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The making of the Kargil disaster Excerpts from Nasim Zehra's book, 'From Kargil To The Coup: Events

You are a mushrik and a traitor to your motherland. You support invaders who killed, raped and pillaged your ancestors. I can never be one of you. I have principles and values.
We were those invaders who came from West, drummed ur Hindu arzes and settled here. and by the way invaders didnt stop at Lahore, they went all the way to Dacca and Calcutta so were as good slaves of Muslims as any other area, stop beating about the bush.

Got you ...!
I always thought that there is something odd in your posts, it’s like talking to a jihadi terrorist...LOL.!!
Now there is no doubt.
You end of world jihadis are the reason for the misery of the entire Muslim world including Pakistan.

Please go to jannah very quickly preferable alone..!
Leave earth (“temporary abode”) to us humans and get your angel A** to heaven ASAP.
It the basic belief of every Muslim that this world is temporary and real life will be after death, whats jehadist in it? u seem to be so afraid of jihadis, ha ha
We were those invaders who came from West, drummed ur Hindu arzes and settled here. and by the way invaders didnt stop at Lahore, they went all the way to Dacca and Calcutta so were as good slaves of Muslims as any other area, stop beating about the bush.

It the basic belief of every Muslim that this world is temporary and real life will be after death, whats jehadist in it? u seem to be so afraid of jihadis, ha ha
Do yourself a favour, and do a genetics test like 23&me or ancestry.com. You will know reality, and come out of your delusions. You hate Hindus, but that is what your ancestors were. And mine too.
LOL "Mushrik", where did that even come from?
My motherland is Jannah, Earth is just a temporary abode.

If my ancestors were against Islam, I'd take up arms against them myself. I'm not so petty and backwards that I don't take someone as my hero if they aren't from my ethnic group, at the end of the day we are all Bani Adam and as a result we are all related to each other.

Also, no, my ancestors would have almost certainly either converted to Islam and fought alongside these invaders, or some of them might actually be descended from these invaders (most probably a mix of the two).

If he was going independent he wouldn't have tried to commit mass genocide on the Muslim population (only reason it would have been needed would be so he could join Hindustan as a Kafir majority province), nor would he have signed the instrument of accession so easily.

Nope, no matter what we claimed, we still took 10% of land that was originally yours.

Just like we gave back roughly 4,000 square km of Hindustan after 1965.

Clearly you're the one that needs to do the reading.
LOL "Mushrik", where did that even come from?

My motherland is Jannah, Earth is just a temporary abode.

If my ancestors were against Islam, I'd take up arms against them myself. I'm not so petty and backwards that I don't take someone as my hero if they aren't from my ethnic group, at the end of the day we are all Bani Adam and as a result we are all related to each other.

Also, no, my ancestors would have almost certainly either converted to Islam and fought alongside these invaders, or some of them might actually be descended from these invaders (most probably a mix of the two).

If he was going independent he wouldn't have tried to commit mass genocide on the Muslim population (only reason it would have been needed would be so he could join Hindustan as a Kafir majority province), nor would he have signed the instrument of accession so easily.

Nope, no matter what we claimed, we still took 10% of land that was originally yours.

Just like we gave back roughly 4,000 square km of Hindustan after 1965.

Clearly you're the one that needs to do the reading.

1. Of course he wanted to remain independent. He had a right to do so under the terms agreed between the Indian and Pakistani leadership which allowed the UK to pass the Indian Independence Act.

2. In which alternate universe did you get 4000 sq. km of India land? Neutral claims peg Pak occupied about 200 sq miles and India occupied 700 sq miles of Pak even in 1965.

And 1971 was a much longer occupation. India also established a post office there and those stamps from Chachro, India are quite sought after.


But we were nice enough to return it because we have no interest in Pakistani land.

As I said, read up
It the basic belief of every Muslim that this world is temporary and real life will be after death, whats jehadist in it? u seem to be so afraid of jihadis, ha ha
This is the basic belief of all major religions, everyone believes in a heaven which is better than this world... but that doesn’t mean that you actively strive to destroy this world for the want to go to heaven.

