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The Muslim Waffen SS

Well hello totach7 see if you can send me to jail..:)
Kansu LT. lil bro i haven't yet spoiled nothing lol i could but didn't i tried my best to post something very decent still that was removed by mod np i don't mind he can do what he feels is right for the forum everything is respected...as for that Jew above don't post anything link that is being runned by Jews idf blog is total biased..

low you are low you stay
yes and Turkey never killed half million Armenian people?

if you can prove it i will leave this forum...Deal???got any document?where are their graves?some of the people say it is 1.5 half million;some of them say 700.000,some of them say 500.000 like you...who is right?which count is true?
where are their corpses?we declared that we were ready to seek for the graves of armenian people killed during the war.but armenians refused...
so i challenge here,please show me a single mass grave.where are they?vaporized?disappeared?what happened?

and is this the way you defend the israel?turkish killed half million armenians?So it is fair to kill ****** arabs!...right?

Dont confuse us with others my friend.we live for our honor.if we really wanted to kill them,you wouldnt be able to find even a single armenian in lebonan,in transcaucasus...we never leave our work uncompleted.
best regards
Guys stay on the Topic, and refrain from emotional outburst. Lets discuss in civilized way.
if you can prove it i will leave this forum...Deal???got any document?where are their graves?some of the people say it is 1.5 half million;some of them say 700.000,some of them say 500.000 like you...who is right?which count is true?
where are their corpses?we declared that we were ready to seek for the graves of armenian people killed during the war.but armenians refused...
so i challenge here,please show me a single mass grave.where are they?vaporized?disappeared?what happened?

and is this the way you defend the israel?turkish killed half million armenians?So it is fair to kill ****** arabs!...right?

Dont confuse us with others my friend.we live for our honor.if we really wanted to kill them,you wouldnt be able to find even a single armenian in lebonan,in transcaucasus...we never leave our work uncompleted.
best regards

Yea you dream OTTOMAN EMPIRE HA:?

“Go out and murder the Jewish infidel in the name of the holy Koran . . . he who kills a Jew is assured of a place in the next world.”

Sounds like something Osama bin Laden would urge, doesn't it? Actually, this quote was uttered long before bin Laden was even born, by Amin al-Husseini, (1895-1974) Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. The biography of Husseini reminds us that the term 'Islamofascism' is no mere neologism aimed at extreme Muslims in the wake of 9/11 - it is also a reminder of the Nazi roots of extreme Muslim anti-semitism that still rages today.
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No i dont dream.i live with its legacy.i live with the legacy of an empire who saved Jews from inquisition in 15. century and gave them a home.i talk about the empire who gave you a shelter and give an opportunity to live in peace for 400 years...i speak of a nation and an empire who won victory over victory against allies even in the days of collapse.
i speak of a nation who is independent for 3000 years.i speak of a state culture.a culture and a nation that havent ever been exile or prisoned.
of course you zionists cant know what kind of a thing it is...i dont expect you to earn this culture and understanding in such a short time,as a nation who could find its state just 60 years ago...
Minutes of the meeting with Hitler and Husseini.

Source: Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series D, Vol XIII, London, 1964, pp.881 ff.

German Chancellor Adolf Hitler and Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini:
Zionism and the Arab Cause (November 28, 1941)

Haj Amin al-Husseini, the most influential leader of Palestinian Arabs, lived in Germany during the Second World War. He met Hitler, Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders on various occasions and attempted to coordinate Nazi and Arab policies in the Middle East.

Record of the Conversation between the Fuhrer and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem on November 28, 1941, in the Presence of Reich Foreign Minister and Minister Grobba in Berlin.

The Grand Mufti began by thanking the Fuhrer for the great honor he had bestowed by receiving him. He wished to seize the opportunity to convey to the Fuhrer of the Greater German Reich, admired by the entire Arab world, his thanks of the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially the Palestinian cause, and to which he had given clear expression in his public speeches. The Arab countries were firmly convinced that Germany would win the war and that the Arab cause would then prosper. The Arabs were Germany's natural friends because they had the same enemies as had Germany, namely the English, the Jews, and the Communists. Therefore they were prepared to cooperate with Germany with all their hearts and stood ready to participate in the war, not only negatively by the commission of acts of sabotage and the instigation of revolutions, but also positively by the formation of an Arab Legion. The Arabs could be more useful to Germany as allies than might be apparent at first glance, both for geographical reasons and because of the suffering inflicted upon them by the English and the Jews. Furthermore, they had had close relations with all Moslem nations, of which they could make use in behalf of the common cause. The Arab Legion would be quite easy to raise. An appeal by the Mufti to the Arab countries and the prisoners of Arab, Algerian, Tunisian, and Moroccan nationality in Germany would produce a great number of volunteers eager to fight. Of Germany's victory the Arab world was firmly convinced, not only because the Reich possessed a large army, brave soldiers, and military leaders of genius, but also because the Almighty could never award the victory to an unjust cause.

