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The Most Romantic City in the World - Chongqing,China

What's romantic about it ...modern, futuristic I get , but certainly nothing romantic about it
Yes very romantic, take selective pics of certain areas


Yes very romantic, take selective pics of certain areas


If I m hell bent to find dirty corners I can find them everywhere, In US there are many places are like that . don't let start posting Indian city slums, that will gross everyone out here.
Most romantic city of the world is Karachi...thats full and final. :)
That wasn't even a Indian media & its based on facts . While your retarrded video is from a Chinese YouTube user , probably paid by ten cent army:lol::lol::lol:
facts? lol, Indian facts = farts, everyone knows that except deluded Indian```and India is a factor driven primitive economy with world's biggest slave labour is also a fact based on WIOP and World Bank's annual report````now get it now you inferior complex thing? :lol:
China is developing at an astonishing rate, I was impressed by that video. Everyone has their own idea of what is romantic. For me coming from a country with lots of Sky Scrapers and ugly glass buildings, tall glass buildings really don't do it for me. Here is what I found romantic about Guangzhou, China

china trip.jpg
shenyang is a romantic city:welcome:. i think more romantic than chongqing. welcome to shenyang
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One of the best parts about Chongqing is the food, hotpot can be addicting. The hilly terrain is also quite unique for a large city in China.
shenyang is a romantic city:welcome:. i think more romantic than chongqing. welcome to shenyang
Shenyang changed so much over the years. It is still a very industrial city, like most cities in the North East.

Is that a temple? It’s beautiful :).
That is the Mukden Palace where the Qing emperors lived for a very short amount of time before they relocated to Beijing. Its like a small Forbidden City.

Cities with longer histories often have a more distinct flavour. Chongqing is one of them.

Mt Emei in Sichuan, Emei is also the code name for the WS-15 engine to be put on the J-20.

Lijiang in Yunnan,

Hangzhou, Marco Polo's favourite city in ancient China.

Suzhou, the historical starting point of the Grand Canal. It also home to a complex network of canals.
Is that a temple? It’s beautiful :).
it is a palace of qing dynasty. the palace built for emperor.you can see a bigger one in beijing.

One of the best parts about Chongqing is the food, hotpot can be addicting. The hilly terrain is also quite unique for a large city in China.

Shenyang changed so much over the years. It is still a very industrial city, like most cities in the North East.

That is the Mukden Palace where the Qing emperors lived for a very short amount of time before they relocated to Beijing. Its like a small Forbidden City.

Cities with longer histories often have a more distinct flavour. Chongqing is one of them.

Mt Emei in Sichuan, Emei is also the code name for the WS-15 engine to be put on the J-20.

Lijiang in Yunnan,

Hangzhou, Marco Polo's favourite city in ancient China.

Suzhou, the historical starting point of the Grand Canal. It also home to a complex network of canals.
not so good. the industies of shenyang are still heavy industries. times have changed. shenzheng guangzhou and shanghai are better than shenyang changchun and haerbin. nowaday, shenyang is just the rust belt of china.
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