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The largest World Bank loan for the health sector in India, $1 Billion Loan.

Excuse me why does governments have to bailout every deadbeat or irresponsible citizen ?

So you are not empathetic to the plight of 300,000+ Indian farmers who committed suicide because of socio-economic reasons just between 1995 and 2015 because of the stupid idea of micro-credit lending that was made more complex by adding interest ? 300,000 can be the population of a small city in your country. A city vanished. These suicides have existed since 1947 ( India's Independence ) because of India's extremely Capitalist socio-economic structure. I don't know how many India farmers and peasants, and students, committed suicide.

And what do you mean by "irresponsible citizen" ?

The government take loans so that they don't have to strain their coffers for it.

So what are these coffers for ?
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That's wonderful to hear. Tell me more about him if you want to.

Sorry to hear that there is not even a remote chance of him participating in discussions on PDF.

Why not ? At least at broad-level give a critique of my proposed economic system.

Recently there was a thread about poor Chinese not able to afford high-quality quality healthcare in China and coming to India to avail of India's medical tourism which they find relatively cheaper than in "Communist" China. Those poor don't have access to free healthcare. But the basic question is why is there a economic class differentiation ( rich, poor, middle ) in a Communist country ? There are billionaires there like Jack Ma but also poor who cannot afford high-quality medical treatment there. An absurdity ! The Chinese middle class is satisfied with its new-found ability to buy personal-transport cars and with the high-pitch nationalism of China becoming a bigger military force, not considering the troubled lives of their country's poor. That is Capitalist China for you.

About Japan, an advanced society socially / culturally with its cat island and all, but also has Capitalism-related ills like high-competition in educational institutions ( leading to student suicides ) and some people keeping the dead bodies of their parents at home and not communicating of this to the authorities as they want to continue receiving the pension of their parents.

The website of the Democratic Socialists of America has a statement that Capitalism creates unnecessary competition among humans and thus creates disharmony ( this last are my words ). One manifestation of this in India is an artificially low number of educational institutes which leads to India having a silly system of limited seats per college to gain which students have to engage in unscientific pursuit of high exam marks. An intimately connected thing to this is some institutes offering some of those limited seats to "meritorious" ( high marks taking ) students. Read this thread of mine from some days ago about a girl from Telangana who, at a more immediate reason, committed suicide because Delhi University ( your own alma mater ) wasn't sending her the promised scholarship money. Her family was poor and her younger sister had to have her studies discontinued to divert money to the older girl's studies. Was this suicide and their general situation necessary ? Why doesn't India have free high-quality education to all levels and institutes spread all over the country ? Why do student suicides have to occur, including in that accursed town Kota where reside stupid coaching classes ?

You should remove yourself from obsessing with the micro-level well called "jobs" and understand that India needs employment that is scientifically designed, those all that I said to you previously. Think macro-level too. Think holistically.

Until 2014 the arrogant Indian software engineers in IBM-India and TCS thought that they had "good jobs and stability". Then in early 2014... Read this post.

Also, in India until Kingfisher Airlines had neo-rich software engineers and MBAs had money to fly in luxury to foreign shores on this airline the airline employees thought they had a "good job" and decent life but once those passengers lost jobs or had salary cuts because of external artificial factors this airline couldn't get enough passengers to allow it to maintain its human staff, aircraft maintenance, airport fee and other monies to be given. The employees of Kingfisher lost their jobs and some protested in an organized way. But in the case of one engineer of this airline his wife committed suicide because the family was financially distressed because of their previous "good job" money being invested in purchase or conduct of various middle class things including their son's college fee.

"Supply and Demand" shouldn't always be taken as correct approach. The global automobile industry supplies hugely to India because of demand in India, especially among the Indian middle class which buys cars and two-wheelers. But this has lead to huge pollution from these vehicles. A recent report said that India had four among ten of the most traffic-created polluted and traffic-congested cities in the world and Bangalore being the number one in the world. According to Karnataka state CM, Bangalore has 8.4 million vehicles and most of these would be privately-owned personal transports. Creation of massive pollution which came through "Supply and Demand". Was this the right approach ? What should instead be the correct approach ? Like this here.

