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The London Plot

Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark

Friday August 11, 2006
[/URL]Anwaar Hussain

A huge ‘terror plot’ has just been uncovered in London. “This was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable scale” say the London Metropolitan Police. Britain's terror alert, accordingly, has been ratcheted up to its highest-ever level with security services, military and police now on “severe specific” alert.

Not to be left behind, even though the list of unanswered questions, irregularities, and discrepancies continues to grow with each passing hour, the obedient Western media jumped at the occasion ensuring a spate of spectacular cover stories and anti-Muslim tirade.

As usual, though the facts are still coming in, the media is dutifully following the open-ended cues provided by the US and British governments, and reproducing the handed-down script without a pause for the facts to emerge fully. With an indecent haste, government enforcers have already slapped ridiculous restrictions on travelers, with mother's having to taste baby milk before they board planes and all hand luggage, including liquid drinks, being banned.

If there indeed was such a plot, then by its uncovering innocent lives surely have been saved and just in time too. If not, then let us thank God for that and hasten to analyze the event from a slightly closer quarter as it has happened a little too conveniently for certain personages of rather dubious repute and vile agenda.

Consider the following.

The Anglo-USraeli juggernaut is on a roll and under fire at the same time. George Bush’s Iraq jaunt has spun out of control with his own top General now openly admitting the possibility (read happening already) of a civil war in that unfortunate country. With the US president’s 'War on Terror' now thoroughly discredited by renowned policy specialists, his approval ratings stand at a historical worst for any President of United States in opinion polls. Tony Blair is beleaguered by his own party men for his sycophantic support of Zionist extremists. Israel is getting some lessons in humility from the rag tag Hezbollah fighters raising fears among its supporters in the West. Iran not only remains defiant over its nuclear program but also continues to provide both overt and covert support to Hezbollah and Hamas. Syria, uncompromising as ever, watches on quietly for now yet ready to jump into the melee come the calling. In short, it is a mess and THE ISLAMISTS are clearly responsible for all this. Undoubtedly, a single major distraction capable of killing a whole slew of nasty birds was the crying need of the time.

Not surprisingly, therefore, clichés that are the corner stone of Anglo-American policy for global hegemony like ‘Islamic Terror’, 'Bin Laden', 'Jihaadis', ‘Al-Qaeda style attack’, ‘suicide bombers’ and ‘security of Western citizens’ etc. are back with a bang with this latest buildup. The smear machine has had gallons of oil thrown on its creaking cogs and is in full gear instantly. At the same time, to breathe new life into the stalling agenda of their masters, crawling out of the woodwork are these states’ instruments of coercion and control such as the CIA, MI6, Mossad and affiliated intelligence agencies, like Pakistan's ISI.

Statistical analysis has now conclusively proven that every time Blair and Bush slump in approval ratings, a fresh terror alert gives them a rebound back up the charts. Every single major terror alert, hear this, issued by the US, Canadian or UK governments has proven to be either a contrived facade, a setup sting operation or an out-and-out fraud.

But then why not a full blown 9/11 as predicted by many, self included?
Why this just-in-time-uncovering of the plots (e.g. Toronto, Florida, the earlier London plot etc) only days/weeks before the supposed attempts, one may ask?

The answer probably lies in the 9/11 truth movement being on the crest of a wave of media exposure. Distinguished scientific minds and brave citizens have now blown open the lid on evidence of government sponsored terror and how they control the society through the power of noghtmares. The movement itself, already on the lens of quite a few main stream media big names like C-Span, is about to burst out full time from the sidelines into the middle of the road. Similarly, just like the 9/11, the July 2005 London bombings too, have been now proven to be a British intelligence operation and the alleged ringleader, Mohammed Siddique Khan, to be eorking for MI5.

That there are still men and women out there clearly able to see through the charade and call it for what it is, is now the fear of the fear-mongers. It seems that the powers that be have learnt a lesson that it is better to ‘discover just in time’ rather than once again to be the agents of unashamed criminality in the annihilation of their own citizens and become a focus of relentless attention of the truth seekers--for now at least.

Who are the patsies this time, will be clearer in the days to come. As we await more news to come out, it would be worth our while to refresh our memories about some of the past flag operations carried out by certain Western security agencies through their patsies. Infowars has an interesting list.

The Mohammed Atta who operated within the USA attended the Defense Language Institute at Monterey.

U.S. military sources had given the FBI information that suggests five of the alleged hijackers of the 9/11 planes that were used that terror attack received training at secure U.S. military installations in the 1990s.

Three of the alleged hijackers listed their address on driver licenses and car registrations as the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.—known as the “Cradle of U.S. Navy Aviation,” according to a high-ranking U.S. Navy source.

On 29 July 2005, on FOX News Channel's Day Side programme, there was a claim by Former US Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus that the 'mastermind' of the 7/7 London Bombings, Haroon Rashid Aswat, worked for MI6 (British intelligence).

A Kuwaiti citizen Omar Al-Faruq who allegedly was the mastermind in the Bali bomb plot was arrested in Bogor, Indonesia, on June 5, 2002 and handed over to the US authorities. Former Indonesian State Intelligence Coordinating Board (BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang was quoted by Tempt as saying that Al-Faruq is a CIA-recruited agent. A Pentagon official in Washington later confirmed that al-Faruq escaped from a U.S. detention facility in Bagram, Afghanistan, on 10 July 2005. Too convenient by half, I would say.

