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The Most Embarrassing Fox News Interview?

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Should be? Why everyone has only an intent to speak but not to listen. Watch this interview again, guy just said hes discusses 4 religions mainly, including Islam. Im sure youtube ban in Pak is restricting you from doing further research

I personally do not have a youtube ban in karachi, plus this video i saw of his interview on fox and dailyshow were not on youtube and both interviews were pretty good. He has done extensive research and an absolutely amazing debater. He has a very very extensive research platform and one of the guys I actually can relate to. Maybe you did not understand what I was trying to say, but that is not really your fault.
Arsalan, Aslan and Arslan are male first names in Afghanistan, Albanian, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Pakistan, Turkey, various North Caucasian ethnic regions and (more rarely) the Arab Middle Eastern countries (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine).

it's called turkic not turkish
I personally do not have a youtube ban in karachi, plus this video i saw of his interview on fox and dailyshow were not on youtube and both interviews were pretty good. He has done extensive research and an absolutely amazing debater. He has a very very extensive research platform and one of the guys I actually can relate to. Maybe you did not understand what I was trying to say, but that is not really your fault.
Ok my bad then if i misunderstood you.
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth is on The New York Times Best Seller list!!!

I'm very happy for Reza and I hope he makes a lot of $$$$ and writes many many more books!!!

I'm always happy for successful Iranian diaspora.:yahoo:


From the internationally bestselling author of No god but God comes a fascinating, provocative, and meticulously researched biography that challenges long-held assumptions about the man we know as Jesus of Nazareth.

Two thousand years ago, an itinerant Jewish preacher and miracle worker walked across the Galilee, gathering followers to establish what he called the “Kingdom of God.” The revolutionary movement he launched was so threatening to the established order that he was captured, tortured, and executed as a state criminal.

Within decades after his shameful death, his followers would call him God.

Sifting through centuries of mythmaking, Reza Aslan sheds new light on one of history’s most influential and enigmatic characters by examining Jesus through the lens of the tumultuous era in which he lived: first-century Palestine, an age awash in apocalyptic fervor. Scores of Jewish prophets, preachers, and would-be messiahs wandered through the Holy Land, bearing messages from God. This was the age of zealotry—a fervent nationalism that made resistance to the Roman occupation a sacred duty incumbent on all Jews. And few figures better exemplified this principle than the charismatic Galilean who defied both the imperial authorities and their allies in the Jewish religious hierarchy.

Balancing the Jesus of the Gospels against the historical sources, Aslan describes a man full of conviction and passion, yet rife with contradiction; a man of peace who exhorted his followers to arm themselves with swords; an exorcist and faith healer who urged his disciples to keep his identity a secret; and ultimately the seditious “King of the Jews” whose promise of liberation from Rome went unfulfilled in his brief lifetime. Aslan explores the reasons why the early Christian church preferred to promulgate an image of Jesus as a peaceful spiritual teacher rather than a politically conscious revolutionary. And he grapples with the riddle of how Jesus understood himself, the mystery that is at the heart of all subsequent claims about his divinity.

Zealot yields a fresh perspective on one of the greatest stories ever told even as it affirms the radical and transformative nature of Jesus of Nazareth’s life and mission. The result is a thought-provoking, elegantly written biography with the pulse of a fast-paced novel: a singularly brilliant portrait of a man, a time, and the birth of a religion.

Praise for Zealot

“Aslan brings a fine popular style, shorn of all jargon, to bear on the presentation of Jesus of Nazareth. . . . You don’t have to lose your religion to learn much that’s vitally germane to its history from Aslan’s absorbing, reader-friendly book.”—Booklist (starred review)

“Be advised, dear reader, Sunday school this isn’t. Yet Aslan may come as close as one can to respecting those who revere Jesus as the peace-loving, turn-the-other-cheek, true son of God depicted in modern Christianity, even as he knocks down that image.”—The Seattle Times

“[Aslan’s] literary talent is as essential to the effect of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth as are his scholarly and journalistic chops. . . . A vivid, persuasive portrait of the world and societies in which Jesus lived and the role he most likely played in both.”—Salon

“Compulsively readable and written at a popular level, this superb work is highly recommended.”—Publishers Weekly (starred review)

Conclusion: Jesus was a revolutionary Jew that went against the biggest empire at the time Roman empire and Jewish elites.
Actually, a Muslim may kill anyone who says anything critical about Hazrat Essa (PBUH) - or Jesus to you, too. Muslims consider Hazrat Essa (PBUH) as 1 of the 4 most important and blessed prophets who hold special position amongst the many thousands of messengers.

We consider the prophets of Christianity & Judaism as prophets of Islam. All of them preached the same message, as per our belief, the message of Islam.

