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The Massacre in the Katyn Forrest and the hypocrisy of the Western Media

Very compelling documentary, a lot of mystery surrounding World War II. Since the Allied powers and Zionist won the war they have done their best to hide the facts and to distort that ones we read.
Very compelling documentary, a lot of mystery surrounding World War II. Since the Allied powers and Zionist won the war they have done their best to hide the facts and to distort that ones we read.
If one were to study the history of the Zionists and the atrocities committed at their hands, one can see that it is they who are responsible of the most heinous crimes in human history.
if nazis have won the war.now Iran whould be Top 5 couny in every field.
if nazis have won the war.now Iran whould be Top 5 couny in every field.

If the nazis had won the war, Iran wouldn't exist today nor would any other Middle Eastern country or Asian country or African country.

So i were you, i wouldn't be singing Hitlers praises.
If the nazis had won the war, Iran wouldn't exist today nor would any other Middle Eastern country or Asian country or African country.

So i were you, i wouldn't be singing Hitlers praises.

So western liars are mitigated cos Hitler was evil. Very good.
So western liars are mitigated cos Hitler was evil. Very good.

You don't make sense.

But i guess that doesn't matter since you are so anti-west. I see your posts all over the forum.
British and Americans were mean during world wars, all they tolerated Hitler to get Soviet Union destroyed but still Hitler was one of the the evilest beings ever born on this planet and his elimination was necessary. And I hate this guy Churchill who starved millions in Bengal.
If the nazis had won the war, Iran wouldn't exist today nor would any other Middle Eastern country or Asian country or African country.

So i were you, i wouldn't be singing Hitlers praises.

How do you figure?
People have been parroting this point my whole life and I still don't understand it.

Are you saying the nazis would commit massive genocide against the world?
.......Like how the British/French/Spanish/etc did?
Man I am sure glad Nazis didn't get into power other wise there would be no Aborigines country.........OH WAIT, you people already took care of that problem.

The only mistake Hitler did was that he treated white Europeans like white Europeans treated those sub human darkies.

(and I know people will now say I am a Nazi supporter, so let me just say I am not, I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the whole thing)
"History is subjective the victor only decides what really happened" Zhuge Liang.

Allied forces are always depicted as heroes but I am more than sure that they were as cruel if not more cruel than Hitler's army exaggeration of the Nazi's cruelty is also something that I am sure of. And in the end of the day this is war and this real life where there is really no black or white. Just a whole lot of shades of grey.
The only mistake Hitler did was that he treated white Europeans like white Europeans treated those sub human darkies.

What? You DO realize that Hitler is a symbol of WHITE POWER movement and was pretty much pro-WHITE? And he didn't consider Jews to be white? All he did was treat jews like ****, he never did anything to his fellow white people which he was proud of. A lot of the neo-nazi white power people in Australia who hate Aborgines like to show off swastikas of Hitler too. So yeah, check your facts bro.
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