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The most powerful Dynasty of 15th century India

His ethnic origins are unknown. He also could have been Turkic
Persian historian Firishta (1560-1620) says zafar khan was an Afghan by birth. Note that the rebellion in Deccan against Muhammad bin tuqhlaq was staged by mostly Afghan nobles and an Afghan chief ismail mukh was first appointed king of deccan. Ismael mukh assumed title of naseerudin shah. But due to very old, he resigned and zafar khan was appointed.

His ethnic origins are unknown. He also could have been Turkic. The rulers named themselves after Bahman, a legendary Iranian king.
Or brahman , at least quote all kind of speculations that are posted in wikipedia. Bahmani name was not named after an ethnicity so its useless to speculate from that aspect. If bahmani is named after iranian king then it endorses Afghan origin of zafar khan rather than turk. Big portion of pashto names are from persian legends, Afghans/pashtuns are iranic people.
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Persian historian Firishta (1560-1620) says zafar khan was an Afghan by birth. Note that the rebellion in Deccan against Muhammad bin tuqhlaq was staged by mostly Afghan nobles and an Afghan chief ismail mukh was first appointed king of deccan. Ismael mukh assumed title of naseerudin shah. But due to very old, he resigned and zafar khan was appointed.

Early historians, Tabataba and Nizam-ud-Din Ahmad believe that Hasan was descended from the Persian king Bahman, son of Isfandiyar. But Firishta emphatically asserts that this genealogy was fabricated after Hasan's accession to the throne by the flatterers and poets though he has seen the same genealogy in the royal library at Ahmadnagar. He believes that his origin was too obscure to admit or being traced. He thinks that Hasan was an Afghan by birth.

The Bahmani dynasty believed that they descended from Bahman, the legendary king of Iran. The Bahamani Sultans were patrons of the Persian language, culture and literature, and some members of the dynasty became well-versed in that language and composed its literature in that language.[4]

  1. Ansari, N.H. "Bahmanid Dynasty" Encyclopaedia Iranica

On establishing an independent kingdom Gangu took the title of Abu'l-Muzaffar Ala-ud-din Bahman Shah.[4] The name Bahmani Kingdom was derived after the Brahmin caste of Gangu (who had blessed Hasan)Hasan also gave Gangus son a jagir and title of Deshmukh (chief of local villages)at Ahmednagar. Another theory was that the name Bahman came from Hasan's claim of descent from the Iranian hero Bahman, which also lead to the dynasty and kingdom having the name Bahmani.[5] He gave Ismail Mukh a jagir near Jamkhandi and later conferred to him the highest title of his kingdom, Amir-ul-Umara. But Narayana, a local Hindu chieftain still succeeded in turning Ismail against Bahman Shah for a short period before he poisoned Ismail.[6]
@Charon 2 it is trade mark of iranica to say that "they were patrons of persian art, langauge and culture". Dont misunderstand that it means that dynasty would be originated from iran. All the muslim dynasties were patrons of persian langauge, whether they were afghans or turks. Persian was official as well as court langauge of muslim states or empires in subcontinent. Even the court langauge of iconic indian pashtun, sher shah suri, was persian. And books written in his period, all of them are in persian/farsi.
@Charon 2 it is trade mark of iranica to say that "they were patrons of persian art, langauge and culture". Dont misunderstand that it means that dynasty would be originated from iran. All the muslim dynasties were patrons of persian langauge, whether they were afghans or turks. Persian was official as well as court langauge of muslim states or empires in subcontinent. Even the court langauge of iconic indian pashtun, sher shah suri, was persian. And books written in his period, all of them are in persian/farsi.

I know that none of those dynasties originated from Iran but the court language of Indo-Islamic dynasties were all Persian untill they got Indianized and evolved to Urdu
I know that none of those dynasties originated from Iran but the court language of Indo-Islamic dynasties were all Persian untill they got Indianized and evolved to Urdu
Thats right, you are spot on.
Also let me add some thing else about zafar khan. Turks of Dehli sultanates were very proud about their race due to splendid history of turks. Afghans on the hand, had not achieved that social status in turk-ruled society of india (before lodhi dynasty) so either tried to cling to turkic roots (in case of khiljis) despite of different langauge or culture or in case of zafar khan, fabricating lineage to ancient iranian king. With time, they got dominant while turks began to dwindle, dominance gave them upper social status. In the rest of the history of india , its either Afghans or timurids.
Thats right right, you are spot on.
Also let me add some thing else about zafar khan. Turks of Dehli sultanates were very proud about their race due to splendid history of turks. Afghans on the hand, had not achieved that social status in turk-ruled society of india (before lodhi dynasty) so either tried to cling to turkic roots (in case of khiljis) despite of different langauge or culture or in case of zafar khan, fabricating lineage to ancient iranian king. With time, they got dominant while turks began to dwindle. In the rest of the history of india , its either Afghans or timurids.
Who are these afghans or timurids? No Indians know who they are anymore. Us bhumihars are 10 times the warrior you guys are.
The main reason for defeat was Muslim soldiers betrayal in the battle and some traitorous Hindus.The 3rd battle of Panipat was lost due to Muslim Rohilla Army betrayal and attacking the Maratha Army from back caused panic and the battle which they were winning was lost.In 1947 Muslim betrayed and joined Pakistan army to attack Kashmir along with Kabalis(tribesmen).

