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The Largest Country Without Medals in Rio: Pakistan

You do realize that even to make a "mighty" contingent, you need your athletes to qualify?

India sent a 'mighty' contingent because they all qualified - it was not a quota given to India based on her population.

Was India's performance pathetic? Of course, it was. But Pakistan should be the last country to make fun of India - not when it failed to get a single medal and India got 2. Certainly not when a single Pakistani athlete failed to qualify for Olympics.

@Topic Pakistan is not just the largest country without medals, it is also the largest country not to have a single athlete that qualified.

Wild cards don't count!

A poor conservative violence wracked country [women automatically excluded from being competitive] -- where the olympics sports a misaligned with sports that are traditionally played in Pak -- I don't think so ... by comparison India is a world power, and purportedly is China's equal.

even if none of the Athletes qualified the performance of India / Pakistan / Afghanistan is pretty much at par. I guess on that scale if you want to exclude statistical flukes Afghanistan's is the most superior of the three -- I suspect the remaining south asian nations are pretty much the same (?)

I mean we know Pakistan is purportedly the blight of humanity but what happened to our more progressive, enlightened neighbors?
Side effects of neglecting the real needs of Pakistan and running the country as a security state are ought to have consequences in bigger scheme of things.

All is not well as the Gernals would want you to believe.



@pakistani342 : tagged you here, prolly its better in a dedicated thread here.
was shinning india, the new india, the biggest democracy, the country of billionairs, country of innovation...
just 1 bronze...i mean not even sliver
25 % of India doesnt even have electricity let alone have a concept of loadshedding.


how much medals Afghanistan got????

We got one bronze in the olympics just before this but anyways that is beside the point I am trying to make.

The point here is that we are so busy in destroying each other than we we have forgotten the important bits which is focusing on our people and her needs.
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but you can see that Indian's electrification rate is better than Pakistan 80% to 73% and that gap will probably widen in India's favor.

I'm surprised to see Bangladesh so low and Sri Lanka is 94% despite a vicious civil war -- I think the Sri Lankans are the smarter South Asians -- they look at the rest of us with disgust :-)
This is the time when Pakistan gets into non-progressing, non-development mode hence the out old pal Riaz Haq is missing these days. Until we compete to top each other rather than to bring down each other, we will never have a healthy competition, and no improvements.
This is the time when Pakistan gets into non-progressing, non-development mode hence the out old pal Riaz Haq is missing these days. Until we compete to top each other rather than to bring down each other, we will never have a healthy competition, and no improvements.

India is in a different league -- you don't suffer from religiosity -- actually with the election of you know who maybe India is not that different.

In anywise India is a major market, major economy -- Pakistan can simply not compete with India in terms of scale etc.

Pakistan needs to focus on being Pakistan. Pakistan is a regional power -- India a global power -- the scales make different animals
As far as I know most of the people of Pakistan don't really care that much for olympics. As long as we are doing well in cricket is all that really matters to us I guess.
We got one bronze in the olympics just before this but anyways that is beside the point I am trying to make.
i was actually asking
no trolling
The point here is that we are so busy in destroying each other than we we have forgotten the important bits which is focusing on our people and her needs.
noble thoughts
but i still can not believe you blamed Generals for this in ur OP
i noticed all Afghan flaggers hate Generals
as if generals are Aliens but not Pakistanis
but wait they also hate Pakistan
sometimes I wonder what Pakistan did to them was that bad?
then I realize History
Afghans have been destroying themselves since the Saqqa rule
then i simply ignore them
you see it is much more easier to blame Indians or US for Govt incompetence and failures in Pakistan
then I realize the toll of Blaming Pakistan in all three respective countries is even higher
I mean it is all so funny how Pakistan is the only bad boy here and all of them forgot what happened before war on terror
as you realize history dont start from 2000 or 1990 it starts way back
nevertheless have a gud afghan night
you can see that Indian's electrification rate is better than Pakistan 80% to 73% and that gap will probably widen in India's favor.