Judiciary... We should think of the release from jail of the right-wing troll Arnab Goswami, the release from jail of that bomber Sadhvi Pragya and the continued incarceration of the progressive activists Varavara Rao and Professor GN Saibaba despite these last two having serious health conditions, though now the Bombay High Court has allowed Rao's transfer to a hospital because the court says he is on his death-bed.

There are other examples too.

We should think about reforming the judiciary where it is found not being just.

1. Did I say India shouldn't spend on science and technology ? Among other fields I want India to spend on making scientific and modern the agricultural sector ( this post of mine ) and to spend on setting up an ambitious program for an Indian manned Mars settlement, in collaboration with others, by the early 2030s and towards which ISRO can at this point itself set up a Mars Analog Station in some cold desert region.

2. What do you mean by "Culture" ?

How ?

This thread of mine has a proposal from me for a new Communist socio-economic system. It is meant to eliminate economic classification ( rich, middle, poor ). This is still a work in progress but read through the thread and tell me how you think it will retain the poor class, or like you said, will create more poor.

Where do you get so much passion and energy and willingness to engage all and sundry.

You are fit to join politics and Change India for good. Your thought process is utopion and you will not become PM of India...but yes , you can keep the powerful in check.

God give you long life and success.
Where do you get so much passion and energy and willingness to engage all and sundry.

You are fit to join politics and Change India for good. Your thought process is utopion and you will not become PM of India...but yes , you can keep the powerful in check.

God give you long life and success.

Thank you for the kind wishes. Some years ago I had met the State Secretary for my state of one of the prominent public communist groups in India. I wanted to join that party and had a few talk sessions with him and we spoke on a variety of things including suppression during decades ago of Iraqi Communist progressives by the Iraqi Baathists who were also progressives.

The State Secretary asked me to speak to the city's party incharge and invited me to a protest in front of the town hall where some people would gather to protest Rohith Vemula's suicide so I think this was early 2017, one year after his suicide. Unfortunately I missed meeting the party's city incharge that day and then never got to making a visit to the party's city office.

But I do have a systematic plan for the next ten years to contribute to changing India.

As for PM I support Kanhaiya Kumar in that position for the mid-term ( before 2030 ).

India and lone....I don't believe it, must be ISI propaganda
India's COVID-19 budget is bigger than entire Pakistan budget!!
loan is given to countries which have potential to return it.
Thank you for the kind wishes. Some years ago I had met the State Secretary for my state of one of the prominent public communist groups in India. I wanted to join that party and had a few talk sessions with him and we spoke on a variety of things including suppression during decades ago of Iraqi Communist progressives by the Iraqi Baathists who were also progressives.

The State Secretary asked me to speak to the city's party incharge and invited me to a protest in front of the town hall where some people would gather to protest Rohith Vemula's suicide so I think this was early 2017, one year after his suicide. Unfortunately I missed meeting the party's city incharge that day and then never got to making a visit to the party's city office.

But I do have a systematic plan for the next ten years to contribute to changing India.

As for PM I support Kanhaiya Kumar in that position for the mid-term ( before 2030 ).


You should Join BJP. Join it and change it within.
Thank you for the kind wishes. Some years ago I had met the State Secretary for my state of one of the prominent public communist groups in India. I wanted to join that party and had a few talk sessions with him and we spoke on a variety of things including suppression during decades ago of Iraqi Communist progressives by the Iraqi Baathists who were also progressives.

The State Secretary asked me to speak to the city's party incharge and invited me to a protest in front of the town hall where some people would gather to protest Rohith Vemula's suicide so I think this was early 2017, one year after his suicide. Unfortunately I missed meeting the party's city incharge that day and then never got to making a visit to the party's city office.

