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The kurdish world

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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It will be nice and helpful to have a kurdish thread, where kurds from all over can share their culture and heritage.

The Kurdish people, or Kurds (Kurdish: کورد, Kurd), are an ethnic group in Western Asia, mostly inhabiting a region known as Kurdistan, which includes adjacent parts of Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.

They are an Iranian people and speak the Kurdish languages, which are members of the Iranian branch of Indo-European languages.[31] The Kurds number about 30 million, the majority living in West Asia, with significant Kurdish diaspora communities in the cities of western Turkey, in Armenia, Georgia, Israel, Azerbaijan, Russia, Lebanon and, in recent decades, some European countries and the United States.

The Kurds have had partial autonomy in Iraqi Kurdistan since 1991. Nationalist movements in the other Kurdish-populated countries (Turkey, Syria, Iran) push for Kurdish regional autonomy or the creation of a sovereign state.

Today, the majority of Kurds are Sunni Muslim, belonging to the Shafi school.

There is also a minority of Kurds who are Shia Muslims, primarily living in the Ilam and Kermanshah provinces of Iran, Central and south eastern Iraq (Fayli Kurds)

Mystical practices and participation in Sufi orders are also widespread among Kurds.[215]

The Alevis (usually considered adherents of a branch of Shia Islam) are another religious minority among the Kurds, living in Eastern Anatolia. Alevism developed out of the teachings of Haji Bektash Veli, a 13th-century mystic from Khorasan. Among the Qizilbash, the militant groups which predate the Alevis and helped establish the Safavid Dynasty, there were numerous Kurdish tribes. The American missionary Trowbridge, working at Aintab (present Gaziantep) reported that his Alevi acquaintances considered as their highest spiritual leaders an Ahl-i Haqq sayyid family in the Guran district.[216]

Kurds - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kurdistan cannot be oppressed any more. The Turks will get pay back for their repeated genocides.
I have no extensive knowledge of the Kurdish struggle for an independent state, but I do think that the Kurds have shown restraint in military/terrorist terms as well as a level of diplomatic smartness and patience (very important when you want a country of your own), which has earned the Kurds my support for getting them a sustainable state and territory of their own.

The key i think to getting the Kurds their own state is a kind of renaissance for all muslims, during which muslims peacefully redraw the borders of the Middle East to allow each muslim tribe a territory of their own in which through peaceful migration majority ethnic 'boundaries' can be made to overlap with (new) country borders. This will promote peace and prosperity not just among muslims, but between muslims and non-muslims as well, not to mention reduce foreign meddling with muslim territories.

Believe it or not, the current expanding warzones in the Middle East can be the initiator of this peaceful redrawing of country borders in the region, if muslim leaders in these regions would agree to do so. No government likes to redraw borders and possibly lose territory, but one has to ask: which government likes the prospect of decades or hundreds of years of war?
Then give them territory from your country cause nobody can claim a pebble from Turkey unless they want to see end of the barrel.

I had already come to that conclusion ;) I wont be asking for Turkish land for the Kurdish state. However, I will be advocating the Turks treat repeated prolonged peaceful requests by the Kurds for a small strip of Turkish lands with muchos patience and stubbornness ;)
There's plenty of other borders in the middle east than can be redrawn (by muslims!) first ;)

And, i've never heard the Kurds request Dutch lands ;) I'm pretty sure they don't wanna suffer our cold wet winters ;)
had already come to that conclusion I wont be asking for Turkish land for the Kurdish state. However, I will be advocating the Turks treat repeated prolonged peaceful requests by the Kurds for a small strip of Turkish lands with muchos patience and stubbornness

Lol, you will never ever understand us.... I mean how can you ? You never fought against combined forces of UK, France, Russia, Arab world and Balkan States, at the verge of death, while we had already lost our 1/3 of our entire population and born from ashes, kicked every enemy out of the country and established our state.

Mate, our borders didn't get decided by Imperial Powers on a table. We draw our borders with blood and only blood can undo it. So please don't talk about how should our borders be..
I had already come to that conclusion ;) I wont be asking for Turkish land for the Kurdish state. However, I will be advocating the Turks treat repeated prolonged peaceful requests by the Kurds for a small strip of Turkish lands with muchos patience and stubbornness ;)
There's plenty of other borders in the middle east than can be redrawn (by muslims!) first ;)

And, i've never heard the Kurds request Dutch lands ;) I'm pretty sure they don't wanna suffer our cold wet winters ;)
We gave them a piece of Iraq and Syria,not enough?
Lol, you will never ever understand us.... I mean how can you ? You never fought against combined forces of UK, France, Russia, Arab world and Balkan States, at the verge of death, while we had already lost our 1/3 of our entire population and born from ashes, kicked every enemy out of the country and established our state.

Mate, our borders didn't get decided by Imperial Powers on a table. We draw our borders with blood and only blood can undo it. So please don't talk about how should our borders be..

yuck. you might want to try a testosterone inhibitor dude..

i think it's a sign of severe cultural weakness to not share lands with fellow humans, fellow muslims at that.

We gave them a piece of Iraq and Syria,not enough?
see my previous reply..
yuck. you might want to try a testosterone inhibitor dude..
i think it's a sign of severe cultural weakness to not share lands with fellow humans, fellow muslims at that.

Yeah... i actually cooled down a bit.. anyways dude.

You turned from "giving land" to "sharing land".... and whatever that means god knows. :)

@Al-Kurdi come here, lot's of irrelevant people giving support to you... you may wanna thank them.
yuck. you might want to try a testosterone inhibitor dude..

i think it's a sign of severe cultural weakness to not share lands with fellow humans, fellow muslims at that.

see my previous reply..

They have a place in North Iraq, if they want land so much they can go there, land is not important only for them, as said our borders are not drawn by imperial powers, we have no reason to simply give up on parts of it because some newly aweken nationalists want it.

Call it whatever you want , we are not as godoş as Europeans.
I had already come to that conclusion ;) I wont be asking for Turkish land for the Kurdish state. However, I will be advocating the Turks treat repeated prolonged peaceful requests by the Kurds for a small strip of Turkish lands with muchos patience and stubbornness ;)
There's plenty of other borders in the middle east than can be redrawn (by muslims!) first ;)

And, i've never heard the Kurds request Dutch lands ;) I'm pretty sure they don't wanna suffer our cold wet winters ;)

Here is an option that you could share with your Kurdish settlement plan: they are welcome to take some land of Chinese Xinjiang, in exchange of some Turkic Uighurs moving to Turkey. I guess that everyone would be happy. Chinese Muslims are mostly Sunni and Shafi...
Here is an option that you could share with your Kurdish settlement plan: they are welcome to take some land of Chinese Xinjiang, in exchange of some Turkic Uighurs moving to Turkey. I guess that everyone would be happy. Chinese Muslims are mostly Sunni and Shafi...

Dream like offer. :p:
i think it's a sign of severe cultural weakness to not share lands with fellow humans, fellow muslims at that.

What? Why do keep using the reference 'Muslims'? Who are you talking about?
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