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The Muslims who fast for 22 hours a day

22 hours everyday of the month basically equals out to 30 meals in an entire month (since their iftar and sehri would be the same). That doesn't sound very safe and they should pick a more appropriate time interval. The whole point of fasting is understanding the struggle of the needy, fasting for 15 or 16 hours should be long enough to understand it.
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They should fast according to Meccan times or something else. Islam is always about safety before anything else.
We thought a lot about it but we decided to go with full timing from the start of Dawn (Fajr) till Dusk (Maghreb).
While shia people, they follow Iranian timing (if they fast)...so they break fast (iftaar) when the sun is shining bright and it is even before Asr time.....feels really strange. A healthy person on average can live for three days without water and a week without food. So it is tough but not impossible. Rest if you're sick or travelling or too weak, you can fast later and pay charity.
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22 hours everyday of the month basically equals out to 30 meals in an entire month (since their iftar and debris would be the same). That doesn't sound very safe and they should time the timing down to a more appropriate time. The whole point of fasting is understanding the struggle of the needy, fasting for 15 or 16 hours should be long enough to understand.
wtf i just read
22 hours everyday of the month basically equals out to 30 meals in an entire month (since their iftar and debris would be the same). That doesn't sound very safe and they should time the timing down to a more appropriate time. The whole point of fasting is understanding the struggle of the needy, fasting for 15 or 16 hours should be long enough to understand.
In my opinion the main point of fasting is try to become closer to God (تقوی). Understanding the struggle of the needy is lower down.
We thought a lot about it but we decided to go with full timing from the start of Dawn (Fajr) till Dusk (Maghreb).
While shia people, they follow Iranian timing (if they fast)...so they break fast (iftaar) when the sun is shining bright and it is even before Asr time.....feels really strange. A healthy person on average can live for three days without water and a week without food. So it is tough but not impossible. Rest if you're sick or travelling or too weak, you can fast later and pay charity.
When I lived in Sweden (until '13), the Shia fasting day was usually 1-1.5 hrs longer than the Sunni one. I think you are mentioning some Iranian guys, however most of Pakistan/Iraqi shias were following the longer schedule.
Its commitment about deen which is inspiring here. Those who are not willing to fast they are not going to do fasting even if it last 12/14 hours. When you bear hardship for sake of God then he make it easier for you . Healthy person eat more than enough in 11 months and they are not going to die for eating less in one month. I do see all mosques in UK do plenty of arrangemnet at Iftar for those who are single i.e students/working people who dont have enough time to cook food..great spirit of ramadhan
If you believe in something than u won’t feel hungry etc .... belief is what keeps them motivated & that was the punchin in the whole video ... BELIEF

Strong belief gets you through such hours.
Here in UK it’s 18hrs so We can certainly feel somewhat how it can be going long hours.

God bless them Muslims in Iceland and around the world who are observing fast, going through conflict and harship!
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Muslims in Iceland explain how they cope with one of the longest Ramadan fasts in the world, due to the long days caused by early sunrises and late sunsets.
I read about some reverts in Sweden who fasted for days on end and even more. It's a medical miracle.
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