In this struggle, the Arabs were striving for the independence and unity of Palestine, Syria, and Iraq. They had the fullest confidence in the Fuhrer and looked to his hand for the balm on their wounds, which had been inflicted upon them by the enemies of Germany.

The Mufti then mentioned the letter he had received from Germany, which stated that Germany was holding no Arab territories and understood and recognized the aspirations to independence and freedom of the Arabs, just as she supported the elimination of the Jewish national home.

A public declaration in this sense would be very useful for its propagandistic effect on the Arab peoples at this moment. It would rouse the Arabs from their momentary lethargy and give them new courage. It would also ease the Mufti's work of secretly organizing the Arabs against the moment when they could strike. At the same time, he could give the assurance that the Arabs would in strict discipline patiently wait for the right moment and only strike upon an order form Berlin.

With regard to the events in Iraq, the Mufti observed that the Arabs in that country certainly had by no means been incited by Germany to attack England, but solely had acted in reaction to a direct English assault upon their honor.

The Turks, he believed, would welcome the establishment of an Arab government in the neighboring territories because they would prefer weaker Arab to strong European governments in the neighboring countries and, being themselves a nations of 7 million, they had moreover nothing to fear from the 1,700,000 Arabs inhabiting Syria, Transjordan, Iraq, and Palestine.

France likewise would have no objections to the unification plan because she had conceded independence to Syria as early as 1936 and had given her approval to the unification of Iraq and Syria under King Faisal as early as 1933.

In these circumstances he was renewing his request that the Fuhrer make a public declaration so that the Arabs would not lose hope, which is so powerful a force in the life of nations. With such hope in their hearts the Arabs, as he had said, were willing to wait. They were not pressing for immediate realization for their aspirations; they could easily wait half a year or a whole year. But if they were not inspired with such a hope by a declaration of this sort, it could be expected that the English would be the gainers from it.

The Fuhrer replied that Germany's fundamental attitude on these questions, as the Mufti himself had already stated, was clear. Germany stood for uncompromising war against the Jews. That naturally included active opposition to the Jewish national home in Palestine, which was nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests. Germany was also aware that the assertion that the Jews were carrying out the functions of economic pioneers in Palestine was a lie. The work there was done only by the Arabs, not by the Jews. Germany was resolved, step by step, to ask one European nation after the other to solve its Jewish problem, and at the proper time to direct a similar appeal to non-European nations as well.

Germany was at the present time engaged in a life and death struggle with two citadels of Jewish power: Great Britain and Soviet Russia. Theoretically there was a difference between England's capitalism and Soviet Russia's communism; actually, however, the Jews in both countries were pursuing a common goal. This was the decisive struggle; on the political plane, it presented itself in the main as a conflict between Germany and England, but ideologically it was a battle between National Socialism and the Jews. It went without saying that Germany would furnish positive and practical aid to the Arabs involved in the same struggle, because platonic promises were useless in a war for survival or destruction in which the Jews were able to mobilize all of England's power for their ends.

The aid to the Arabs would have to be material aid. Of how little help sympathies alone were in such a battle had been demonstrated plainly by the operation in Iraq, where circumstances had not permitted the rendering of really effective, practical aid. In spite of all the sympathies, German aid had not been sufficient and Iraq was overcome by the power of Britain, that is, the guardian of the Jews.

The Mufti could not but be aware, however, that the outcome of the struggle going on at present would also decide the fate of the Arab world. The Fuhrer therefore had to think and speak coolly and deliberately, as a rational man and primarily as a soldier, as the leader of the German and allied armies. Everything of a nature to help in this titanic battle for the common cause, and thus also for the Arabs, would have to be done. Anything however, that might contribute to weakening the military situation must be put aside, no matter how unpopular this move might be.

