaii, and somebody in India reacts to it by setting a third person on fire after dousing him with petrol, is that a direct connection?
There is little doubt that this very undecided kind of law should be thrown out of the statute books without much more discussion. The political parties each think that they might some day benefit from the exercise of this law, so none of them move very hard to abolish it. The bureaucracy is charmed at the possibility of typing somebody uncooperative, especially a Kashmiri or a Manipuri or a Naga. So we are done with that. What about his unfortunate half-wrong part?

He says, earnest and plodding as always, digging the first part of the deep pit that he digs for himself,

Any act or words which are against the constitution as anti national.
So I wont call what Ramya said or someone visiting ancestral homes across the border as sedition but "Bharat Tere tukde honge inshaallah" is clearly sedition and anti nationalism.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IspbwYTS

First, the phrase: Any act or words....anti national.

How is this to be defined? Article 370 is an integral part of the Constitution: an 'atoot ang', as it were. How about all those dogged hunters of the snark, who go around proclaiming that abolition of Article 370 would immediately open the floodgates for very many solutions to the very many problems besetting Kashmir? Far from convincing them that this is legally impossible, one now has to ask them how they can, simultaneously, say that anything against the Constitution is anti-national, but anything against Article 370 is not.

There was a song my mother sang for us two brothers when we were very, very young: "Soldier, soldier, will you marry me?" The soldier in question found one sartorial reason after another to proclaim himself unqualified to enter into the holy state of matrimony, but the resourceful maiden was not to be baulked: "Then up she went to her grandfather's chest, and ...." ; every desirable article was found and bestowed upon the soldier, one after the other.

Somehow, that is how I felt, as if I was listening to that lovely, lilting tune; up he went to his Sarsanghchalak's chest, and so on.

In this case, I had to deal with the truly dimwitted response, Ah, but there is something called an amendment to the Constitution. We have amended, the phrase was intoned at me in the most portentous tones, the Constitution 112 times! (all right, there might not have been an exclamation mark, but the sheer idiocy of this exchange is getting to me)

The defence in full?

There is a mechanism given within the constitution itself by which it can be amended. So call for removal of article 370 and using the constituional provisions to do the same are not anti national

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IssEfMgt

For fucks' sake! How do you know when you set out to oppose a vital part of the Constitution, one that exudes menace and foreboding, that you will succeed in getting the Constitution amended and that part rescinded? What is your status in the interim? Are you not, while you are proclaiming a section of the Constitution wrong, and until it has in fact been rescinded, anti-national, according to your sweeping 56" chesty flourish? When Arundhati Roy pours scorn on the sedition law, and when our resident moral hazard also, from the diametrically opposite pole of the political world, also pours scorn on it, and thinks that it should not exist, and it still happens to be on the statute books, is that not an attack on the Constitution, and is that not again an anti-national act?

This bozo has absolutely no intellect whatsoever; the reason why I made the supreme mistake of engaging with him is that unlike cynics like ranjeet and hinduguy, he is quite obviously sincere and earnest, and is not playing games. He is quite obviously upholding the only valid point of view in this whole wide world with all the grim determination at his command, and an occasion humiliation will not dissuade him, only drive him back for a quick chintan baithak to clear his mind to return to the fray with mental and physiological batteries charged again. So I thought I should clear at least the fundamental mistakes he was making. I managed to control myself and pointed out these same contradictions above.

I was brushed away.

He really thought that there was no contradiction, no paradox involved. I wonder what he would make of Russell's Paradox. Probably rule it out of consideration, on the grounds that something first pronounced by a member of an Abrahamic religion,and is not mentioned in the Vedas, the Puranas, the Mahakavyas or by Rajiv Malhotra.


Before following the main track of the meltdown of my brain when it came into contact with Soumitra's, there is that other point about actual arrests for sedition. I was told with very kind concern for my mental enlargement by Spectre that

There is an issue of non conformance and then there is an issue of willful harm to national interests, aiding and abetting the enemy and sabotage of National security.