Holy prophets and holy books are beyond ridicule, false propaganda and negative criticism.
Yeah...That is nice to know that Muslims are that willing to kill for Jesus as well as Muhammad.
It DOES matters. Debates where the due respect and senstivity of the subject remains intact throughout, any cross analysis can occur without infuriating both sides.

You already proved yourself a fanatic from a different faith or association by considering a book (which im sure you havent read) as "garbage". Remind you, Fanatic as yourself is not a state of mind restricted to muslims but could be any person whose an imbecile halfwit defending - offending a certain belief just because he/she thought it must be done regardless. Theres no prior research required for dumbwits to do so cause it just has to happen due to contemporary cliches.

Contradictory as it is, You showed your limbo in just first two sentences saying, "it does not matter", "If we can tolerate that garbage". Hilarious!

Look at you reading a book by its cover. smh
I referred to an 'art' piece titled 'p i ss christ' as garbage...You can do a key word search for it and find out for yourself on what the artist did to Jesus, but here is the gist of it...

The photograph is of a small plastic crucifix submerged in what appears to be a yellow liquid. The artist has described the substance as being his own urine in a glass.
My point is that if Christians can tolerate this crass insult to their religion, surely Muslims should have the maturity and strength to do the same.
Yeah...That is nice to know that Muslims are that willing to kill for Jesus as well as Muhammad.

Muslims would rather live in peace, but I guess at times it is too much to ask for.
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth is on The New York Times Best Seller list!!!

I'm very happy for Reza and I hope he makes a lot of $$$$ and writes many many more books!!!


He will. For a known conservative TV station which fudges and lies about facts to promote its brand of religious and political stand to put a muslim author writing about jesus about him being a rebel instead of the son of god, cause that is the only reason the romans would give him a certain punishment 2000 years ago and there was absolutely no way that the romans would punish him any other way because they had certain rules they followed. Looks more like guesstimation in my opinion and my opinion alone.

Plus this is a TV station that let him air his opinion and the interviewer was making her opinion known. A far cry from being a Rushdie guy with head money sanctioned by a government of a country. See what I did there?
I referred to an 'art' piece titled 'p i ss christ' as garbage...You can do a key word search for it and find out for yourself on what the artist did to Jesus, but here is the gist of it...
My point is that if Christians can tolerate this crass insult to their religion, surely Muslims should have the maturity and strength to do the same.
You havent realized or have researched the fact that for muslims, all Abrahamic religions are just as respectful as it is Islam to them. You wouldnt see a muslim drawing pictures of Holy Prophets or disrespecting any of Abrahamic line of prophets ever.

Andres Serrano a 'shock artist' whom you speak of happens to be a Roman Catholic. Your irrelevant comparison 'Christians vs Muslims tolerance race' becomes instantly void since its a christian (Andres Serrano) whos giving a bad name to all other fellow Christians with an irresponsible act in the name of freedom of expression. Weak argument!

In muslim world such art or expression with a derogatory undertone to any Abrahamic (or any) religion will be taken as a matter of abuse and disrespect. The perpetrators will be considered **** stirrers and nothing else.
You havent realized or have researched the fact that for muslims, all Abrahamic religions are just as respectful as it is Islam to them. You wouldnt see a muslim drawing pictures of Holy Prophets or disrespecting any of Abrahamic line of prophets ever.

Andres Serrano a 'shock artist' whom you speak of happens to be a Roman Catholic. Your irrelevant comparison 'Christians vs Muslims tolerance race' becomes instantly void since its a christian (Andres Serrano) whos giving a bad name to all other fellow Christians with an irresponsible act in the name of freedom of expression. Weak argument!

In muslim world such art or expression with a derogatory undertone to any Abrahamic (or any) religion will be taken as a matter of abuse and disrespect. The perpetrators will be considered **** stirrers and nothing else.
Tell that to the Christians and Jews living in Muslim countries who are persecuted just for being Christians or Jews. And please do not tell me such persecutions do not exists.
Tell that to the Christians and Jews living in Muslim countries who are persecuted just for being Christians or Jews. And please do not tell me such persecutions do not exists.
You are missing the point. Should have read last short paragraph of my last post. I clearly mentioned that in muslim world 'perpetrators' of such abuse to any faith will be considered sh.it stirrers and nothing else. It doesnt needs to be a muslim, christian or a jew to instigate disgrace. Religions dont allow that, people do.
You are missing the point. Should have read last short paragraph of my last post. I clearly mentioned that in muslim world 'perpetrators' of such abuse to any faith will be considered sh.it stirrers and nothing else. It doesnt needs to be a muslim, christian or a jew to instigate disgrace. Religions dont allow that, people do.
Atheists insults Christians and the Muslims remains silent. Muslims persecutes Christians and Jews and if anyone speaks up, they are told to mind their own business.

Yah...You go on believing your own delusions.
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