You are a crazy.
Do yourself a favour, and do a genetics test like 23&me or ancestry.com. You will know reality, and come out of your delusions. You hate Hindus, but that is what your ancestors were. And mine too.
LOL the term Hindu was a British concoction to define all the various polytheistic beliefs in their artificial entity known as "British India", their is no such religion as Hindu as their is no such religion as river Volga, the truth is the ancestors of Indus folk (Pakistanis) followed Vedic beliefs whilst yours followed Puranic beliefs, sure Vedic beliefs had some influence on you Gangadeshis when during mid-Iron age your feral, primitive, banana munching ancestors were domesticated by their superiors ie pioneers from historical Indus region, nothing more nothing less, BTW going by the ancient definition of Hind,Sindu etc you are not Hindu in culture, race etc PERIOD
1. Of course he wanted to remain independent. He had a right to do so under the terms agreed between the Indian and Pakistani leadership which allowed the UK to pass the Indian Independence Act.

2. In which alternate universe did you get 4000 sq. km of India land? Neutral claims peg Pak occupied about 200 sq miles and India occupied 700 sq miles of Pak even in 1965.

And 1971 was a much longer occupation. India also established a post office there and those stamps from Chachro, India are quite sought after.


But we were nice enough to return it because we have no interest in Pakistani land.

As I said, read up

Again, not true, otherwise he wouldn't have felt the need to exterminate large numbers of Muslims in his province.

Neutral assessments mean jack all if we have evidence to support our claims:





Even your beloved Hussain Haqqani agrees with our claim:


If you were able to hold on to it and if it held any value, you would have kept it.

As I said, read up.

Got you ...!
I always thought that there is something odd in your posts, it’s like talking to a jihadi terrorist...LOL.!!
Now there is no doubt.
You end of world jihadis are the reason for the misery of the entire Muslim world including Pakistan.

Please go to jannah very quickly preferable alone..!
Leave earth (“temporary abode”) to us humans and get your angel A** to heaven ASAP.

When all else fails, you guys throw the "terrorist" card, so typical.

It's rather ironic considering you're the Hindustani here, but that's all I'm going to say.

1) The caliphates were pretty much unobstructed continuous landmass politically. It functioned as a single country. Most importantly, it was at the dawn of Islam and I don't think there were many Muslims outside the caliphates at that time. It's different now, we have multiple Muslim nations each with its own priorities.

2) You vilify those who are villains by your definition. Atrocities were committed by all sides involved.

3) You've answered your own question here, "Muslims can speak whatever language they like" and "They only use Devangari because they live in Hindustan". If you think Muslims should have the right to speak whichever language they want (a right that is available to them in India), shouldn't that include Devanagiri scripts? It's not like Islam says you have to speak one and only one particular language like your Perso-Arabic script. Seems to me it's a question of convenience rather than anything else.

4) Halal isn't limited to beef right?

5) Saner minds will. We all want to live good, prosperous, peaceful lives.

6) No I didn't, I combined 4) and 6) in my last post since they were on similar grounds.

7) Your argument here makes it look like you're just hurt they didn't accept your invitation. They may not be Muslims from your side of the border, but as far as the rest of the world is concerned, they are perfectly fine normal Muslims.

1. The Caliphate kept the Muslim world united for a good couple hundred years after Islam. Even after we broke apart, we were all Muslim first, with multiple ethnic groups fighting alongside each other in the name of Islam.

2. More yours than mine.

3. They can use Devangari if they wish, but it's rather silly since the Perso-Arabic script uses an alphabet that is globally known to be used by Muslims. If they were in Pakistan or allowed to rule themselves, they would be using Perso-Arabic (assuming they were still practising Muslims, and not ethnic nationalists).

4. Irrelevant, we should be able to choose for ourselves what meat we wish to slaughter.

5. Wish that were true, but the world isn't all rainbows and butterflies.

6. Right, my mistake, sorry.

7. Many did accept our invitation, some of my mothers family came from Hindustan. And it's not just me who considers large scores of self professed Muslims in Hindustan to not really be Muslim, the Quran and the Hadees agree with me as do many Islamic scholars (you can research this for yourself). Heck, many Pakistanis don't even qualify as Muslim per the official standard.
LOL the term Hindu was a British concoction to define all the various polytheistic beliefs in their artificial entity known as "British India", their is no such religion as Hindu as their is no such religion as river Volga, the truth is the ancestors of Indus folk (Pakistanis) followed Vedic beliefs whilst yours followed Puranic beliefs, sure Vedic beliefs had some influence on you Gangadeshis when during mid-Iron age your feral, primitive, banana munching ancestors were domesticated by their superiors ie pioneers from historical Indus region, nothing more nothing less, BTW going by the ancient definition of Hind,Sindu etc you are not Hindu in culture, race etc PERIOD
Yes, the term Hindu in the religious sense is a colonial invention along with the term Hinduism...