Moral of the story.The Kings should have never employed muslim army.Their loyalty was elsewhere.
Learn from the history or you are bound to repeat it again.
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what was the reason why a powerful army of Vijayanagar lost the battle of Talikota?
Betrayal by Muslim army in Vijayanagara army they began attacking from the bank causing chaos.Same thing happened in 3rd battle of panipat.The Rohilla muslim army betrayed and attacked Maratha army from back.
Who are these afghans or timurids? No Indians know who they are anymore. Us bhumihars are 10 times the warrior you guys are.

muslim dynasties that ruled india................. from mamluks(turks) till lodhis(afghans)
Thats right, you are spot on.
Also let me add some thing else about zafar khan. Turks of Dehli sultanates were very proud about their race due to splendid history of turks. Afghans on the hand, had not achieved that social status in turk-ruled society of india (before lodhi dynasty) so either tried to cling to turkic roots (in case of khiljis) despite of different langauge or culture or in case of zafar khan, fabricating lineage to ancient iranian king. With time, they got dominant while turks began to dwindle, dominance gave them upper social status. In the rest of the history of india , its either Afghans or timurids.

Wikipedia still holds on the Turkic origin of the Khilji dynasty. Why should Khiljis cling on Turkic roots? The Khiljis were definitely a Turkic people which is noted by Mahmud Kashgari. The modern Pashtun Ghilzai only derive their name of the Khiljis nothing else. They are mostly locals
Wikipedia still holds on the Turkic origin of the Khilji dynasty. Why should Khiljis cling on Turkic roots? The Khiljis were definitely a Turkic people which is noted by Mahmud Kashgari. The modern Pashtun Ghilzai only derive their name of the Khiljis nothing else. They are mostly locals
Khiljis were most probably remnants of hepthalites with indo-iranian langauge, the ones in Afghanistan got pashtunized. All the contemperary sources mentioned them as distinct group from turks. Could be of turkic origin but Turks in 13th century refused to recognized them as such due to their Afghanization. (your total reliance on wikipedia , is big fault, not every senstence in wiki is backed up by a source. Or at least dont believe in each and every word like a Quran. I myself have created number of pages on wikipedia, cited with sources but with time people have added things to their heart content)
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Minorsky clearly writes that these Khaljies are the ancestors of the present Afghan Ghalji.Barthold and Haig have written the same in the Islamic Encyclopedia. It can therefore be said that Khalji or Ghalji were related to the Hepthalites and Zabul rulers, since the Helthalites, (Hayatila
of Arabs) ruled over Zabulistan.
Their features struck on coins resemble the features of the Ghalji youth who live in this area and have high noses, almond eyes, bushy hair, and strong features.
Khaljies are Afghan
were budhhist afghans as fierce as their muslim descendants ??

is there any relation b/w pashtuns and ancient afghan budhists ??
were budhhist afghans as fierce as their muslim descendants ??

is there any relation b/w pashtuns and ancient afghan budhists ??
Alberuni tell us that infidel afghans (most probably budhists , hindus or some religion like kalasha) fought from the side of jaipala while muslims afghans fought from side of ghaznavi. Ghorids were perhaps budhists, judging from the budhist ruins in central afghanistan, their ruling clan was suri, maintained their religion untill the time of mahmud ghaznavi. They were defeated by ghaznavi and converted to islam. Alberuni also tell us that military expeditions were sent to subdue afghans of sulieman ranges, who were non-muslims of unknown religion.
Betrayal by Muslim army in Vijayanagara army they began attacking from the bank causing chaos.Same thing happened in 3rd battle of panipat.The Rohilla muslim army betrayed and attacked Maratha army from back.

:cheesy::enjoy: Anywhere else it would be put down to muslim bravery courage and strategy

I cant just imagine hindu armies throwing a strop like a teenage girl demanding a restart to the battle because muslims didn't do exactly what the hindus armies wanted:cry:
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