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Jul 25, 2012
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Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
1. When did the Tamil Politicians start asking for Eelam:

As far back as 1920 they were already getting ready to obtain Eelam. They applied to the Soulbury commission who had Supreme Court judges look into the case for a separate Tamil Homeland. This was rejected by the British.

What are the grievances of the Tamil people?

This question has been raised again and again and the only answer has been a request for a separate land. Now the Tamils do not even talk about grievances. Everyone talks about the aspirations of the Tamil people. What about the aspirations of the Sinhalese people? No one seems to care.

2. Why Eelam:

The Tamil people have various problems stemming from caste and also from their traditions, which impose tremendous burdens among their people. From South India, they have migrated to different parts of the world. In fact, they think that they have a problem with North India too, in that they do not want 'home rule' from Delhi. As a result, they feel they do not have a country in spite of the fact that the South Indian State of Tamil Nadu is theirs. They try to equate themselves to the Jewish people who did not have a homeland and as a result were scattered through the world. Unlike the Jews, the Tamils have a homeland in South India in Tamil Nadu. The entire southern subcontinent of India is virtually Tamil and they are free to travel within India itself, like any other Indian.

However, instead of developing their homeland they sought to travel to other countries and establish Tamil ghettos, and then try to create separate states in these countries. It is estimated that there are at least 40 million Tamils currently scattered through the world. The hidden plan is to create Dravidastan, a Tamil Nation spanning Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka. This was unveiled by a number of sources, among them Dr Robert Kearney of Syracuse University, USA).

For various reasons, the Tamils are very divided among themselves. They created the myth of the Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka to unify and give them a focus and a reason for their existence.

3. Why was Sri Lanka chosen to be the venue of the Tamil Eelam:

Tamil Nadu is separated from Sri Lanka only by 20 miles of sea. The Northern part of Sri Lanka is already occupied by Tamils only. All the Sinhalese and Muslims who had businesses, were fishermen or bakers, were either killed or harassed by Tamils until they left the area. However, to date Tamils live in the South among the majority Sinhalese. In fact, it is estimated that over 45% of the total Tamil population live among Sinhala people. They have businesses, which are patronised by the Sinhalese and others.

After the British left Sri Lanka, the trade and commerce in the country has been in the hands of the Tamils. The Sri Lanka Chamber of Commerce is comprised mainly of Tamil people. Sri Lanka has always been eyed by the Tamils from time immemorial as being the prized jewel. It is mostly lush and green compared to some parts of Tamilnadu. It is in fact likened to Kerala, which is in South India.

Sri Lanka is occupied in majority by the Sinhalese who because of the Buddhist traditions are very tolerant and easy going, ready to relinquish material things due to the strong consciousness of "Anicca" or impermanence.

On the other hand, the majority of Tamils seem to believe in grasping and getting whatever they can get by whatever means. Most of them seem to have no sense of ethics or morality in their actions. A good example of Sinhala tolerance is the fact that though the Tamils are almost 35% in Malaysia they have very little rights compared to the 18% (probably less now)Tamils who are in Sri Lanka. In Malaysia at a very early stage the Malays created the "Bhumiputra" laws which protected the indigenous Malays from the migrant Tamils.

more at The Myth About Tamil Eelam and LTTE
Where are the Eelam Tamils? Come out from your dens!
Having a free Tamil Eelam without TN is like saying you have a free Kosovo with an occupied Albania or a free Northern Ireland with an occupied Ireland.

வாழ்க தமிழ்
Having a free Tamil Eelam without TN is like saying you have a free Kosovo with an occupied Albania or a free Northern Ireland with an occupied Ireland.

வாழ்க தமிழ்

very true and logical . hope all Eelamites are watching this space
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