The terminological meanings have little to do with the linguistic meanings nowadays...
Again, not true, otherwise he wouldn't have felt the need to exterminate large numbers of Muslims in his province.

Neutral assessments mean jack all if we have evidence to support our claims:





Even your beloved Hussain Haqqani agrees with our claim:


If you were able to hold on to it and if it held any value, you would have kept it.

As I said, read up.

When all else fails, you guys throw the "terrorist" card, so typical.

It's rather ironic considering you're the Hindustani here, but that's all I'm going to say.

1. The Caliphate kept the Muslim world united for a good couple hundred years after Islam. Even after we broke apart, we were all Muslim first, with multiple ethnic groups fighting alongside each other in the name of Islam.

2. More yours than mine.

3. They can use Devangari if they wish, but it's rather silly since the Perso-Arabic script uses an alphabet that is globally known to be used by Muslims. If they were in Pakistan or allowed to rule themselves, they would be using Perso-Arabic (assuming they were still practising Muslims, and not ethnic nationalists).

4. Irrelevant, we should be able to choose for ourselves what meat we wish to slaughter.

5. Wish that were true, but the world isn't all rainbows and butterflies.

6. Right, my mistake, sorry.

7. Many did accept our invitation, some of my mothers family came from Hindustan. And it's not just me who considers large scores of self professed Muslims in Hindustan to not really be Muslim, the Quran and the Hadees agree with me as do many Islamic scholars (you can research this for yourself). Heck, many Pakistanis don't even qualify as Muslim per the official standard.

Lol. Before posting pics you should have tried the find out where these places are. Munabao is at the International Border.

As is Khemkarn - 5 km from the border. And that advance ended with the battle of Assal Uttar

Kishangarh fort - 11 km from the International Border.

How such captures of small villages and outposts can translate to a rather fantastic claim of 1200 sq miles is anyone's guess. And such captures happened on both sides in 1965. India captured Dograi, Burki, Haji pir pass etc.

Again, read up.
Lol. Before posting pics you should have tried the find out where these places are. Munabao is at the International Border.

As is Khemkarn - 5 km from the border. And that advance ended with the battle of Assal Uttar

Kishangarh fort - 11 km from the International Border.

How such captures of small villages and outposts can translate to a rather fantastic claim of 1200 sq miles is anyone's guess. And such captures happened on both sides in 1965. India captured Dograi, Burki, Haji pir pass etc.

Again, read up.

Doesn't change the fact that we still provided proof for some of our claims, which makes the others more credible, especially when Hindustan has consistently lied about its own achievements and undermined how much Pakistan has achieved (e.g claiming Munabo was not taken, the comical surgical strike incident, suggesting the IN destroyed Ghazi, painting Hindustani aircraft with Pakistani flags and claiming they were Pakistani aircraft that got shot down, lying through their teeth that Pakistan was completely evicted from Kargil, etc).

Also, as said before, even your beloved Mr Haqqani agrees that Pakistan captured 4,000 square km of land in 1965.

Barking the same crap again and again won't get you anywhere.
Doesn't change the fact that we still provided proof for some of our claims, which makes the others more credible, especially when Hindustan has consistently lied about its own achievements and undermined how much Pakistan has achieved (e.g claiming Munabo was not taken, the comical surgical strike incident, suggesting the IN destroyed Ghazi, painting Hindustani aircraft with Pakistani flags and claiming they were Pakistani aircraft that got shot down, lying through their teeth that Pakistan was completely evicted from Kargil, etc).

Also, as said before, even your beloved Mr Haqqani agrees that Pakistan captured 4,000 square km of land in 1965.

Barking the same crap again and again won't get you anywhere.
Haqqani is your former Ambassador - your beloved. If someone from your country criticizes you, doesn't put him in the Indian camp. Although Indians also say the same stuff - anyone who questions aspects of the Govt is told "Go to Pakistan" - it is juvenile.

You have not provided a single proof to back your claim except bombastic rhetoric. Show me some neutral account.
LOL the term Hindu was a British concoction to define all the various polytheistic beliefs in their artificial entity known as "British India", their is no such religion as Hindu as their is no such religion as river Volga, the truth is the ancestors of Indus folk (Pakistanis) followed Vedic beliefs whilst yours followed Puranic beliefs, sure Vedic beliefs had some influence on you Gangadeshis when during mid-Iron age your feral, primitive, banana munching ancestors were domesticated by their superiors ie pioneers from historical Indus region, nothing more nothing less, BTW going by the ancient definition of Hind,Sindu etc you are not Hindu in culture, race etc PERIOD
So much racial hatred in you. Fake racial superiority? Do you also think Arabs are superior to you Vedic Hindus?