Germany was now engaged in very severe battles to force the gateway to the northern Caucasus region. The difficulties were mainly with regard to maintaining the supply, which was most difficult as a result of the destruction of railroads and highways as well as the oncoming winter. If at such a moment, the Fuhrer were to raise the problem of Syria in a declaration, those elements in France which were under de Gaulle's influence would receive new strength. They would interpret the Fuhrer's declaration as an intention to break up France's colonial empire and appeal to their fellow countrymen that they should rather make common cause with the English to try to save what still could be saved. A German declaration regarding Syria would in France be understood to refer to the French colonies in general, and that would at the present time create new troubles in western Europe, which means that a portion of the German armed forces would be immobilized in the west and no longer be available for the campaign in the east.

The Fuhrer then made the following statement to the Mufti, enjoining him to lock it in the uttermost depths of his heart:

1. He (the Fuhrer) would carry on the battle to the total destruction of the Judeo-Communist empire in Europe.
2. At some moment which was impossible to set exactly today but which in any event was not distant, the German armies would in the course of this struggle reach the southern exit from Caucasia.
3. As soon as this had happened, the Fuhrer would on his own give the Arab world the assurance that its hour of liberation had arrived. Germany's objective would then be solely the destruction of the Jewish element residing in the Arab sphere under the protection of British power. In that hour the Mufti would be the most authoritative spokesman for the Arab world. It would then be his task to set off the Arab operations, which he had secretly prepared. When that time had come, Germany could also be indifferent to French reaction to such a declaration.

Once Germany had forced open the road to Iran and Iraq through Rostov; it would be also the beginning of the end of the British World Empire. He (the Fuhrer) hoped that the coming year would make it possible for Germany to thrust open the Caucasian gate to the Middle East. For the good of their common cause, it would be better if the Arab proclamation were put off for a few more months than if Germany were to create difficulties for herself without being able thereby to help the Arabs.

He (the Fuhrer) fully appreciated the eagerness of the Arabs for a public declaration of the sort requested by the Grand Mufti. But he would beg him to consider that he (the Fuhrer) himself was the Chief of State of the German Reich for five long years during which he was unable to make to his own homeland the announcement of its liberation. He had to wait with that until the announcement could be made on the basis of a situation brought about by the force of arms that the Anschluss had been carried out.

The moment that Germany's tank divisions and air squadrons had made their appearance south of the Caucasus, the public appeal requested by the Grand Mufti could go out to the Arab world.

The Grand Mufti replied that it was his view that everything would come to pass just as the Fuhrer had indicated. He was fully reassured and satisfied by the words which he had heard form the Chief of the German State. He asked, however, whether it would not be possible, secretly at least, to enter into an agreement with Germany of the kind he had just outlined for the Fuhrer.

The Fuhrer replied that he had just now given the Grand Mufti precisely that confidential declaration.

The Grand Mufti thanked him for it and stated in conclusion that he was taking his leave from the Fuhrer in full confidence and with reiterated thanks for the interest shown in the Arab cause.
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No i dont dream.i live with its legacy.i live with the legacy of an empire who saved Jews from inquisition in 15. century and gave them a home.i talk about the empire who gave you a shelter and give an opportunity to live in peace for 400 years...i speak of a nation and an empire who won victory over victory against allies even in the days of collapse.
i speak of a nation who is independent for 3000 years.i speak of a state culture.a culture and a nation that havent ever been exile or prisoned.
of course you zionists cant know what kind of a thing it is...i dont expect you to earn this culture and understanding in such a short time,as a nation who could find its state just 60 years ago...

We respect your country
have any idea how deep is the security ties?

I you think Israel history is 60 years you sleep in history class
You respect my country?just above you were asking ''Yea you dream OTTOMAN EMPIRE HA:?''
so you respect...

And it is interesting.i give you answer in every comment i write here,but you keep asking me different questions from different subjects.
also you are in a contradiction...how?i explained above about the respect matter.

And please tell me about your history if you have a history since the age of roman empire...

i m really tired...it seems that you will keep talking about the security of your homeland.As you dont have any acceptable thing in your hands to defend your position,you still talk like Olmert and try to ''paint the sun'' as we all see itself and its light.
keep your comments and propaganda for your own people.anybody in this forum wont pay attenttion to your craps.i regularly read haaretz and jpost and i advice you to write these things to talkback corners.i m sure you may find some people(...) who can agree with you.
i wont answer you anymore.because talking with you is like trying to hold an alive fish with wet hands.i know very well that whatever i say wont change anything in you.it is a waste of time.
i support your freedom of expression at cost of my life and i m sincere with this.but please dont poison or try to trick others with your words.if you keep efforting with this i may speak with you by a more understandable way for you.
Kansubeg INCI
You respect my country?just above you were asking ''Yea you dream OTTOMAN EMPIRE HA:?''
so you respect...

