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The Last Word: Indian media's response to soldiers' killing jingoistic?

The patrol was a party of 5, they came under attack from a numerically superior force-2 were killed the other 3 wounded and are now in hospital. The 2 deceased could have been dragged away or not wither way the other 3 were wounded and either trying to treat themselves or escape.

As per ex-colonel views in the video - that was a serious lapse. Patrol had to be on a high alert, for retaliation from the opponent was due.. IA is one of the polished armies, I am sure patrol was a party of more than 5.
@KRAIT what's your take on this?
I think war mongering on national channels by Media is idiotic. We should rther focus on making more aware that don't become used to of everything. All got their blood boiled in 2008 but 4 years later they forgot everything.

This is where Media should focus. Make people ask questions from the govt. Make them understand what is rational and practical demands and what are emotional demands which can cause troubles.

War will ruin our economy, that it means it will even affect south even if they may not get militarily attacked.

Media should ask people to ask the govt. to take economic measures and diplomacy all over the world to pressurize Pakistan for years to come.

Its time we should use our Economy as a weapon. Its the area where Pakistan can't match us.
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I thin war mongering on national channels by Media is idiotic. We should rther focus on making more aware that don't become used to of everything. All got their blood boiled in 2008 but 4 years later they forgot everything.

This is where Media should focus. Make people ask questions from the govt. Make them understand what is rational and practical demands and what are emotional demands which can cause troubles.

War will ruin our economy, that it means it will even affect south even if they may not get militarily attacked.

Media should ask people to ask the govt. to take economic measures and diplomacy all over the world to pressurize Pakistan for years to come.

Its time we should use our Economy as a weapon. Its the area where Pakistan can't match us.

As per ex-colonel views in the video - that was a serious lapse. Patrol had to be on a high alert, for retaliation from the opponent was due.. IA is one of the polished armies, I am sure patrol was a party of more than 5.

Lapse took place, I think most sane people would admit this.
I think war mongering on national channels by Media is idiotic. We should rther focus on making more aware that don't become used to of everything. All got their blood boiled in 2008 but 4 years later they forgot everything.

This is where Media should focus. Make people ask questions from the govt. Make them understand what is rational and practical demands and what are emotional demands which can cause troubles.

War will ruin our economy, that it means it will even affect south even if they may not get militarily attacked.

Media should ask people to ask the govt. to take economic measures and diplomacy all over the world to pressurize Pakistan for years to come.

Its time we should use our Economy as a weapon. Its the area where Pakistan can't match us.

Wasn't precisely asking about war warmongering, war is not good for either countries that is an established fact. How would media ask people itself to pressurize the government? Again it's not journalism! Do you want a government that runs on media dictation? You are just coming other way around, can't understand why do you always prefer pressure tactics through other means or permanent disengagement if former fails, in fact it (PT) always was a failure. Is it really that hard to acknowledge bilateral settlements, trust me they are more durable..
Wasn't precisely asking about war warmongering, war is not good for either countries that is an established fact. How would media ask people itself to pressurize the government? Again it's not journalism! Do you want a government that runs on media dictation? You are just coming other way around, can't understand why do you always prefer pressure tactics through other means or permanent disengagement if former fails, in fact it (PT) always was a failure. Is it really that hard to acknowledge bilateral settlements, trust me they are more durable..
What you ignore is bilateral relationship extends when both sides really want to make peace. For that, both have to get rid of this war mongering lobby which do not want any peace deal.

See point is, Indian media is not dictating anything. Indian media is also bashed by Indians. What Indian media is saying is what Indian feels. Many Indians are sick of Aman ka Tamasha. They don't trust Pakistan. So, if the govt. tries to normalize relations and then some terrorist attack or this event happens, Indian people say why the hell we started talks with Pakistan.

The 1990s Kashmir insurgency and all bomb blasts are fresh in minds of youth and children of that time which are now either belongs to 30s or 40 years bracket. This population is looked upon as the guide of younger population.

But the new medium has made youth more aware. I am interested in geo-politics and through FB I have informed over 200 people about the Indo-Pak conditions. Most of them just read it. So now, they no longer need info from mainstream media. Now the rationality and maturity in this younger generation is quite astonishing. And they don't like this talks followed by terrorist attacks.