But I do have a systematic plan for the next ten years to contribute to changing India.

As for PM I support Kanhaiya Kumar in that position for the mid-term ( before 2030 ).


i like communists but they are not going to recover now .they are finished .though we need chinese type system for our development.
You should Join BJP. Join it and change it within.

BJP is backward party , young progressive generation free from brahmanism should take over bjp then only it can develop country .
loan is given to countries which have potential to return it.

aahhhh I get it, it means India needs loans even to solve their COVID problem for which their budget was bigger than Pakistan's entire budget...now this calls for another :rofl::rofl:
aahhhh I get it, it means India needs loans even to solve their COVID problem for which their budget was bigger than Pakistan's entire budget...now this calls for another :rofl::rofl:

do you know why pakistan did not get the loan ?
You should Join BJP. Join it and change it within.

1. At the immediate scale of time how do I achieve the balance of my leftist ideas with the rightist, capitalist ideas of the BJP ?

2. There are alternative platforms existing, especially those who will at least hear my words, example that new economic system I proposed.

3. I want to contribute to change within corporate India ( and thus a part of the employment system and perhaps a part of the political system ) by setting up a startup company whose products will be the two fundamental elements in any computer device : The microprocessor and the operating system. I have been designing these two for some years. Am the only person in India to be putting out local designs of these so I may find a reasonable platform to voice my ideas.

i like communists but they are not going to recover now .they are finished

On the contrary the Indian public communists / socialists have found a resurgence after the 2016 events in JNU and also the suicide of Rohith Vemula the same year. The youth are encouraged. Kanhaiya, Shehla an Umar have become national faces.

What I wish the Indian public leftists should do is form an umbrella platform with other non-Right groups. Dalit leaders Chandrashekhar Azad Ravan ( of Bhim Army ) and Jignesh Mevani have been working with the Left. The Congress, AAP, Swaraj India and the Gupkar Alliance should join them too, more closely. Perhaps TMC too. There should be a sensible name for this umbrella movement and wherever the components of this movement win parliamentary seats the name of that person should be associated not his or her base party but the name of the umbrella movement. This would be similar to the PLO ( Palestine Liberation Organization ) which is an umbrella movement of various, mostly Left groups.

though we need chinese type system for our development.

Well, I find China being communist only in name. Consider this : Just a few days ago was a thread about Chinese poor citizens coming to India to avail of India's relatively cheaper ( for them ) medical tourism industry. Now not only has China failed in providing high-quality free healthcare to its citizens but also has economic classes ( rich, middle, poor ). Then there are other things like existence of stock exchanges and houses that are bought at high price ( instead of being free ).

Below is the Google result for the keyword "Communism" :
Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money and the state.Wikipedia
Tick the boxes where you don't find China to be a communist country.
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do you know why pakistan did not get the loan ?

because Covid is not a problem in Pakistan and Pakistan doesnt need a loan for it, despite having complete budget smaller than India's COVID-19 budget (this calls for another :rofl::rofl:)
because Covid is not a problem in Pakistan and Pakistan doesnt need a loan for it, despite having complete budget smaller than India's COVID-19 budget (this calls for another :rofl::rofl:)

neither polio nor kovid in pakistan :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

loan was rejected because of inflated and ten times fske rates of equipments claimed by pakistani authorities .
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neither polio nor kovid in pakistan :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

loan was rejected because of inflated and ten times fske rates of equipments claimed by pakistani authorities .

you know the saying khisyani billi
you tell why your loan application was rejected ?

because our entire budget is smaller than India's COVID-19 budget :rofl:
I have 1001 ways to rub it on your face, keep trying, but shameless wont be ashamed of their stupidity
So what are these coffers for ?
I will give the answer you like, for Ambani and Adani :azn:

PS : It's mostly for providing salaries, government acquisitions, infrastructure projects, providing subsidies among other things. Or things we can't get loan for unless of course, it's a bailout.
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