1. Arundhati Roy, Kanhaiya, Aakar Patel and their ilk will not fall in the above category. They AFAIK are just exercising their right to free speech.
2. Geelani perhaps will because he does a lot more than speak but the situation is complicated because due to past miss-steps by Nehru
3. Bigger threats are guys like SP Tyagi who actively betrayed the trust nation placed in them but will be shielded by equally corrupt and treasonous brethern in polity.
4. Mani Shankar Aiyar, Salman Khursheed, IK Gujral form altogether another level of threat because they alone can actually destroy our country with a seat at the high table and dangerous policies but legally there is not much can be done

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IsxZg4Gs

Oh dear.

Some days, the world seems to be filled with people anxious to educate me and set me right on various points and issues. Now that Spectre had infiltrated his ghostly presence into the discussion, it seemed appropriate to genuflect courteously in his direction, and so I did:

NONE of the people you have listed are liable to be either prosecuted or punished. Cases against them would fail. It is an infructuous Act.

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IsyEomSN

I was referring mainly to the usual suspects, the ones mentioned in the first two paragraphs. But then, these characters from outside the sacred bhoomi, these Arabs named Gilani/Geelani, are slippery characters; probably something to do with the vast amounts of slippery stuff found in their countries thousands of feet below the surface, in black, viscous form. So Spectre had a Geelani, and I had a Geelani and we each had a Geelani (to be sung to the tune of Keel Row, which our Mounted Police Sergeant Jigme Dorji insisted had the words," My Daddy had a toothbrush, My Mommy had a toothbrush, and I had a toothbrush......").

Disaster followed. I was promptly reproved.

Others may escape on the technicality that there words dont incite direct voilence but geelani wont.

All these- arundhati Roy, Kanhaiya Kumar, Akar Patel will be following the letter of the law not its spirit

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-2#ixzz4IszqBFjC



Geelani did not escape? The 'voilence' (yes, Ajit, Mona Darling is here, but just hold on, she's busy pandering to some seditionists, why don't you practice your speech to JNU meanwhile?) was considered to be directly incited by him? Where was that from?

Could there even be an FIR filed on that basis?

Our plodding apparatchik moved on at his glacial pace and explained:

Da, Tovarisch.

The FIR was filed and he was in jail for 10 days before he got bail. The case is right now in court.

so if you think this is stupid you are free to go and offer your legal advise to him and his buddies

Source: https://defence.pk/threads/the-myth...-a-political-tool.446705/page-3#ixzz4It1W6jnJ

At this point, I felt sandbagged.

All along, we had been discussing S. A. S. Geelani, prominent leader of the Hurriyat Movement. Now it appears that our Sir is discussing S. A. R. Geelani, a rather more humble worthy, lecturer of DU, organiser of a conference when La Roy had spoken disdainfully about India, in the context of Kashmir and of Manipur.

I pointed out that his (lecturer Geelani) being jugged for this bailable offence merely reflected the prejudice of the Delhi Police, who were capable of any infamous act if egged on by its political bosses, took it on the chin and moved on.

Question to all reading this:

Do you suspect, as I do, that Soumitravitski didn't know the difference, and thought the DU lecturer who got jailed was the Hurriyat leader?

These were the preliminaries, and, like a Miura bull, with eight banderillas in my neck, and drooping due to loss of blood from that part, I was waiting for The Moment of Truth. But that later. The day must go on.

Actually, you should close the thread. My personal opinion here.

This is the problem rampant in the Indian society. The inability to accept a rational opposing view. I, of course, deplore the actions of the professors concerned, their job is to groom the children to become free thinking citizens, not set them on a course which results in confronting the established legal government.

But also, it is imperative for a balanced approach to a child, wherein the free thinking is not put into a lopsided view either.

Unfortunately, having interacted with students of JNU about a decade back, I did find them to be having views opposite to government of the day at times, but I attributed it to their youth, the natural fascination to communism and their general ignorance which did not need one bothering over. But today, in a world of netcentric activities and instant messaging, these acts have a dangerous connotation. The aftermath of Kanhaiya Kumar episode is a case in example.
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