If this latest hype remains unexposed and the US-UK-Israeli aggressor bloc is able to somehow pin this newest fantasy on Hezbollah, Syria, or Iran, then given the imminent collapse of the Anglo-US imperialistic venture, and the unforeseen drawing out of the current Israeli offensive in Lebanon, this new stunt threatens to take the world into a general war.

As the grateful Bush-Blair combo, the chief beneficiaries of the purported plot, play out their jaded routine in front a servile media, it is time to ring some bells. This large-scale joint psyops of Western governments and media shows that something is not only rotten in the state of Denmark; something far more sinister is afoot.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 E-Mail this article to a friend Printer Friendly Version

London bomb plot: ‘UK hasn’t shared info with Pakistan’

By Mohammad Imran

ISLAMABAD: Syed Kamal Shah, the federal interior secretary, said on Monday that London had not shared any information with Islamabad about the British nationals of Pakistani origin arrested in Britain in connection with the alleged plot to blow up transatlantic airliners.

Talking to reporters after a meeting of the subcommittee of the Public Accounts Committee in Parliament House, Mr Shah said only Pakistani law-enforcement agencies were interrogating Rashid Rauf, described as a “key person” in the plot.

To a question regarding the interrogation of Mr Rauf, he said: “It is continuing and we want to know whether Rashid has any link with Al Qaeda or whether he has any other militant connections in the country.”

He said that the father and brother of the suspect had not been arrested. “When we have captured the main culprit, why should we arrest his father and brother?” he said.

Mr Shah said that according to his information, the UK embassy in Pakistan had received a request for the extradition of Mr Rauf, but it had not handed forwarded it to the interior and foreign affairs ministries. Pakistan and the United Kingdom have no extradition treaty and no memorandum of understanding on mutual legal assistance, he said. “If Pakistan formally receives an extradition request from the UK, we will consider it,” he added.

He said that six Pakistanis were being detained in Guantanamo Bay and Pakistan had requested the US government to release them because they were not involved in any serious crime.

He said the deadline for securing approval from the Interior Ministry for pilgrims intending to visit holy shrines in Iran had been extended to September 15. He said a committee comprising the interior and religious affairs ministers and their federal secretaries would chalk out the procedure for the pilgrims.


Very odd.

Pakistan has provided information and has even arrested one of the plotters and the British don't care to keep Pakistan updated.

It seems to be a one way street!

Colonial mentality?
That is what it appears to be.

Unless there is active interaction, there cannot be any concerted action and if there is no concerted action, the bad apples will rule the roost.

That will only mean status quo and the terrorists will continue to use Pakistan as the base, when possibly that would be the last thing that Musharraf appreciates.
UK terror suspects' faith made in India

Vijay Dutt

August 18, 2006

Among those arrested in connection with the recent terror plot to blow up transatlantic airliners, the key figures seem to be linked to the Tablighi Jamaat, an orthodox Islamic movement that was formed in India in 1927. Its headquarters was in Nizamuddin, Delhi.

The followers of the Tablighi Jamaat have to adhere to the strict tenets of Islam. However, now security agencies — not just in Britain but across Europe and in the US — are concerned that the missionary movement has become a sleeper or active cell of militants and has links to Al Qaeda.

Assad Sarwar, a suspect arrested in High Wycombe, is said to be a follower of the sect. His brother Amjad was quoted as saying that Assad, who dropped out of university, attended weekend study groups of the Tablighi Jamaat. On Channel Four, Amjad said, "He was at Tablighi Jamaat, which is a sect in Islam which encourages the youth to grow beard, pray five times a day…. He thought religion was more important than study."

It is not just Assad. The relatives and friends of some of the 23 people arrested last week told the police that the detainees were followers of the Tablighi Jamaat, which is believed to control several mosques in Britain.

Another suspect arrested in Walthamstow, Waheed Zaman, is also allegedly a follower.

This is not the first time that a terror plot has been linked to the Tablighi Jamaat. One of the 7/7 suicide bombers, Mohammad Sidique Khan, was a follower. Another, Shehzad Tanweer, had visited a mosque controlled by the Tablighi Jamaat in Leeds.

The British headquarters of the sect in Dewsbury has denied any link to terrorism. But the police are watching its travelling preachers. (The followers are supposed to undertake journeys -- usually for a specified period of 4 months, 40 days, 10 days or 3 days -- in which members of each group learn the tenets of Islam from each other.)
These preachers had reportedly frequented a mosque in East London where the majority of the 23 detainees had gone to pray.

The Jamaat's links to Al Qaeda became known when some of the operatives of the latter confessed in the US that they had earlier attended the Jamaat's camp in Pakistan.

As usual the journalists try to sensationalise the mundane.

This terrorist is has not learnt terrorism in India nor has any madrassas of India been visited by him. Therefore, it cannot be "Made In India".

He was not born in India. Therefore, even the biological manifestation into the earth i.e. birth can be labelled as "Made In India".

The only thing Indian is his parents origin.

If he is alluding to the Tablighi being Made in India, well so are many things made in India. Even General Musharraf is "Made in India". So?

Vijay Datta has a perverted ra t race mentality to have headlined his article so.

Is he ruing that Pakistan has beaten India hollow and India should catch up?
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