And it is interesting.i give you answer in every comment i write here,but you keep asking me different questions from different subjects.
also you are in a contradiction...how?i explained above about the respect matter.

And please tell me about your history if you have a history since the age of roman empire...

i m really tired...it seems that you will keep talking about the security of your homeland.As you dont have any acceptable thing in your hands to defend your position,you still talk like Olmert and try to ''paint the sun'' as we all see itself and its light.
keep your comments and propaganda for your own people.anybody in this forum wont pay attenttion to your craps.i regularly read haaretz and jpost and i advice you to write these things to talkback corners.i m sure you may find some people(...) who can agree with you.
i wont answer you anymore.because talking with you is like trying to hold an alive fish with wet hands.i know very well that whatever i say wont change anything in you.it is a waste of time.
i support your freedom of expression at cost of my life and i m sincere with this.but please dont poison or try to trick others with your words.if you keep efforting with this i may speak with you by a more understandable way for you.
Kansubeg INCI

After all you cant avoid "using force" ha?
go on
If someone objective reads the things we both wrote above,can easily see the difference between us.
you speak with a slang way,and i m using a polite way to express my thoughts.i wrote so many things to you and all the answers you give me are
''go on'' ,''we respect'',''you dream ha?'' and so on...here your answers reflect your education and knowledge base.and i must confess i havent ever met such a Jew like you.may be you are the only zionist i have had conversation with.but i mecry the minutes i spent here as i answer you.
the thing you deserve is someone just like you.who can answer you with the simple way you use as you try to answer someone.Nothing more...or are you a Karaite Jew beneath being a zionist?
i have sefaradim friends and i havent ever seen someone like you among them...
If someone objective reads the things we both wrote above,can easily see the difference between us.
you speak with a slang way,and i m using a polite way to express my thoughts.i wrote so many things to you and all the answers you give me are
''go on'' ,''we respect'',''you dream ha?'' and so on...here your answers reflect your education and knowledge base.and i must confess i havent ever met such a Jew like you.may be you are the only zionist i have had conversation with.but i mecry the minutes i spent here as i answer you.
the thing you deserve is someone just like you.who can answer you with the simple way you use as you try to answer someone.Nothing more...or are you a Karaite Jew beneath being a zionist?
i have sefaradim friends and i havent ever seen someone like you among them...

God bless you after all
I just hope the stupid Zionist Jews Israeli like me stop coming to your country and spend time and money in anatalia while in the shops you hang signs like no entry for Jews
My Friends have been living here since for centuries...i dont speak of people i met in Antalya Dear Friend.
As for me,the Jew people always form the elite members of a country for their being a closed and a well educated society.They are very polite,clever and good people.they never forget a favour you do for them.they are very loyal to their friendships and relatives.
and i m sincere about the way you use.i think your problem is the way you express your thoughts.if you say something,shand behind it and defend it at cost of your life.indirect fires cant reach its destination here :)
There is no doubt that before the creation of Isreal, Jews have suffered a lot. Throughout their history, they have always been shunned by Christians. Anyone in my opinion who denies that Holocaust never happened should get their brains checked. Their is enough conclusive evidence to suggest that Holocaust did indeed take place and the survivors of Holocaust are there to tell the horrors; just google holocaust and you will know what i am talking about. My prayers are with those people whom died during the Holocaust, Allah bless their souls.
There is no doubt that before the creation of Isreal, Jews have suffered a lot. Throughout their history, they have always been shunned by Christians. Anyone in my opinion who denies that Holocaust never happened should get their brains checked. Their is enough conclusive evidence to suggest that Holocaust did indeed take place and the survivors of Holocaust are there to tell the horrors; just google holocaust and you will know what i am talking about. My prayers are with those people whom died during the Holocaust, Allah bless their souls.
In that case Israel should have been carved out of Germany.

The Muslim Ummah made many efforts to save or honour Jews; the Ottomans rescued many from the Inquisition; Hazrat Umar ibn Khattab RA let them back into Jerusalem, etc. The Zionist Israeli state is an act betrayal by many Jews against the Muslims, and the slaughter of innocent Palestinians doesn't help their case. I'll only accept a Jewish State if and when it is NOT on Muslim territory like Palestine...go back and make your country in Europe.
After WW2,many many islands were offered them for this.but they didnt approve any of them...they insisted on palastine.and two faced english helped them.Westerns need israel to keep arabic states under control.for this reason,as english doesnt give up playing his dirty games in m.east,independence is a kind of dream for arabs...

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