You are insane and full of hate.
A very interesting read..

A depressingly familiar picture of ego, opportunism and ambition that has launched many losing battles.

Mushy was over eager and naive, he saw a chance for glory - regardless of the cost to his country and his soldiers - as they say, fools rush in where angels dare to tread.

I believe history will show that his entire leadership of Pak was a result of self serving, converging interests of the competing powers (within and outside of Pakistan) nothing to do with his personal characteristics.

The only thing Musharraf overestimated was the resolve of the Civilian Government under American pressure. In the opinion of the experts at that time, including the Army Chief himself, fools be those who have no idea of wars and yet criticize brilliant plans which are neutralized by the same civilians, and that too for their own personal political gains!!!

Your own people have admitted APS attack was carried out by your own citizens. Simply because you want it, doesn't mean you are going to get it.

It matters not who actually carried out the attack, the finger that pulls the trigger is probably less to blame than the mind that plans and the hands which set all these things in motion. APS was a brutal, inhumane attack on our hearts, it was meant only to hurt us emotionally. And it was planned by TTP with directions, instructions, financial and logistical support (in Afghanistan) and guidance by RAW. It was an attack that we Pakistanis, even in extreme anger, cannot wish or plan on anyone, including Indian Schools!!

I would love Mr Musharaf explain these points. The sob owes it to the dead soldiers -

Oh really Mr Musharaf???

Paper tigers. You bet. Roll forward to 2001. The "few paper tigers" now were ruling Pakistan. And we saw how fast Musharaf capitulated in front of US pressure. Paper tiger indeed!

I think it all is self explanatory, that is if you are not blinded by the Kaptaan and actually are capable of looking at facts. The supply lines were never meant to be chained, teams in Kargil had enough rations to last them a long long time. And random supplies could still be arranged as and when required.

Furthermore, India NEVER did cross the IB, did they? Despite engaging 35k soldiers and almost 10 squadrons of IAF, India could not retake all the peaks and yet they never thought of crossing the IB, Musharraf was correct yet again.

And only a child would equate the power projection of USA and of India!!
Why are there attempts to keep army away from what's their basic task!
Kashmir is the unfinished agenda and Pakistan army should go for it again and again.
If army will not attempt than it's naturally people taking it in their hands.
Kashmir must be taken! and now after carrying out so much terrorism in Pakistan... revenge with India is also over due.
If any one is in disagreement... he/she should go and ask the kids of dead soldiers and ask the parents of APS kids.

You should actually talk to the perpetrators of the APS attack.

The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claimed responsibility for the attack, describing it as revenge for Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the Pakistani military's offensive in North Waziristan that started in summer 2014.

TTP spokesman Muhammad Omar Khorasani said that "we targeted the school because the Army targets our families. We want them to feel our pain.", "Our six fighters successfully entered the Army school and we are giving them instructions from outside," said Khorasani by phone. Khorasani also said "Our suicide bombers have entered the school, they have instructions not to harm the children, but to target the Army personnel. It's a revenge attack for the Army offensive in North Waziristan." Later though the Taliban claimed contrary by putting out a statement saying, "More than 50 sons of important army officers were killed after being identified."[25][26] The attacks were mainly coordinated by TTP leaders operating in Afghanistan.[27] According to the Pakistani Federal Investigation Agency or FIA's early investigations, the group was led by the terrorist, Hussain Mubarak Patel who planned the attacks, accompanied by three Arabs and two Afghans who spoke Pashto and were from Eastern Afghanistan.[28] Moustafa Seyan Sediqyar was later killed in a drone strike in Afghanistan on 9 July 2016.[29]
So much racial hatred in you. Fake racial superiority? Do you also think Arabs are superior to you Vedic Hindus?

You are insane and full of hate.
I am from region known as Hind/Ghanadara in ancient times and yes my ancestors followed Vedic beliefs which were somewhat monotheistic and NO my ancestors never referred to themselves as Hindus as their was no such concoction at the time, Hindu is purely a British thing.
BTW Arabs had achievements, the ancestors of Pakistanis had their own achievements ie concept of "zero".
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