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The Kashmiri Pandits genocide!! Forgotten!!

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El Weirdo

Jul 26, 2011
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Hey guys I found this video on You Tube.. have a look if U do Not want to listen to Benazir Bhuttos speech , fast track to 3.54 Mins.

The Kashmiri Pandits are also a part of Kashmir as Kashmiri Muslims.. or are they ???

As you tube is banned in Pak im typing some pointers of the Video with Pak members.
** Benazir Bhutto`s LIVE speech from Pak entiving the kashmiris... (she finally deserved what her dad deserved, according to Indians )

**Started in 1989 initially when 4 main heads of Kashmiri Pandit community , were gunned down ... by Mujahids.

**then the video goes on to show the torture and killings of few more individual.

** Threatening phone calls and letters were posted atKashmiri pandits homes asking thm to leave Kashmir forever or face the consequences

** Youngstes were kidnapped and killed , women were hanged naked on the trees , some even burnt alive , others branded with hot irons.

** A local paper called AL SAPHA had an article on a Full page of it , asking kashmiri pandits to leave kashmir...
** The rest is torture stories of parents , widows.

** Indian parliament and the world remained silent , intellectuals , secularists , Human right activists everyone remained silent , along with Leftist and Rightist!!

** 350 , 000 Kashmiri pandits had to free their Homeland called Kashmir , and were forced to take refuge in other indian states... Imagine a refuge in your own country , in ****** tents etc.

** lastly ... a guy came back to kashmit to perform his mothers last rights.. He too was killed by Mujahids..

I dont want thanks guys for this video.. But pls share this video in your Facebook status and let others see it too!!
I dont want to spread hatred but both sides of the stories should be known!!
Thanks Guys.
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A make up history to occupy Kashmir.

Hindu army of India building fake pundits.
A make up history to occupy Kashmir.

Hindu army of India building fake pundits.

Did YOU really became an Elite Member on the basis of balanced , informative posts mate ?

Ok , agreed for a second IOK is Occupied ..But the Question still remains , CAN YOU LIBERATE IT?
Give me a Yes or a No please Sir.
If you only want to see everything from religion tinted glasses , U will find fault anthing non islamic.
Ok I invite you to Google "Kashmiri Pandits" or somthing along those lines... and read a source U think is Creadible.. and then make up your mind.

Waiting for other Pakistani members take on this!!
Hindu army of India building fake pundits.
Building fake pandits??? Dude kashmiri pandits are original inhabitants of the valley they are mentioned in our ancient epic mahabharata
Why are we even discussing it..when we did not do anything in the real world and remained mute spectators to that genocide ? Typical Indians.
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