I'm surprised to see Bangladesh so low and Sri Lanka is 94% despite a vicious civil war -- I think the Sri Lankans are the smarter South Asians -- they look at the rest of us with disgust :-)

Indian govt is on track (and may actually be ahead of) to achieve full electrification by 2018 and full 24x7 power to everyone by 2019 with probably the most capable prudent minister India has ever had (Piyush Goyal) running this ministry.

This along with the sanitation program (Swach Bharat) which seeks to achieve full sanitation coverage by 2019 are their major socioeconomic drives.

Rather than simply putting targets, they are actually going out to achieve them on the ground and asking citizens to participate in monitoring and giving feedback to the progress and how it can be improved/accelerated etc.

India is not a homogeneous state of development. It is basically taking what is known to have worked and implementing in areas where it has not started or is very slow (large parts of ganges valley hindi heartland especially) etc....

Sri Lanka for example is a microcosm of where it has worked in India (Kerala, other parts of South India, parts of developed north india, Gujarat, Maharashtra etc..)
i was actually asking
Afghans have been destroying themselves since the Saqqa rule

Saqo Saqo not Saqqa

Bache Saqo

Or Bache-i Saqo if you want to be very proper

Indian govt is on track (and may actually be ahead of) to achieve full electrification by 2018 and full 24x7 power to everyone by 2019 with probably the most capable prudent minister India has ever had (Piyush Goyal) running this ministry.

This along with the sanitation program (Swach Bharat) which seeks to achieve full sanitation coverage by 2019 are their major socioeconomic drives.

Rather than simply putting targets, they are actually going out to achieve them on the ground and asking citizens to participate in monitoring and giving feedback to the progress and how it can be improved/accelerated etc.

2019 that's just 2 years away -- sounds unrealistic given India's size
2019 that's just 2 years away -- sounds unrealistic given India's size

There has been a lot of acceleration over the last 2 years or so by the new administration.

You have to remember the numbers from the table I posted are from 2013 data.

Here is the update for India now:


i.e they electrified 6,000 of roughly 18,000 total unelectrified villages at the start of 2015 in 11 months time or so.

I believe from 2014 to 2015, the villages done similarly was about 3,000 ( so you can see roughly a doubling happening to get the job done)

So now they are accelerating to finish electrification of the remaining 12,000 villages by next year itself....ahead of the 2018 target.

Considering its gone from 3000/year to 6000/year.....a 12,000/year rate this fiscal is not out of realm of possibility and lets sit back and see if they can reach it.

Even continuing at the current rate of 6000/year will have the target reached within the goal of 2018 (which was initially 2019 when they first took power....the success has been quite good so they pushed the deadline forwards and instead made 2019 the 24x7x365 for everyone goal which was originally the year 2022 I believe).
There has been a lot of acceleration over the last 2 years or so by the new administration.

You have to remember the numbers from the table I posted are from 2013 data.

Here is the update for India now:


i.e they electrified 6,000 of roughly 18,000 total unelectrified villages at the start of 2015 in 11 months time or so.

I believe from 2014 to 2015, the villages done similarly was about 3,000 ( so you can see roughly a doubling happening to get the job done)

So now they are accelerating to finish electrification of the remaining 12,000 villages by next year itself....ahead of the 2018 target.

Considering its gone from 3000/year to 6000/year.....a 12,000/year rate this fiscal is not out of realm of possibility and lets sit back and see if they can reach it.

Even continuing at the current rate of 6000/year will have the target reached within the goal of 2018 (which was initially 2019 when they first took power....the success has been quite good so they pushed the deadline forwards).

mmm I guess if you know your figures.

But without knowing more I personally be skeptical just from the standpoint of turning an organization around. It's very difficult to turn around a fortune 500 company much less a lethargic third world bureaucracy -- just changing the top is not sufficient.

As a corollary -- there are a lot of schools in Pakistan but the staff simply does not show up -- the same thing goes for Afghanistan -- a lot of kids are in school but that's on paper.
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