They want India to focus on other major problems and they are actively participating in it. They think to hell with our neighbors, lets take care of our country first. They wants indifference regarding Pakistan, not war. They want India to compete with western world in all field.

We used to try for IITs, IIMs and other Indian institutes, Bollywood and civil services, now this generation wants to compete at gobal scale. They want to get good edducation in West, work in multi-national companies, they give GRE and GMAT in ever increasing numbers, dream of Hollywood, dream of finding their own company and become a global player.

That's why they don;t think about Pakistan and say don't talk to them, just leave Pakistan on its own. When I read news regarding Pakistan, I don't see Pakistan as why should India involve in this country where there is nothing they can offer us except trade route. I would rather like Indo-China relations to strengthen because that country can give us, teach us and improve us a lot.

People now wants India to have good relations with US, China, Japan, EU, South America, middle east while focus on investing in Africa. Pakistan is a bad investment of time and money for them. For them Pakistan is only good to play few matches. That is it.
Indian media is a try hard English media. They try so hard to become pro-India when in reality they make their countrymen look like 82 IQ monkeys.

India doesnt want UN probe because all of India's dirty secrets will be exposed in Kashmir and UN will support Pakistan in Kashmir issue.

Pakistan played briliant in this cause.

Now I want reataliation for the hundreds of thousands of kashmiris killed by the indian occupation army.

They will cry when they get slapped back in the face
What you ignore is bilateral relationship extends when both sides really want to make peace. For that, both have to get rid of this war mongering lobby which do not want any peace deal.

See point is, Indian media is not dictating anything. Indian media is also bashed by Indians. What Indian media is saying is what Indian feels. Many Indians are sick of Aman ka Tamasha. They don't trust Pakistan. So, if the govt. tries to normalize relations and then some terrorist attack or this event happens, Indian people say why the hell we started talks with Pakistan.

The 1990s Kashmir insurgency and all bomb blasts are fresh in minds of youth and children of that time which are now either belongs to 30s or 40 years bracket. This population is looked upon as the guide of younger population.

But the new medium has made youth more aware. I am interested in geo-politics and through FB I have informed over 200 people about the Indo-Pak conditions. Most of them just read it. So now, they no longer need info from mainstream media. Now the rationality and maturity in this younger generation is quite astonishing. And they don't like this talks followed by terrorist attacks.

They want India to focus on other major problems and they are actively participating in it. They think to hell with our neighbors, lets take care of our country first. They wants indifference regarding Pakistan, not war. They want India to compete with western world in all field.

We used to try for IITs, IIMs and other Indian institutes, Bollywood and civil services, now this generation wants to compete at gobal scale. They want to get good edducation in West, work in multi-national companies, they give GRE and GMAT in ever increasing numbers, dream of Hollywood, dream of finding their own company and become a global player.

That's why they don;t think about Pakistan and say don't talk to them, just leave Pakistan on its own. When I read news regarding Pakistan, I don't see Pakistan as why should India involve in this country where there is nothing they can offer us except trade route. I would rather like Indo-China relations to strengthen because that country can give us, teach us and improve us a lot.

People now wants India to have good relations with US, China, Japan, EU, South America, middle east while focus on investing in Africa. Pakistan is a bad investment of time and money for them. For them Pakistan is only good to play few matches. That is it.

You as usual left me confused - On one hand you're suggesting both sides to get rid of warmongering elements who indeed are hurdle in peace process on other hand you are depicting leave Pakistan at its own as you people believe it is good for nothing, can't offer more than a passage.

First of all, I don't have any problem with your media when it reflects notions of Indian public, you and your media are all free to feel and say anything. Whether its journalism, sensationalism or jingoism I simply do not care as long as it's not about Pakistan. I would by default stand related if it reports about issues where Pakistan is a party. Second off all, so-called Aman ka Tamasha what you love to refer to from time to time was an initiative taken by two media group - it never was, it never is, and never will be official. The biggest beneficiary of this Aman ka Tamsha is actually you, you are getting everything without even a formal discussion on Kashmir. We all know how sincere you and us are in this Aman waman, the cricket series you played with us was a favour but that served you too, you got diplomatic leverage and jaijaikar all across the west. I am sure, if India had won the series it would have became absolutely justified, you guys would have made your victory a part of your posts to explain frustration of PA jawans.

Stop this poppycock on Pakistan's role in Indian insurgency! It never was one sided, remember Bahinis who were getting your support back in 71? That was the start! How about TTP and BLA ? Till last night you were not able to rule out RAW backing behind those two and now you are reminding us of Kashmir insurgency! That's bit rich coming from your end!

Two countries directly or indirectly are killing people on each side and you are suggesting we must leave situation at its own! You can leave things at their own but if next time any unfortunate incident happens in India then don't blame Pakistan for that. Nowhere in the world roses are offered against guns, everyone is familiar with the phrase "tit for tat" There is a saying jab unthoon (camels) see dosti rakhi hay tau darwazay bhi onnchay banwao.

There are not many people in Pakistan who are pro India, fortunately or unfortunately more than half of Pakistan population would be more than happy if this peace process is halted right here. Think tanks encourage relations with Iran, China and Russia. There's nothing we are going to get if the relations between Pakistan and India are normalized except decrease in insurgency/terrorism but on the other hand you'll get more, passage through Pakistan and of course insurance cover for insurgency/terrorism.
@Emmie See, I am telling you various school of thoughts in India. Always keep in mind that when you have 1.2 billion people, you may have more people who wants peace with Pakistan and their population is greater than your entire population.

Lets say 50-50% people wants to have peace relation between our countries . That means around 600 million in India for peace and just 90 million in Pakistan.

This 600 million is a huge market for media to earn from Aman ki Aasha. Well there is 600 million people who don't want peace with Pakistan and they call it Aman ki Tamasha.

This is where people fail to understand. Always keep Population in mind when you talk of nation of size of India. Always.

As for terrorism, both countries' hands are dirty. We can play this blame game all day long.

So ask yourself a question, when you talk of peace you may have support of 600 million but you have opposition of 600 million.

You have to understand India from all aspects to understand what is our internal and external policy. I am not against anyone, anything. I just explain the ugly reality in this world and even in my country.

I am just explaining the various segments of India.
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@KRAIT, look issues are not solved on the basis of percentage of the population. Mango men doesn't even know ABC about geo-politics, for the very reasons you have policy makers. Policies if go counter-productive are reviewed, plus you have world community that sometimes influence your decisions. Governments do not necessarily always make their people happy.

Media has a vital role to play, disinformation would definitely breed menace. My whole point stands on the disinformation, malafide reporting on LOC incident.
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@Emmie See, I am telling you various school of thoughts in India. Always keep in mind that when you have 1.2 billion people, you may have more people who wants peace with Pakistan and their population is greater than your entire population.

Lets say 50-50% people wants to have peace relation between our countries . That means around 600 million in India for peace and just 90 million in Pakistan.

This 600 million is a huge market for media to earn from Aman ki Aasha. Well there is 600 million people who don't want peace with Pakistan and they call it Aman ki Tamasha.

This is where people fail to understand. Always keep Population in mind when you talk of nation of size of India. Always.

As for terrorism, both countries' hands are dirty. We can play this blame game all day long.

So ask yourself a question, when you talk of peace you may have support of 600 million but you have opposition of 600 million.

You have to understand India from all aspects to understand what is our internal and external policy. I am not against anyone, anything. I just explain the ugly reality in this world and even in my country.

I am just explaining the various segments of India.

Who cares... These numbers wont help you anywhere

You also need to thnk about malnutrition in India. Estimated 50 million.

Then you have to think about poverty. Do you think a poor Indian cares what happens between India and Pakistan? Estimated 500 million.

Then illiteracy. Estimated illiterates in India - 350 million

So it's about 900 million in India who dont care or have no means to care whats happening in Pakistan and India.

That leaves 300 million that do care about Pakistan and India.

And then you have to sort out the neutrals, liberals, razakars ;)

Besides when has this big 1.2 population helped you anywhere? You won no gold medals in Olympics
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I have no shred of doubt that Indian media is more like Bollywood based media and they do go extreme. This debate is very balanced, not finished watching it so far.
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